// This file is part of the Herezh++ application. // // The finite element software Herezh++ is dedicated to the field // of mechanics for large transformations of solid structures. // It is developed by Gérard Rio (APP: IDDN.FR.010.0106078.000.R.P.2006.035.20600) // INSTITUT DE RECHERCHE DUPUY DE LÔME (IRDL) <https://www.irdl.fr/>. // // Herezh++ is distributed under GPL 3 license ou ultérieure. // // Copyright (C) 1997-2022 Université Bretagne Sud (France) // AUTHOR : Gérard Rio // E-MAIL : gerardrio56@free.fr // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // // For more information, please consult: <https://herezh.irdl.fr/>. /************************************************************************ * UNIVERSITE DE BRETAGNE SUD (UBS) --- ENSIBS DE LORIENT * ************************************************************************ * IRDL - Equipe DE GENIE MECANIQUE ET MATERIAUX (EG2M) * * Centre de Recherche Rue de Saint Maudé - 56325 Lorient cedex * * tel. fax. http://www-lg2m.univ-ubs.fr * ************************************************************************ * DATE: 08/03/2005 * * $ * * AUTEUR: G RIO/H LAURENT (mailto:gerard.rio@univ-ubs.fr) * * Tel 0297874571 fax : * * $ * ************************************************************************ * BUT: échange de structures de données: fortran Umat -> C++ * * fonction C a implanter du coté d'abaqus (ou autre prog) * * accés directe aux informations. * * * * $ * * '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' * * * * VERIFICATION: * * * * ! date ! auteur ! but ! * * ------------------------------------------------------------ * * ! ! ! ! * * $ * * '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' * * MODIFICATIONS: * * ! date ! auteur ! but ! * * 5 avril 2016 : G Rio : prise en compte des éléments axi * * 17 janvier 2018 : G Rio : prise en compte des contraintes * * planes et déformation planes. * * ------------------------------------------------------------ * * $ * ************************************************************************/ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> /* Pour O_WRONLY, etc */ #include <unistd.h> /* pour les ordres read write close*/ /* définition d'une union qui lie les réels, les entiers et les caractères */ union Tab_car_double_int { char tampon[928]; double x[116]; int n[232]; } ; Tab_car_double_int t_car_x_n; /* --- def des variables globales (a commenter certaines si elles sont declarees autre part) */ /* nom du tube nommé pour l'envoi des donnees */ char* envoi="../Umat_envoi_Hz"; /* nom du tube nomme pour la reception des donnees */ char* reception="../Umat_reception_Hz"; /* -- declarations des variables de passages avec un nom assez long pour qu'il n'y ait pas */ /* -- de confusion avec les noms du programme appelant */ /* --- en sortie uniquement */ double* u_herezh_DDSDDT = &t_car_x_n.x[0]; /* 6 */ double* u_herezh_DRPLDE = &t_car_x_n.x[6]; /* 6 */ double* u_herezh_DDSDDE = &t_car_x_n.x[12]; /* 36 */ /* --- en entrée - sortie */ double* u_herezh_RPL = &t_car_x_n.x[48]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_STRESS = &t_car_x_n.x[49]; /* 6 */ double* u_herezh_SSE = &t_car_x_n.x[55]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_SPD = &t_car_x_n.x[56]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_SCD = &t_car_x_n.x[57]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_DRPLDT = &t_car_x_n.x[58]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_PNEWDT = &t_car_x_n.x[59]; /* 1 */ /* --- en entrée seulement */ double* u_herezh_STRAN = &t_car_x_n.x[60]; /* 6 */ double* u_herezh_DSTRAN = &t_car_x_n.x[66]; /* 6 */ double* u_herezh_TIME = &t_car_x_n.x[72]; /* 2 */ double* u_herezh_DTIME = &t_car_x_n.x[74]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_TemP = &t_car_x_n.x[75]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_DTEMP = &t_car_x_n.x[76]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_COORDS = &t_car_x_n.x[77]; /* 3 */ double* u_herezh_DROT = &t_car_x_n.x[80]; /* 9 */ double* u_herezh_CELENT = &t_car_x_n.x[89]; /* 1 */ double* u_herezh_DFGRD0 = &t_car_x_n.x[90]; /* 9 */ double* u_herezh_DFGRD1 = &t_car_x_n.x[99]; /* 9 */ int* u_herezh_NDI = &t_car_x_n.n[216]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_NSHR = &t_car_x_n.n[217]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_NTENS = &t_car_x_n.n[218]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_NSTATV = &t_car_x_n.n[219]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_NOEL = &t_car_x_n.n[220]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_NPT = &t_car_x_n.n[221]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_LAYER = &t_car_x_n.n[222]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_KSPT = &t_car_x_n.n[223]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_KSTEP = &t_car_x_n.n[224]; /* 1 */ int* u_herezh_KINC = &t_car_x_n.n[225]; /* 1 */ char* u_herezh_CMNAME = &t_car_x_n.tampon[904]; /* 24 */ /* --------------------- rappel des parametres de passage de la routine fortran ------------- */ /* SUBROUTINE UMAT(STRESS,STATEV,DDSDDE,SSE,SPD,SCD, 1 RPL,DDSDDT,DRPLDE,DRPLDT,STRAN,DSTRAN, 2 TIME,DTIME,TEMP,DTEMP,PREDEF,DPRED,MATERL,NDI,NSHR,NTENS, 3 NSTATV,PROPS,NPROPS,COORDS,DROT,PNEWDT,CELENT, 4 DFGRD0,DFGRD1,NOEL,NPT,KSLAY,KSPT,KSTEP,KINC) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C CHARACTER*80 MATERL DIMENSION STRESS(NTENS),STATEV(NSTATV), 1 DDSDDE(NTENS,NTENS),DDSDDT(NTENS),DRPLDE(NTENS), 2 STRAN(NTENS),DSTRAN(NTENS),TIME(2),PREDEF(1),DPRED(1), 3 PROPS(NPROPS),COORDS(3),DROT(3,3), 4 DFGRD0(3,3),DFGRD1(3,3) C DIMENSION EELAS(6),EPLAS(6),FLOW(6) PARAMETER (ONE=1.0D0,TWO=2.0D0,THREE=3.0D0,SIX=6.0D0) DATA NEWTON,TOLER/10,1.D-6/ */ /* --------------------- fin rappel des parametres de passage de la routine fortran ------------- */ /* procedure de lecture de recuperation sur le pipe des infos calculees */ void LectureDonneesUmat(double* STRESS,double* DDSDDE ,double* SSE,double* SPD,double* SCD ,const int* NDI,const int* NSHR,const int* NTENS ,double* PNEWDT ,double* RPL,double* DDSDDT,double* DRPLDE,double* DRPLDT) { /* Creation d'un processus de reception des donnees */ int tub; /* ouverture du tube nomme en lecture */ tub = open(envoi,O_RDONLY); /* lecture dans le tampon */ read (tub,t_car_x_n.tampon,480); close (tub); /* fermeture du tampon */ /* transformation de l'information a priori *NDI + *NSHR = *NTENS, mais abaqus garde les 3 valeurs donc on se refere uniquement sur les 2 premieres donnees -> d'ou un test */ if ((*NDI == 3) && (*NSHR == 3)) {/* cas classique 3D */ int ij; for (ij=0;ij<6;ij++) {STRESS[ij] = u_herezh_STRESS[ij]; DDSDDT[ij] = u_herezh_DDSDDT[ij]; DRPLDE[ij] = u_herezh_DRPLDE[ij]; int kl; for (kl=0;kl<6;kl++) {int r=ij*6+kl; DDSDDE[r] = u_herezh_DDSDDE[r]; }; }; } else if ((*NDI == 2) && (*NSHR == 1)) { /* cas des contraintes planes */ int ij; for (ij=0;ij<3;ij++) { STRESS[ij] = u_herezh_STRESS[ij]; DDSDDT[ij] = u_herezh_DDSDDT[ij]; DRPLDE[ij] = u_herezh_DRPLDE[ij]; int kl; for (kl=0;kl<3;kl++) {int r=ij*3+kl; DDSDDE[r] = u_herezh_DDSDDE[r]; }; }; } else if ((*NDI == 3) && (*NSHR == 1)) {/* cas d'elements axisymetrique 3D */ int ij; for (ij=0;ij<4;ij++) {STRESS[ij] = u_herezh_STRESS[ij]; DDSDDT[ij] = u_herezh_DDSDDT[ij]; DRPLDE[ij] = u_herezh_DRPLDE[ij]; int kl; for (kl=0;kl<4;kl++) {int r=ij*4+kl; DDSDDE[r] = u_herezh_DDSDDE[r]; }; }; }; *SSE = *u_herezh_SSE; *SPD = *u_herezh_SPD; *SCD = *u_herezh_SCD; *PNEWDT = *u_herezh_PNEWDT; *RPL = *u_herezh_RPL; *DRPLDT = *u_herezh_DRPLDT; }; union Tab_car_et_double { char tampon[21]; double truc[2]; } ; /* procedure d'ecriture sur le pipe des infos passees par le programme principal */ void EcritureDonneesUmat(double* STRESS ,double* SSE,double* SPD,double* SCD ,const double* STRAN,const double* DSTRAN ,const double* TIME,const double* DTIME,const double* TemP,const double* DTEMP ,const char* CMNAME ,const int* NDI,const int* NSHR,const int* NTENS ,const int* NSTATV ,const double* COORDS,const double* DROT ,double* PNEWDT,const double* CELENT ,const double* DFGRD0,const double* DFGRD1 ,const int* NOEL,const int* NPT,const int* LAYER ,const int* KSPT,const int* KSTEP,const int* KINC) { /* a priori *NDI + *NSHR = *NTENS, mais abaqus garde les 3 valeurs donc on se refere uniquement sur les 2 premieres donnees -> d'ou un test (que l'on pourrait sans doute eviter ) */ if ((*NDI == 3) && (*NSHR == 3)) { /* cas classique 3D */ int ij; for (ij=0;ij<6;ij++) {u_herezh_STRESS[ij] = STRESS[ij]; u_herezh_STRAN[ij] = STRAN[ij]; u_herezh_DSTRAN[ij] = DSTRAN[ij]; }; } else if ((*NDI == 2) && (*NSHR == 1)) { /* cas des contraintes planes */ int ij; for (ij=0;ij<3;ij++) {u_herezh_STRESS[ij] = STRESS[ij]; u_herezh_STRAN[ij] = STRAN[ij]; u_herezh_DSTRAN[ij] = DSTRAN[ij]; }; } else if ((*NDI == 3) && (*NSHR == 1)) { /* cas d'éléments axisymétrique 3D */ int ij; for (ij=0;ij<4;ij++) {u_herezh_STRESS[ij] = STRESS[ij]; u_herezh_STRAN[ij] = STRAN[ij]; u_herezh_DSTRAN[ij] = DSTRAN[ij]; }; }; *u_herezh_SSE = *SSE; *u_herezh_SPD = *SPD; *u_herezh_SCD = *SCD; *u_herezh_PNEWDT= *PNEWDT; u_herezh_TIME[0]= TIME[0]; u_herezh_TIME[1]= TIME[1]; *u_herezh_DTIME = *DTIME; *u_herezh_TemP = *TemP; *u_herezh_DTEMP = *DTEMP; *u_herezh_NDI = *NDI; *u_herezh_NSHR = *NSHR; *u_herezh_NTENS = *NTENS; *u_herezh_NSTATV = *NSTATV; int i; for (i=0;i<3;i++) {u_herezh_COORDS[i]= COORDS[i]; int j; for (j=0;j<3;j++) {int r=i*3+j; u_herezh_DROT[r]= DROT[r]; u_herezh_DFGRD0[r]=DFGRD0[r]; u_herezh_DFGRD1[r]=DFGRD1[r]; } }; *u_herezh_CELENT = *CELENT; *u_herezh_NOEL = *NOEL; *u_herezh_NPT = *NPT; *u_herezh_LAYER = *LAYER; *u_herezh_KSPT = *KSPT; *u_herezh_KSTEP = *KSTEP; *u_herezh_KINC = *KINC; for (i=0;i<20;i++) u_herezh_CMNAME[i] = CMNAME[i]; /*cout << "\n *********** grandeurs expedier du sous prog c abaqus ************ "; cout << "\n sigma_t "; for (int i=0;i<6;i++) cout << " ("<<i<<")=" << u_herezh_STRESS[i]; cout << "\n def "; for (int i=0;i<6;i++) cout << " ("<<i<<")=" << u_herezh_STRAN[i]; cout << "\n deltatdef "; for (int i=0;i<6;i++) cout << " ("<<i<<")=" << u_herezh_DSTRAN[i]; cout << "\n rotation "; for (int i=0;i<9;i++) cout << " ("<<i<<")=" << u_herezh_DROT[i]; cout << "\n gradiant_t "; for (int i=1;i<9;i++) cout << " ("<<i<<")=" << u_herezh_DFGRD0[i]; cout << "\n gradiant_tdt "; for (int i=1;i<9;i++) cout << " ("<<i<<")=" << u_herezh_DFGRD1[i]; cout << endl; */ /* Creation d'un processus de pour l'ecriture des donnees */ /* ouverture du tube nomme en ecriture */ printf("\n on ouvre le tube pour l'ecriture: sp essai"); int tub = open(reception,O_WRONLY); /* ecriture dans le tampon */ /* en fait l'objectif est d'ecrire que les variables d'entrees ou */ /* d'entree sortie */ char* tampon_envoi = &(t_car_x_n.tampon[384]); write (tub,tampon_envoi,544); /*sizeof(tampon)); */ close (tub); /* fermeture du tampon */ printf("\n fermeture du tampon: sp essai"); return; };