2022-12-02 19:18:41 +01:00

55 lines
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%or: \def\input@path{{/path/to/folder/}{/path/to/other/folder/}}
pdfauthor = {Author},
pdftitle = {Th\`{e}se (Introduction)},
pdfsubject = {Th\`{e}se (Introduction)},
% pdfkeywords = {mots-cl\'{e}s},
\textbf{Une boite magique : }
\boitemagique{Titre de la boite}{
Praesent placerat, ante at venenatis pretium, diam turpis faucibus arcu, nec vehicula quam lorem ut leo. Sed facilisis, augue in pharetra dapibus, ligula justo accumsan massa, eu suscipit felis ipsum eget enim.
\section*{Foreword / Avant-propos}
Financement, collaboration, etc.
\section{Compile the thesis}
To make this work, you need to compile the figures independently. For that purpose, a Makefile is available. Just run ``\emph{make figures}'' and see the files being compiled. You can use ``\emph{make -j figures}'' to enable parallel compilation.
If you are not on Linux, nor MacOS, nor a BSD system, do not panic. You can still directly open the figures '.tex' files and compile them directly, it will work.
Apart from figures, this project works on overleaf or on any platform that uses \textbf{latexmk} and \textbf{lualatex}. All chapters are \emph{subfiles}, that can be compiled independently of each others, to fasten compilation and focus on writing.
Here, let us cite art1 \cite{art1}. You can also cite art2 \cite{art2}.\\Or, you may cite them together \cite{art1, art2}.