Camille Monière moniere
  • Joined on 2021-04-29
moniere synced commits to main at moniere/hls_max_template from mirror 2022-10-07 20:28:39 +02:00
f292fd3127 modif max_pow2 pour avoir II=2 (avant II=3)
moniere synced commits to main at moniere/CORDIC_Abs_APFX from mirror 2022-09-21 15:56:57 +02:00
03e6fbd1f7 Merge branch 'main' into devel
992b7cdbfe Increase output size, enlarge kn_values table to support more stages
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moniere synced commits to devel at moniere/CORDIC_Abs_APFX from mirror 2022-09-21 15:55:14 +02:00
03e6fbd1f7 Merge branch 'main' into devel
a853b0e48a Merge pull request #1 from DrasLorus/msvc-compatibility-work
b72065e052 Add experimental support for MSVC
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moniere synced commits to master at moniere/HLS_arbitrary_Precision_Types from mirror 2022-05-23 17:42:09 +02:00
c160586bf0 Modify examples to probe more warnings and supress warnings with G++
moniere synced commits to master at moniere/HLS_arbitrary_Precision_Types from mirror 2022-02-14 19:10:33 +01:00
7a58367433 New self-explanatory examples
084b5bbd8b Update package helpers
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moniere synced commits to refs/tags/v0.0.1.rc2 at moniere/HLS_arbitrary_Precision_Types from mirror 2022-02-14 19:10:33 +01:00
moniere synced new reference refs/tags/v0.0.1.rc2 to moniere/HLS_arbitrary_Precision_Types from mirror 2022-02-14 19:10:33 +01:00