\documentclass[../main.tex]{subfiles} \makeatletter \@ifundefined{fromRoot}{% \newcommand{\fromRoot}[1]{../#1} \usepackage{xr} \externaldocument{../main} }{} \def\input@path{{\subfix{../}}} %or: \def\input@path{{/path/to/folder/}{/path/to/other/folder/}} \makeatother \graphicspath{{\subfix{../}}} \hypersetup{ pdfauthor = {Author}, pdftitle = {Th\`{e}se (State of the Art)}, pdfsubject = {Th\`{e}se (State of the Art)}, % pdfkeywords = {mots-cl\'{e}s}, } \begin{document} \selectlanguage{english} \chapter{State of the Art} \label{chapter:state-of-the-art} \chaptermark{State of the Art} \etocsetnexttocdepth{4} \etocsettocstyle{{\large \hspace{-1.5 em} \textbf{Contents} \hfill}\vspace{-2.5 em}\\\par\noindent\rule{\linewidth}{1 pt}\vspace{-.2 em}}{\par\noindent\rule{\linewidth}{1 pt}\\} \localtableofcontents This chapter present the state of the art. It makes use of the \lstinline[language={[latex]tex}]{\acrfull} command for acronyms. like that for full: \acrfull{acr}, with \emph{pl} for plural: \acrfullpl{acr}, short for short: \acrshort{acr}, long for long: \acrlong{acr}. You can also use glossary entry, like that: \gls{glos}. \section{Section 1} \subsection{Subsection 1} \begin{table}[b!] \ra{1.6} \centering \caption{A table.} \label{chapter:sota:tab:table1} % \begin{noindent} \begin{tabular}{@{}r@{\phantom{XXX}}r@{\phantom{XX}}r@{\phantom{XX}}r@{}} \toprule & \textbf{Head A} & \textbf{Head A} & \textbf{Head C} \\ \midrule Blah & Gibberish & Ohoho & You fool \\ \cmidrule{2-4} BlahBlah & Interesting & Ahaha & You genius \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} % \end{noindent} \ra{1} \end{table} \section{Section 2} \end{document}