#include "Racine.h" #include "MathUtil.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <cmath> #define NCASES 40 // constructeur permettant d'initialiser les variables Quartic::Quartic(): debug(6),iterate(false), doub0((double)0), doub1((double)1), doub2((double)2), doub3((double)3), doub4((double)4), doub5((double)5), doub6((double)6), doub8((double)8), doub9((double)9), doub12((double)12), doub16((double)16), doub24((double)24), doub27((double)27), doub64((double)64), inv2(doub1/doub2), inv3(doub1/doub3), inv4(doub1/doub4), inv8(doub1/doub8), inv16(doub1/doub16), inv32(doub1/(double)32), inv64(doub1/doub64), inv128(doub1/(double)128), d3o8(doub3/doub8), d3o256(doub3/(double)256), rt3(sqrt(doub3)) { doubtol = doub1; for (int j = 1; doub1+doubtol > doub1; ++ j) { doubtol *= inv2; } doubtol = sqrt(doubtol); doubmin = inv2; for (int j = 1; j <= 100; ++ j) { doubmin=doubmin*doubmin; if ((doubmin*doubmin) <= (doubmin*doubmin*inv2)) break; } doubmax=doub1/sqrt(doub2*doubmin); }; /* ************************************************** */ // find the errors // // called by quartictest, docoeff, compare, // chris, descartes, ferrari, neumark, yacfraid. /* ************************************************** */ double Quartic::errors(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4],double rterr[4],int nrts) { double deriv,test,worst; worst = doubmax; if (nrts > 0) { worst = doub0; for (int k = 0 ; k < nrts ; ++ k ) { test = (((rts[k]+a)*rts[k]+b)*rts[k]+c)*rts[k]+d; if (test == doub0) rterr[k] = doub0; else { deriv = ((doub4*rts[k]+doub3*a)*rts[k]+doub2*b)*rts[k]+c; if (deriv != doub0) rterr[k] = Dabs(test/deriv); else { deriv = (doub12*rts[k]+doub6*a)*rts[k]+doub2*b; if (deriv != doub0) rterr[k] = sqrt(Dabs(test/deriv)); else { deriv = doub24*rts[k]+doub6*a; if (deriv != doub0) rterr[k] = curoot(Dabs(test/deriv)); else rterr[k] = sqrt(sqrt(Dabs(test)/doub24)); } } } if (rts[k] != doub0) rterr[k] /= rts[k]; if (rterr[k] < doub0) rterr[k] = -rterr[k]; if (rterr[k] > worst) worst = rterr[k]; } } return(worst); }; /* errors */ /**********************************************/ // find cos(acos(x)/3) // // 16 Jul 1981 Don Herbison-Evans // // called by cubic . /**********************************************/ double Quartic::acos3(double x) { double value; double y = acos(x); // value = std::cos(acos(x)*inv3); pb de nan // on traite dans le cas d'une erreur (qui ça arrive !!) // comme ça ne marche pas pour l'instant sur la lo-lg2m-045 on spécifie les machines !!! #ifdef SYSTEM_MAC_OS_X switch(fpclassify(y)) { case FP_NAN: case FP_INFINITE: { // cas d'un nombre infini on fait quelques tests if (Dabs(x-1.) <= ConstMath::pasmalpetit) { // dans ce cas on a affaire à une erreur d'arrondi y=0.; } else if (x > 1.) { // il y a un pb dans l'algo, on le signal mais on continu cout << "\n erreur dans la fonction Qartic::acos3, l'argument est > 1 , on limite ! " << " x-1= " << (x-1.); y=0.; }; }; break; }; #endif #ifdef SYSTEM_MAC_OS_X_unix switch(fpclassify(y)) { case FP_NAN: case FP_INFINITE: { // cas d'un nombre infini on fait quelques tests if (Dabs(x-1.) <= ConstMath::pasmalpetit) { // dans ce cas on a affaire à une erreur d'arrondi y=0.; } else if (x > 1.) { // il y a un pb dans l'algo, on le signal mais on continu cout << "\n erreur dans la fonction Qartic::acos3, l'argument est > 1 , on limite ! " << " x-1= " << (x-1.); y=0.; }; }; break; }; #endif // calcul de la valeur de retour value = std::cos(y*inv3); return(value); }; /* acos3 */ /***************************************/ // find cube root of x. // // 30 Jan 1989 Don Herbison-Evans // // called by cubic . /***************************************/ double Quartic::curoot(double x) { double value; double absx; int neg; neg = 0; absx = x; if (x < doub0) { absx = -x; neg = 1; } if (absx != doub0) value = exp( log(absx)*inv3 ); else value = doub0; if (neg == 1) value = -value; return(value); }; /* curoot */ /****************************************************/ // solve the quadratic equation - // // x**2 + b*x + c = 0 // // 14 Jan 2004 cut determinant in quadratic call // 29 Nov 2003 improved // 16 Jul 1981 Don Herbison-Evans // // called by cubic,quartic,chris,descartes,ferrari,neumark. /****************************************************/ int Quartic::quadratic(double b,double c,double rts[4]) { int nquad; double dis,rtdis ; dis = b*b - doub4*c; rts[0] = doub0; rts[1] = doub0; if (b == doub0) { if (c == doub0) { nquad = 2; ++nqud[0]; } else { if (c < doub0) { nquad = 2; rts[0] = sqrt(-c); rts[1] = -rts[0]; ++nqud[1]; } else { nquad = 0; ++nqud[2]; } } } else if (c == doub0) { nquad = 2; rts[0] = -b; ++nqud[3]; } else if (dis >= doub0) { nquad = 2 ; rtdis = sqrt(dis); if (b > doub0) { rts[0] = ( -b - rtdis)*inv2; ++nqud[4]; } else { rts[0] = ( -b + rtdis)*inv2; ++nqud[5]; } if (rts[0] == doub0) { rts[1] = -b; ++nqud[6]; } else { rts[1] = c/rts[0]; ++nqud[7]; } } else { nquad = 0; ++nqud[8]; } if (debug < 1) { printf("quad b %g c %g dis %g\n", b,c,dis); printf(" %d %g %g\n", nquad,rts[0],rts[1]); } return(nquad); }; /* quadratic */ /**************************************************/ // find the real roots of the cubic - // x**3 + p*x**2 + q*x + r = 0 // // 12 Dec 2003 initialising n,m,po3 // 12 Dec 2003 allow return of 3 zero roots if p=q=r=0 // 2 Dec 2003 negating j if p>0 // 1 Dec 2003 changing v from (sinsqk > doub0) to (sinsqk >= doub0) // 1 Dec 2003 test changing v from po3sq+po3sq to doub2*po3sq // 16 Jul 1981 Don Herbison-Evans // // input parameters - // p,q,r - coeffs of cubic equation. // // output- // the number of real roots // v3 - the roots. // // global constants - // rt3 - sqrt(3) // inv3 - 1/3 // doubmax - square root of largest number held by machine // // method - // see D.E. Littlewood, "A University Algebra" pp.173 - 6 // // 15 Nov 2003 output 3 real roots: Don Herbison-Evans // Apr 1981 initial version: Charles Prineas // // called by cubictest,quartic,chris,yacfraid,neumark,descartes,ferrari. // calls quadratic,acos3,curoot,cubnewton. /**************************************************/ int Quartic::cubic(double p,double q,double r,double v3[4]) { int j,n3; double po3,po3sq,qo3,po3q; double uo3,u2o3,uo3sq4,uo3cu4; double v,vsq,wsq; double m1,m2,mcube; double muo3,s,scube,t,cosk,rt3sink,sinsqk; m1=doub0; m2=doub0; po3=doub0; v=doub0; uo3=doub0; cosk=doub0; if (r == doub0) { ++ncub[0]; n3 = quadratic(p,q,v3); v3[n3++] = doub0; goto done; } if ((p == doub0) && (q == doub0)) { ++ncub[1]; v3[0] = curoot(-r); v3[1] = v3[0]; v3[2] = v3[0]; n3 = 3; goto done; } n3 = 1; if ((p > doubmax) || (p < -doubmax)) { v3[0] = -p; ++ncub[2]; goto done; } if ((q > doubmax) || (q < -doubmax)) { if (q > doub0) { v3[0] = -r/q; ++ncub[3]; goto done; } else if (q < doub0) { v3[0] = -sqrt(-q); ++ncub[4]; goto done; } else { v3[0] = doub0; ++ncub[5]; goto done; } } else if ((r > doubmax)|| (r < -doubmax)) { v3[0] = -curoot(r); ++ncub[6]; goto done; } else { po3 = p*inv3; po3q = po3*q; po3sq = po3*po3; if (po3sq > doubmax) { v3[0] = -p; ++ncub[7]; goto done; } else { v = r + po3*(po3sq+po3sq - q); if ((v > doubmax) || (v < -doubmax)) { v3[0] = -p; ++ncub[8]; goto done; } else { vsq = v*v; qo3 = q*inv3; uo3 = qo3 - po3sq; u2o3 = uo3 + uo3; if ((u2o3 > doubmax) || (u2o3 < -doubmax)) { if (p == doub0) { if (q > doub0) { v3[0] = -r/q; ++ncub[9]; goto done; } else if (q < doub0) { v3[0] = -sqrt(-q); ++ncub[10]; goto done; } else { v3[0] = doub0; ++ncub[11]; goto done; } } else { v3[0] = -q/p; ++ncub[12]; goto done; } } uo3sq4 = u2o3*u2o3; if (uo3sq4 > doubmax) { if (p == doub0) { if (q > doub0) { v3[0] = -r/q; ++ncub[13]; goto done; } else if (q < doub0) { v3[0] = -sqrt(-q); ++ncub[14]; goto done; } else { v3[0] = doub0; ++ncub[15]; goto done; } } else { v3[0] = -q/p; ++ncub[16]; goto done; } } uo3cu4 = uo3sq4*uo3; wsq = uo3cu4 + vsq; if (wsq > doub0) { /* cubic has one real root - */ if (v <= doub0) { mcube = ( -v + sqrt(wsq))*inv2; ++ncub[17]; } else { mcube = ( -v - sqrt(wsq))*inv2; ++ncub[18]; } m1 = curoot(mcube); if (m1 != doub0) { m2 = -uo3/m1; ++ncub[19]; } else { m2 = doub0; ++ncub[20]; } v3[0] = m1 + m2 - po3; } else { /* cubic has three real roots - */ if (uo3 < doub0) { muo3 = -uo3; if (muo3 > doub0) { s = sqrt(muo3); ++ncub[21]; if (p > doub0) { s = -s; ++ncub[22]; } } else { s = doub0; ++ncub[23]; } scube = s*muo3; if (scube == doub0) { v3[0] = m1 + m2 - po3; n3 = 1; ++ncub[24]; } else { t = -v/(scube+scube); cosk = acos3(t); v3[0] = (s+s)*cosk - po3; n3 = 1 ; sinsqk = doub1 - cosk*cosk; if (sinsqk >= doub0) { rt3sink = rt3*sqrt(sinsqk); v3[1] = s*(-cosk + rt3sink) - po3; v3[2] = s*(-cosk - rt3sink) - po3; n3 = 3; ++ncub[25]; } else ++ncub[26]; } } else /* cubic has multiple root - */ { ++ncub[27]; v3[0] = curoot(v) - po3; v3[1] = v3[0]; v3[2] = v3[0]; n3 = 3; } } } } } done: if (debug < 1) { printf("cubic %d %g %g %g\n",n3,p,q,r); for (j = 0; j < n3; ++j) printf(" %d %13g %13g\n",j,v3[j],r+v3[j]*(q+v3[j]*(p+v3[j]))); printf("v %g, uo3 %g, m1 %g, m2 %g, po3 %g, cosk %g\n", v,uo3,m1,m2,po3,cosk); for (j = 0; j < 28; ++j) { printf(" %d",ncub[j]); if ((j%10) == 9) printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } if (iterate == true) cubnewton(p,q,r,n3,v3); return(n3) ; }; /* cubic */ /****************************************************/ // improve roots of cubic by Newton-Raphson iteration // // 5 Jan 2004 Don Herbison-Evans // // called by cubic. /****************************************************/ void Quartic::cubnewton(double p,double q,double r,int n3,double v3[4]) { int j,k; double corr,deriv,err,root; if (debug < 2) printf("cubnewtona %d %g\n", n3,v3[0]); for (j = 0; j < n3; ++j) { for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { root = v3[j]; err = ((root + p)*root + q)*root + r; deriv = (doub3*root + doub2*p)*root + q; if (deriv != doub0) corr = err/deriv; else corr = doub0; v3[j] -= corr; if (debug < 1) printf("cubnewtonb %d %d %g %g %g %g %g\n", j,k,root,err,deriv,corr,v3[j]); } } }; /* cubnewton */ /****************************************************/ // Solve quartic equation using either // quadratic, Ferrari's or Neumark's algorithm. // // called by // calls descartes, ferrari, neumark, yacfraid. // // 15 Dec 2003 added yacfraid // 10 Dec 2003 added descartes with neg coeffs // 21 Jan 1989 Don Herbison-Evans /****************************************************/ int Quartic::quartic(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4]) { int j,k,nq,nr; double roots[4]; if (Dabs(a) > doubmax) nr = yacfraid(a,b,c,d,rts); else if ((a == doub0) && (c == doub0)) { nq = quadratic(b,d,roots); nr = 0; for (j = 0; j < nq; ++j) { if (roots[0] >= doub0) { rts[0] = sqrt(roots[0]); rts[1] = -rts[0]; nr = 2; } if (roots[1] >= doub0) { rts[nr] = sqrt(roots[1]); rts[nr+1] = -rts[nr]; nr += 2; } } } else { k = 0; if (a < doub0) k += 2; if (b < doub0) k += 1; if (c < doub0) k += 8; if (d < doub0) k += 4; switch (k) { case 0 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 1 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 2 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 3 : nr = ferrari(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 4 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 5 : nr = descartes(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 6 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 7 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 8 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 9 : nr = ferrari(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 10 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 11 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 12 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 13 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 14 : nr = neumark(a,b,c,d,rts); break; case 15 : nr = descartes(-a,b,-c,d,rts); break; } if (k == 15) for (j = 0; j < nr; ++j) rts[j] = -rts[j]; } return(nr); }; /* quartic */ //*****************************************/ // Solve quartic equation using // Descartes-Euler-Cardano algorithm // // called by quartic, compare, quartictest. // // Strong, T. "Elemementary and Higher Algebra" // Pratt and Oakley, p. 469 (1859) // // 16 Jul 1981 Don Herbison-Evans //*****************************************/ int Quartic::descartes(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4]) { int j; double v1[4],v2[4],v3[4]; double k,y; double p,q,r; double e0,e1,e2; double g,h; double asq; double ainv4; double e1invk; asq = a*a; e2 = b - asq*d3o8; e1 = c + a*(asq*inv8 - b*inv2); e0 = d + asq*(b*inv16 - asq*d3o256) - a*c*inv4; p = doub2*e2; q = e2*e2 - doub4*e0; r = -e1*e1; n3 = cubic(p,q,r,v3); for (j3 = 0; j3 < n3; ++j3) { y = v3[j3]; if (y <= doub0) { n4[j3] = 0; ++ndes[0]; } /* y<0 */ else { k = sqrt(y); ainv4 = a*inv4; e1invk = e1/k; g = (y + e2 + e1invk)*inv2; h = (y + e2 - e1invk)*inv2 ; n1 = quadratic(-k, g, v1); n2 = quadratic( k, h, v2); qrts[0][j3] = v1[0] - ainv4; qrts[1][j3] = v1[1] - ainv4; qrts[n1][j3] = v2[0] - ainv4; qrts[n1+1][j3] = v2[1] - ainv4; n4[j3]= n1 + n2; ++ndes[1]; } /* y>=0 */ donej3: for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; worst3[j3] = errors(a,b,c,d,rts,rterd,n4[j3]); } /* j3 loop */ done: j3 = 0; if (n3 != 1) { if ((n4[0] == n4[1]) && (n4[1] == n4[2])) ++ndes[NCASES-2]; else ++ndes[NCASES-1]; if ((n4[1] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[1] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[1] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 1; if ((n4[2] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[2] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[2] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 2; } for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; if (debug < 1) printf("descartes chose cubic %d %g %g\n\n",j3,v3[j3],worst3[j3]); ++ndes[30+n4[j3]]; ++ndes[35+j3]; return(n4[j3]); }; /* descartes */ //****************************************************/ // solve the quartic equation - // // x**4 + a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0 // // calls cubic, quadratic. // // input - // a,b,c,e - coeffs of equation. // // output - // n4 - number of real roots. // rts - array of root values. // // method : Ferrari - Lagrange // Theory of Equations, H.W. Turnbull p. 140 (1947) // // 16 Jul 1981 Don Herbison-Evans // // calls cubic, quadratic //****************************************************/ int Quartic::ferrari(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4]) { int j; double asqinv4; double ainv2; double d4; double yinv2; double v1[4],v2[4],v3[4]; double p,q,r; double y; double e,f,esq,fsq,ef; double g,gg,h,hh; ainv2 = a*inv2; asqinv4 = ainv2*ainv2; d4 = d*doub4 ; p = b; q = a*c-d4; r = (asqinv4 - b)*d4 + c*c; n3 = cubic(p,q,r,v3); for (j3 = 0; j3 < n3; ++j3) { y = v3[j3]; yinv2 = y*inv2; esq = asqinv4 - b - y; fsq = yinv2*yinv2 - d; if ((esq < doub0) && (fsq < doub0)) { n4[j3] = 0; ++nfer[0]; } else { ef = -(inv4*a*y + inv2*c); if ( ((a > doub0)&&(y > doub0)&&(c > doub0)) || ((a > doub0)&&(y < doub0)&&(c < doub0)) || ((a < doub0)&&(y > doub0)&&(c < doub0)) || ((a < doub0)&&(y < doub0)&&(c > doub0)) || (a == doub0)||(y == doub0)||(c == doub0)) /* use ef - */ { if ((b < doub0)&&(y < doub0)) { e = sqrt(esq); f = ef/e; ++nfer[1]; } else if (d < doub0) { f = sqrt(fsq); e = ef/f; ++nfer[2]; } else { if (esq > doub0) { e = sqrt(esq); ++nfer[3]; } else { e = doub0; ++nfer[4]; } if (fsq > doub0) { f = sqrt(fsq); ++nfer[5]; } else { f = doub0; ++nfer[6]; } if (ef < doub0) { f = -f; ++nfer[7]; } } } else /* use esq and fsq - */ { if (esq > doub0) { e = sqrt(esq); ++nfer[8]; } else { e = doub0; ++nfer[9]; } if (fsq > doub0) { f = sqrt(fsq); ++nfer[10]; } else { f = doub0; ++nfer[11]; } if (ef < doub0) { f = -f; ++nfer[12]; } } /* note that e >= doub0 */ g = ainv2 - e; gg = ainv2 + e; if ( ((b > doub0)&&(y > doub0)) || ((b < doub0)&&(y < doub0)) ) { if ( ((a > doub0) && (e > doub0)) || ((a < doub0) && (e < doub0)) ) { g = (b + y)/gg; ++nfer[13]; } else if ( ((a > doub0) && (e < doub0)) || ((a < doub0) && (e > doub0)) ) { gg = (b + y)/g; ++nfer[14]; } else ++nfer[15]; } hh = -yinv2 + f; h = -yinv2 - f; if ( ((f > doub0)&&(y < doub0)) || ((f < doub0)&&(y > doub0)) ) { h = d/hh; ++nfer[16]; } else if ( ((f < doub0)&&(y < doub0)) || ((f > doub0)&&(y > doub0)) ) { hh = d/h; ++nfer[17]; } else ++nfer[18]; n1 = quadratic(gg,hh,v1); n2 = quadratic(g,h,v2); n4[j3] = n1+n2; qrts[0][j3] = v1[0]; qrts[1][j3] = v1[1]; qrts[n1+0][j3] = v2[0]; qrts[n1+1][j3] = v2[1]; } donej3: for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; worst3[j3] = errors(a,b,c,d,rts,rterf,n4[j3]); } /* j3 loop */ done: j3 = 0; if (n3 != 1) { if ((n4[0] == n4[1]) && (n4[1] == n4[2])) ++nfer[NCASES-2]; else ++nfer[NCASES-1]; if ((n4[1] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[1] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[1] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 1; if ((n4[2] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[2] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[2] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 2; } for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; if (debug < 1) printf("ferrari chose cubic %d %g %g\n\n",j3,v3[j3],worst3[j3]); ++nfer[30+n4[j3]]; ++nfer[35+j3]; return(n4[j3]); }; /* ferrari */ //*****************************************/ // solve the quartic equation - // // x**4 + a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0 // // calls cubic, quadratic. // // input parameters - // a,b,c,e - coeffs of equation. // // output parameters - // n4 - number of real roots. // rts - array of root values. // // method - S. Neumark // "Solution of Cubic and Quartic Equations" - Pergamon 1965 // // 1 Dec 1985 translated to C with help of Shawn Neely // 16 Jul 1981 Don Herbison-Evans //*****************************************/ int Quartic::neumark(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4]) { int j; double y,g,gg,h,hh,gdis,gdisrt,hdis,hdisrt,g1,g2,h1,h2; double bmy,gerr,herr,y4,bmysq; double v1[4],v2[4],v3[4]; double asq; double d4; double p,q,r; double hmax,gmax; if (d == doub0) { n3 = 0; n4[0] = cubic(a,b,c,rts); for (j = 0; j < n4[0]; ++j) qrts[j][0] = rts[j]; qrts[n4[0]++][0] = doub0; goto done; } asq = a*a; d4 = d*doub4; p = -b*doub2; q = b*b + a*c - d4; r = (c - a*b)*c + asq*d; if (debug < 3) printf("neumarka %g %g %g %g, %g %g %g\n", a,b,c,d,p,q,r); n3 = cubic(p,q,r,v3); for (j3 = 0; j3 < n3; ++j3) { y = v3[j3]; bmy = b - y; y4 = y*doub4; bmysq = bmy*bmy; gdis = asq - y4; hdis = bmysq - d4; if (debug < 3) printf("neumarkb %g %g\n", gdis,hdis); if ((gdis < doub0) || (hdis < doub0)) { n4[j3] = 0; ++nneu[0]; } else { g1 = a*inv2; h1 = bmy*inv2; gerr = asq + y4; herr = hdis; if (d > doub0) { herr = bmysq + d4; ++nneu[1]; } if ((y < doub0) || (herr*gdis > gerr*hdis)) { gdisrt = sqrt(gdis); g2 = gdisrt*inv2; if (gdisrt != doub0) { h2 = (a*h1 - c)/gdisrt; ++nneu[2]; } else { h2 = doub0; ++nneu[3]; } } else { hdisrt = sqrt(hdis); h2 = hdisrt*inv2; if (hdisrt != doub0) { g2 = (a*h1 - c)/hdisrt; ++nneu[4]; } else { g2 = doub0; ++nneu[5]; } } /* note that in the following, the tests ensure non-zero denominators - */ h = h1 - h2; hh = h1 + h2; hmax = hh; if (hmax < doub0) { hmax = -hmax; ++nneu[6]; } if (hmax < h) { hmax = h; ++nneu[7]; } if (hmax < -h) { hmax = -h; ++nneu[8]; } if ((h1 > doub0)&&(h2 > doub0)) { h = d/hh; ++nneu[9]; } if ((h1 < doub0)&&(h2 < doub0)) { h = d/hh; ++nneu[10]; } if ((h1 > doub0)&&(h2 < doub0)) { hh = d/h; ++nneu[11]; } if ((h1 < doub0)&&(h2 > doub0)) { hh = d/h; ++nneu[12]; } if (h > hmax) { h = hmax; ++nneu[13]; } if (h < -hmax) { h = -hmax; ++nneu[14]; } if (hh > hmax) { hh = hmax; ++nneu[15]; } if (hh < -hmax) { hh = -hmax; ++nneu[16]; } g = g1 - g2; gg = g1 + g2; gmax = gg; if (gmax < doub0) { gmax = -gmax; ++nneu[17]; } if (gmax < g) { gmax = g; ++nneu[18]; } if (gmax < -g) { gmax = -g; ++nneu[19]; } if ((g1 > doub0)&&(g2 > doub0)) { g = y/gg; ++nneu[20]; } if ((g1 < doub0)&&(g2 < doub0)) { g = y/gg; ++nneu[21]; } if ((g1 > doub0)&&(g2 < doub0)) { gg = y/g; ++nneu[22]; } if ((g1 < doub0)&&(g2 > doub0)) { gg = y/g; ++nneu[23]; } if (g > gmax) { g = gmax; ++nneu[24]; } if (g < -gmax) { g = -gmax; ++nneu[25]; } if (gg > gmax) { gg = gmax; ++nneu[26]; } if (gg < -gmax) { gg = -gmax; ++nneu[27]; } n1 = quadratic(gg,hh,v1); n2 = quadratic(g,h,v2); n4[j3] = n1 + n2; qrts[0][j3] = v1[0]; qrts[1][j3] = v1[1]; qrts[n1+0][j3] = v2[0]; qrts[n1+1][j3] = v2[1]; } donej3: for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; worst3[j3] = errors(a,b,c,d,rts,rtern,n4[j3]); } /* j3 loop */ done: j3 = 0; if (n3 > 1) { if ((n4[0] == n4[1]) && (n4[1] == n4[2])) ++nneu[NCASES-2]; else ++nneu[NCASES-1]; if ((n4[1] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[1] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[1] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 1; if ((n4[2] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[2] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[2] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 2; } for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; if (debug < 1) printf("neumark chose cubic %d %g %g\n\n",j3,v3[j3],worst3[j3]); ++nneu[30+n4[j3]]; ++nneu[35+j3]; return(n4[j3]); }; /* neumark */ //****************************************************/ // solve the quartic equation - // x**4 + a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0 // // calls cubic, quadratic. // // input parameters - // a,b,c,e - coeffs of equation. // // output parameters - // n4 - number of real roots. // rts - array of root values. // // method - // K.S. Brown // Reducing Quartics to Cubics, // http://www.seanet.com/~ksbrown/kmath296.htm (1967) // // Michael Daoud Yacoub & Gustavo Fraidenraich // "A new simple solution of the general quartic equation" // Revised 16 Feb 2004 // // 14 Nov 2003 Don Herbison-Evans //*****************************************/ int Quartic::yacfraid(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4]) { int j; double y; double v3[4]; double asq,acu; double b4; double det0,det1,det2,det3; double det0rt,det1rt,det2rt,det3rt; double e,f,g,h,k; double fsq,gsq,hsq,invk; double P,Q,R,U; if (d == doub0) { n3 = 0; n4[0] = cubic(a,b,c,rts); for (j = 0; j < n4[0]; ++j) qrts[j][0] = rts[j]; qrts[n4[0]++][0] = doub0; goto done; } asq = a*a; acu = a*asq; b4 = b*doub4; n3 = 0; P = asq*b - b4*b + doub2*a*c + doub16*d ; Q = asq*c - b4*c + doub8*a*d; R = asq*d - c*c ; U = acu - b4*a + doub8*c; n4[0] = 0; if (U == doub0) { if (P == doub0) { det0 = doub3*asq - doub8*b; if (det0 < doub0) { ++nyac[0]; goto done; } det0rt = sqrt(det0); qrts[0][0] = (-a + det0rt)*inv4; qrts[1][0] = qrts[0][0]; qrts[2][0] = (-a - det0rt)*inv4; qrts[3][0] = qrts[2][0]; ++nyac[1]; n4[0] = 4; goto done; } /* P=0 */ else { det1 = asq*asq - doub8*asq*b + doub16*b*b - doub64*d; if (det1 < doub0) { ++nyac[2]; goto done;; } n4[0] = 0; det1rt = sqrt(det1); det2 = doub3*asq - doub8*b + doub2*det1rt; if (det2 >= doub0) { det2rt = sqrt(det2); qrts[0][0] = (-a + det2rt)*inv4; qrts[1][0] = (-a - det2rt)*inv4; n4[0] = 2; ++nyac[3]; } det3 = doub3*asq - doub8*b - doub2*det1rt; if (det3 >= doub0) { det3rt = sqrt(det3); qrts[n4[0]++][0] = (-a + det3rt)*inv4; qrts[n4[0]++][0] = (-a - det3rt)*inv4; ++nyac[5]; } if (n4[0] == 0) ++nyac[6]; goto done; } /* P<>0 */ } n3 = cubic(P/U,Q/U,R/U,v3); for (j3 = 0; j3 < n3; ++j3) { y = v3[j3]; j = 0; k = a + doub4*y; if (k == doub0) { ++nyac[9]; goto donej3; } invk = doub1/k; e = (acu - doub4*c - doub2*a*b + (doub6*asq - doub16*b)*y)*invk; fsq = (acu + doub8*c - doub4*a*b)*invk; if (fsq < doub0) { ++nyac[10]; goto donej3; } f = sqrt(fsq); gsq = doub2*(e + f*k); hsq = doub2*(e - f*k); if (gsq >= doub0) { ++nyac[11]; g = sqrt(gsq); qrts[j++][j3] = (-a - f - g)*inv4; qrts[j++][j3] = (-a - f + g)*inv4; } if (hsq >= doub0) { ++nyac[12]; h = sqrt(hsq); qrts[j++][j3] = (-a + f - h)*inv4; qrts[j++][j3] = (-a + f + h)*inv4; } if (debug < 1) { printf("j3 %d y %g k %g fsq %g gsq %g hsq %g\n", j3,y,k,fsq,gsq,hsq); printf("e %g f %g g %g h %g\n",e,f,g,h); } donej3: n4[j3] = j; for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; worst3[j3] = errors(a,b,c,d,rts,rtery,n4[j3]); } /* j3 loop */ done: j3 = 0; if (n3 > 1) { if ((n4[0] == n4[1]) && (n4[1] == n4[2])) ++nyac[NCASES-2]; else { ++nyac[NCASES-1]; if ((n4[0] != n4[1]) && (n4[0] != n4[2]) && (n4[1] != n4[2])) printf("yace %d %d %d %g %g %g %g\n", n4[0],n4[1],n4[2],a,b,c,d); } if ((n4[1] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[1] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[1] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 1; if ((n4[2] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[2] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[2] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 2; } for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; ++nyac[30+n4[j3]]; ++nyac[35+j3]; if (debug < 1) printf("yacfraid chose cubic %d %g %g\n\n",j3,v3[j3],worst3[j3]); return(n4[j3]); }; /* yacfraid */ //*****************************************/ // Solve quartic equation using // Christianson's algorithm // calls errors, quadratic, cubic. // // Bruce Christianson, Solving Quartics Using Palindromes, // Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 75, pp. 327-328 (1991) // // 14 Jan 2004 Don Herbison-Evans //*****************************************/ int Quartic::chris(double a,double b,double c,double d,double rts[4]) { int j; int n0,n1,n2; double v0[4],v1[4],v2[4],v3[4]; double y,ysq,ycu; double p,q,r; double asq,acu,aqu,ao4; double e0,e1,e2; double k,ksq,kcu,kqu,kquinv,k1,k2; double g,h,g1,Z1,Z2; if (d == doub0) { n3 = 0; n4[0] = cubic(a,b,c,rts); for (j = 0; j < n4[0]; ++j) qrts[j][0] = rts[j]; qrts[n4[0]++][0] = doub0; goto done; } asq = a*a; acu = asq*a; aqu = acu*a; ao4 = a*inv4; e2 = b - d3o8*asq; e1 = c - inv2*b*a + inv8*acu; e0 = d - inv4*c*a + inv16*b*asq - d3o256*acu*a; if (debug < 1) printf("chrisa e0 %g e1 %g e2 %g\n",e0,e1,e2); if (e1 == doub0) { n3 = 0; n4[0] = 0; ++nchr[0]; n3 = 3; v3[2] = doub0; v3[1] = doub0; v3[0] = -inv8*(doub16*e0 - doub4*e2*e2); } else { p = (inv2*b*asq - inv2*b*b - inv2*c*a + doub2*d - doub3*inv32*aqu)/e1; q = doub3*inv16*asq - inv2*b; r = inv16*b*a - inv8*c - inv64*acu; if (debug < 1) printf("chrisb %g %g %g\n",p,q,r); ++nchr[1]; n3 = cubic(p,q,r,v3); } for (j3 = 0; j3 < n3; ++j3) { y = v3[j3]; n4[j3] = 0; ysq = y*y; ycu = y*ysq; if ((y == doub0) || (( y < doub0) && (e1 <= doub0) && (e0 >= doub0) && (e2 >= doub0))) { kqu = y*ycu + e2*ysq + e1*y + e0; if (kqu <= doub0) { ksq = doub0; ++nchr[2]; goto donej3; } ksq = sqrt(kqu); } else { ksq = ysq + inv2*e2 + inv4*e1/y; if (ksq <= doub0) { kqu = doub0; ++nchr[3]; goto donej3; } kqu = ksq*ksq; } k = sqrt(ksq); kcu = k*ksq; kquinv = doub1/kqu; g = doub4*y*kcu; h = (doub6*ysq + e2)*ksq; if (debug < 1) { k2 = sqrt(sqrt(Dabs(y*ycu + e2*ysq + e1*y + e0))); if (y == doub0) k1 = doub0; else k1 = sqrt(Dabs(ysq + inv2*e2 + inv4*e1/y)); g1 = (doub4*ycu + doub2* y*e2 + e1)*k; printf("chrisc %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",k,k1,y,g,g1,h); } n0 = quadratic(g*kquinv,h*kquinv-doub2,v0); if (n0 < 1) { ++nchr[4]; goto donej3; } Z1 = v0[0]; Z2 = v0[1]; n1 = quadratic(-Z1,doub1,v1); if (n1 > 0) { ++nchr[5]; n4[j3] = n1; qrts[0][j3] = y + k*v1[0] - ao4; qrts[1][j3] = y + k*v1[1] - ao4; } n2 = quadratic(-Z2,doub1,v2); if (n2 > 0) { ++nchr[6]; n4[j3] += n2; qrts[n1][j3] = y + k*v2[0] - ao4; qrts[n1+1][j3] = y + k*v2[1] - ao4; } donej3: if (debug < 1) printf("chrisd %g %g\n",ksq,kqu); for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; worst3[j3] = errors(a,b,c,d,rts,rterc,n4[j3]); } /* j3 loop */ done: j3 = 0; if (n3 > 1) { if ((n4[0] == n4[1]) && (n4[1] == n4[2])) ++nchr[NCASES-2]; else { ++nchr[NCASES-1]; if (debug < 1) printf("chrise %d %d %d %g %g %g %g\n", n4[0],n4[1],n4[2],a,b,c,d); } if ((n4[1] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[1] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[1] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 1; if ((n4[2] > n4[j3]) || ((worst3[2] < worst3[j3] ) && (n4[2] == n4[j3]))) j3 = 2; } for (j = 0; j < n4[j3]; ++j) rts[j] = qrts[j][j3]; if (debug < 1) printf("chris chose cubic %d %g %g\n\n",j3,v3[j3],worst3[j3]); ++nchr[30+n4[j3]]; ++nchr[35+j3]; return(n4[j3]); }; /* chris */