2019-02-21 12:12:41 +08:00

7199 lines
255 KiB

* Copyright 2011-2019 Xilinx, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef __AP_PRIVATE_H__
#define __AP_PRIVATE_H__
// common macros and type declarations are now defined in ap_common.h, and
// ap_private becomes part of it.
#ifndef __AP_COMMON_H__
#error "etc/ap_private.h cannot be included directly."
// forward declarations
//template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, bool _AP_C = _AP_W <= 64>
//class ap_private; // moved to ap_common.h
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
struct _private_range_ref;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
struct _private_bit_ref;
// TODO clean up this part.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER <= 1500
typedef __int8 int8_t;
typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
typedef __int16 int16_t;
typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
typedef __int32 int32_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
typedef __int64 int64_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef INLINE
#define INLINE inline
// Enable to debug ap_int/ap_fixed
// #define INLINE __attribute__((weak))
// NOTE: The following support functions use the _32/_64 extensions instead of
// type overloading so that signed and unsigned integers can be used without
// ambiguity.
namespace AESL_std {
template <class DataType>
DataType INLINE min(DataType a, DataType b) {
return (a >= b) ? b : a;
template <class DataType>
DataType INLINE max(DataType a, DataType b) {
return (a >= b) ? a : b;
} // namespace AESL_std
// TODO clean up included headers.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace ap_private_ops {
/// Hi_32 - This function returns the high 32 bits of a 64 bit value.
static INLINE uint32_t Hi_32(uint64_t Value) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(Value >> 32);
/// Lo_32 - This function returns the low 32 bits of a 64 bit value.
static INLINE uint32_t Lo_32(uint64_t Value) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(Value);
template <int _AP_W>
INLINE bool isNegative(const ap_private<_AP_W, false>& a) {
return false;
template <int _AP_W>
INLINE bool isNegative(const ap_private<_AP_W, true>& a) {
enum {
static const uint64_t sign_mask = 1ULL << ((_AP_W - 1) % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD);
return (sign_mask & a.get_pVal(_AP_N - 1)) != 0;
/// CountLeadingZeros_32 - this function performs the platform optimal form of
/// counting the number of zeros from the most significant bit to the first one
/// bit. Ex. CountLeadingZeros_32(0x00F000FF) == 8.
/// Returns 32 if the word is zero.
static INLINE unsigned CountLeadingZeros_32(uint32_t Value) {
unsigned Count; // result
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
// PowerPC is defined for __builtin_clz(0)
#if !defined(__ppc__) && !defined(__ppc64__)
if (Value == 0) return 32;
Count = __builtin_clz(Value);
if (Value == 0) return 32;
Count = 0;
// bisecton method for count leading zeros
for (unsigned Shift = 32 >> 1; Shift; Shift >>= 1) {
uint32_t Tmp = (Value) >> (Shift);
if (Tmp) {
Value = Tmp;
} else {
Count |= Shift;
return Count;
/// CountLeadingZeros_64 - This function performs the platform optimal form
/// of counting the number of zeros from the most significant bit to the first
/// one bit (64 bit edition.)
/// Returns 64 if the word is zero.
static INLINE unsigned CountLeadingZeros_64(uint64_t Value) {
unsigned Count; // result
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
// PowerPC is defined for __builtin_clzll(0)
#if !defined(__ppc__) && !defined(__ppc64__)
if (!Value) return 64;
Count = __builtin_clzll(Value);
if (sizeof(long) == sizeof(int64_t)) {
if (!Value) return 64;
Count = 0;
// bisecton method for count leading zeros
for (unsigned Shift = 64 >> 1; Shift; Shift >>= 1) {
uint64_t Tmp = (Value) >> (Shift);
if (Tmp) {
Value = Tmp;
} else {
Count |= Shift;
} else {
// get hi portion
uint32_t Hi = Hi_32(Value);
// if some bits in hi portion
if (Hi) {
// leading zeros in hi portion plus all bits in lo portion
Count = CountLeadingZeros_32(Hi);
} else {
// get lo portion
uint32_t Lo = Lo_32(Value);
// same as 32 bit value
Count = CountLeadingZeros_32(Lo) + 32;
return Count;
/// CountTrailingZeros_64 - This function performs the platform optimal form
/// of counting the number of zeros from the least significant bit to the first
/// one bit (64 bit edition.)
/// Returns 64 if the word is zero.
static INLINE unsigned CountTrailingZeros_64(uint64_t Value) {
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
return (Value != 0) ? __builtin_ctzll(Value) : 64;
static const unsigned Mod67Position[] = {
64, 0, 1, 39, 2, 15, 40, 23, 3, 12, 16, 59, 41, 19, 24, 54, 4,
64, 13, 10, 17, 62, 60, 28, 42, 30, 20, 51, 25, 44, 55, 47, 5, 32,
65, 38, 14, 22, 11, 58, 18, 53, 63, 9, 61, 27, 29, 50, 43, 46, 31,
37, 21, 57, 52, 8, 26, 49, 45, 36, 56, 7, 48, 35, 6, 34, 33, 0};
return Mod67Position[(uint64_t)(-(int64_t)Value & (int64_t)Value) % 67];
/// CountPopulation_64 - this function counts the number of set bits in a value,
/// (64 bit edition.)
static INLINE unsigned CountPopulation_64(uint64_t Value) {
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
return __builtin_popcountll(Value);
uint64_t v = Value - (((Value) >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555ULL);
v = (v & 0x3333333333333333ULL) + (((v) >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333ULL);
v = (v + ((v) >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FULL;
return unsigned((uint64_t)(v * 0x0101010101010101ULL) >> 56);
static INLINE uint32_t countLeadingOnes_64(uint64_t __V, uint32_t skip) {
uint32_t Count = 0;
if (skip) (__V) <<= (skip);
while (__V && (__V & (1ULL << 63))) {
(__V) <<= 1;
return Count;
static INLINE std::string oct2Bin(char oct) {
switch (oct) {
case '\0': {
return "";
case '.': {
return ".";
case '0': {
return "000";
case '1': {
return "001";
case '2': {
return "010";
case '3': {
return "011";
case '4': {
return "100";
case '5': {
return "101";
case '6': {
return "110";
case '7': {
return "111";
assert(0 && "Invalid character in digit string");
return "";
static INLINE std::string hex2Bin(char hex) {
switch (hex) {
case '\0': {
return "";
case '.': {
return ".";
case '0': {
return "0000";
case '1': {
return "0001";
case '2': {
return "0010";
case '3': {
return "0011";
case '4': {
return "0100";
case '5': {
return "0101";
case '6': {
return "0110";
case '7': {
return "0111";
case '8': {
return "1000";
case '9': {
return "1001";
case 'A':
case 'a': {
return "1010";
case 'B':
case 'b': {
return "1011";
case 'C':
case 'c': {
return "1100";
case 'D':
case 'd': {
return "1101";
case 'E':
case 'e': {
return "1110";
case 'F':
case 'f': {
return "1111";
assert(0 && "Invalid character in digit string");
return "";
static INLINE uint32_t decode_digit(char cdigit, int radix) {
uint32_t digit = 0;
if (radix == 16) {
#define isxdigit(c) \
(((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') || \
((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F'))
#define isdigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
if (!isxdigit(cdigit)) assert(0 && "Invalid hex digit in string");
if (isdigit(cdigit))
digit = cdigit - '0';
else if (cdigit >= 'a')
digit = cdigit - 'a' + 10;
else if (cdigit >= 'A')
digit = cdigit - 'A' + 10;
assert(0 && "huh? we shouldn't get here");
} else if (isdigit(cdigit)) {
digit = cdigit - '0';
} else {
assert(0 && "Invalid character in digit string");
#undef isxdigit
#undef isdigit
return digit;
// Determine the radix of "val".
static INLINE std::string parseString(const std::string& input, unsigned char& radix) {
size_t len = input.length();
if (len == 0) {
if (radix == 0) radix = 10;
return input;
size_t startPos = 0;
// Trim whitespace
while (input[startPos] == ' ' && startPos < len) startPos++;
while (input[len - 1] == ' ' && startPos < len) len--;
std::string val = input.substr(startPos, len - startPos);
// std::cout << "val = " << val << "\n";
len = val.length();
startPos = 0;
// If the length of the string is less than 2, then radix
// is decimal and there is no exponent.
if (len < 2) {
if (radix == 0) radix = 10;
return val;
bool isNegative = false;
std::string ans;
// First check to see if we start with a sign indicator
if (val[0] == '-') {
ans = "-";
isNegative = true;
} else if (val[0] == '+')
if (len - startPos < 2) {
if (radix == 0) radix = 10;
return val;
if (val.substr(startPos, 2) == "0x" || val.substr(startPos, 2) == "0X") {
// If we start with "0x", then the radix is hex.
radix = 16;
startPos += 2;
} else if (val.substr(startPos, 2) == "0b" ||
val.substr(startPos, 2) == "0B") {
// If we start with "0b", then the radix is binary.
radix = 2;
startPos += 2;
} else if (val.substr(startPos, 2) == "0o" ||
val.substr(startPos, 2) == "0O") {
// If we start with "0o", then the radix is octal.
radix = 8;
startPos += 2;
} else if (radix == 0) {
radix = 10;
int exp = 0;
if (radix == 10) {
// If radix is decimal, then see if there is an
// exponent indicator.
size_t expPos = val.find('e');
bool has_exponent = true;
if (expPos == std::string::npos) expPos = val.find('E');
if (expPos == std::string::npos) {
// No exponent indicator, so the mantissa goes to the end.
expPos = len;
has_exponent = false;
// std::cout << "startPos = " << startPos << " " << expPos << "\n";
ans += val.substr(startPos, expPos - startPos);
if (has_exponent) {
// Parse the exponent.
std::istringstream iss(val.substr(expPos + 1, len - expPos - 1));
iss >> exp;
} else {
// Check for a binary exponent indicator.
size_t expPos = val.find('p');
bool has_exponent = true;
if (expPos == std::string::npos) expPos = val.find('P');
if (expPos == std::string::npos) {
// No exponent indicator, so the mantissa goes to the end.
expPos = len;
has_exponent = false;
// std::cout << "startPos = " << startPos << " " << expPos << "\n";
assert(startPos <= expPos);
// Convert to binary as we go.
for (size_t i = startPos; i < expPos; ++i) {
if (radix == 16) {
ans += hex2Bin(val[i]);
} else if (radix == 8) {
ans += oct2Bin(val[i]);
} else { // radix == 2
ans += val[i];
// End in binary
radix = 2;
if (has_exponent) {
// Parse the exponent.
std::istringstream iss(val.substr(expPos + 1, len - expPos - 1));
iss >> exp;
if (exp == 0) return ans;
size_t decPos = ans.find('.');
if (decPos == std::string::npos) decPos = ans.length();
if ((int)decPos + exp >= (int)ans.length()) {
int i = decPos;
for (; i < (int)ans.length() - 1; ++i) ans[i] = ans[i + 1];
for (; i < (int)ans.length(); ++i) ans[i] = '0';
for (; i < (int)decPos + exp; ++i) ans += '0';
return ans;
} else if ((int)decPos + exp < (int)isNegative) {
std::string dupAns = "0.";
if (ans[0] == '-') dupAns = "-0.";
for (int i = 0; i < isNegative - (int)decPos - exp; ++i) dupAns += '0';
for (size_t i = isNegative; i < ans.length(); ++i)
if (ans[i] != '.') dupAns += ans[i];
return dupAns;
if (exp > 0)
for (size_t i = decPos; i < decPos + exp; ++i) ans[i] = ans[i + 1];
else {
if (decPos == ans.length()) ans += ' ';
for (int i = decPos; i > (int)decPos + exp; --i) ans[i] = ans[i - 1];
ans[decPos + exp] = '.';
return ans;
/// sub_1 - This function subtracts a single "digit" (64-bit word), y, from
/// the multi-digit integer array, x[], propagating the borrowed 1 value until
/// no further borrowing is neeeded or it runs out of "digits" in x. The result
/// is 1 if "borrowing" exhausted the digits in x, or 0 if x was not exhausted.
/// In other words, if y > x then this function returns 1, otherwise 0.
/// @returns the borrow out of the subtraction
static INLINE bool sub_1(uint64_t x[], uint32_t len, uint64_t y) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
uint64_t __X = x[i];
x[i] -= y;
if (y > __X)
y = 1; // We have to "borrow 1" from next "digit"
else {
y = 0; // No need to borrow
break; // Remaining digits are unchanged so exit early
return (y != 0);
/// add_1 - This function adds a single "digit" integer, y, to the multiple
/// "digit" integer array, x[]. x[] is modified to reflect the addition and
/// 1 is returned if there is a carry out, otherwise 0 is returned.
/// @returns the carry of the addition.
static INLINE bool add_1(uint64_t dest[], uint64_t x[], uint32_t len,
uint64_t y) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
dest[i] = y + x[i];
if (dest[i] < y)
y = 1; // Carry one to next digit.
else {
y = 0; // No need to carry so exit early
return (y != 0);
/// add - This function adds the integer array x to the integer array Y and
/// places the result in dest.
/// @returns the carry out from the addition
/// @brief General addition of 64-bit integer arrays
static INLINE bool add(uint64_t* dest, const uint64_t* x, const uint64_t* y,
uint32_t destlen, uint32_t xlen, uint32_t ylen,
bool xsigned, bool ysigned) {
bool carry = false;
uint32_t len = AESL_std::min(xlen, ylen);
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len && i < destlen; ++i) {
uint64_t limit =
AESL_std::min(x[i], y[i]); // must come first in case dest == x
dest[i] = x[i] + y[i] + carry;
carry = dest[i] < limit || (carry && dest[i] == limit);
if (xlen > ylen) {
const uint64_t yext = ysigned && int64_t(y[ylen - 1]) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
for (i = ylen; i < xlen && i < destlen; i++) {
uint64_t limit = AESL_std::min(x[i], yext);
dest[i] = x[i] + yext + carry;
carry = (dest[i] < limit) || (carry && dest[i] == limit);
} else if (ylen > xlen) {
const uint64_t xext = xsigned && int64_t(x[xlen - 1]) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
for (i = xlen; i < ylen && i < destlen; i++) {
uint64_t limit = AESL_std::min(xext, y[i]);
dest[i] = xext + y[i] + carry;
carry = (dest[i] < limit) || (carry && dest[i] == limit);
return carry;
/// @returns returns the borrow out.
/// @brief Generalized subtraction of 64-bit integer arrays.
static INLINE bool sub(uint64_t* dest, const uint64_t* x, const uint64_t* y,
uint32_t destlen, uint32_t xlen, uint32_t ylen,
bool xsigned, bool ysigned) {
bool borrow = false;
uint32_t i;
uint32_t len = AESL_std::min(xlen, ylen);
for (i = 0; i < len && i < destlen; ++i) {
uint64_t x_tmp = borrow ? x[i] - 1 : x[i];
borrow = y[i] > x_tmp || (borrow && x[i] == 0);
dest[i] = x_tmp - y[i];
if (xlen > ylen) {
const uint64_t yext = ysigned && int64_t(y[ylen - 1]) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
for (i = ylen; i < xlen && i < destlen; i++) {
uint64_t x_tmp = borrow ? x[i] - 1 : x[i];
borrow = yext > x_tmp || (borrow && x[i] == 0);
dest[i] = x_tmp - yext;
} else if (ylen > xlen) {
const uint64_t xext = xsigned && int64_t(x[xlen - 1]) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
for (i = xlen; i < ylen && i < destlen; i++) {
uint64_t x_tmp = borrow ? xext - 1 : xext;
borrow = y[i] > x_tmp || (borrow && xext == 0);
dest[i] = x_tmp - y[i];
return borrow;
/// Subtracts the RHS ap_private from this ap_private
/// @returns this, after subtraction
/// @brief Subtraction assignment operator.
/// Multiplies an integer array, x by a a uint64_t integer and places the result
/// into dest.
/// @returns the carry out of the multiplication.
/// @brief Multiply a multi-digit ap_private by a single digit (64-bit) integer.
static INLINE uint64_t mul_1(uint64_t dest[], const uint64_t x[], uint32_t len,
uint64_t y) {
// Split y into high 32-bit part (hy) and low 32-bit part (ly)
uint64_t ly = y & 0xffffffffULL, hy = (y) >> 32;
uint64_t carry = 0;
static const uint64_t two_power_32 = 1ULL << 32;
// For each digit of x.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
// Split x into high and low words
uint64_t lx = x[i] & 0xffffffffULL;
uint64_t hx = (x[i]) >> 32;
// hasCarry - A flag to indicate if there is a carry to the next digit.
// hasCarry == 0, no carry
// hasCarry == 1, has carry
// hasCarry == 2, no carry and the calculation result == 0.
uint8_t hasCarry = 0;
dest[i] = carry + lx * ly;
// Determine if the add above introduces carry.
hasCarry = (dest[i] < carry) ? 1 : 0;
carry = hx * ly + ((dest[i]) >> 32) + (hasCarry ? two_power_32 : 0);
// The upper limit of carry can be (2^32 - 1)(2^32 - 1) +
// (2^32 - 1) + 2^32 = 2^64.
hasCarry = (!carry && hasCarry) ? 1 : (!carry ? 2 : 0);
carry += (lx * hy) & 0xffffffffULL;
dest[i] = ((carry) << 32) | (dest[i] & 0xffffffffULL);
carry = (((!carry && hasCarry != 2) || hasCarry == 1) ? two_power_32 : 0) +
((carry) >> 32) + ((lx * hy) >> 32) + hx * hy;
return carry;
/// Multiplies integer array x by integer array y and stores the result into
/// the integer array dest. Note that dest's size must be >= xlen + ylen in
/// order to
/// do a full precision computation. If it is not, then only the low-order words
/// are returned.
/// @brief Generalized multiplicate of integer arrays.
static INLINE void mul(uint64_t dest[], const uint64_t x[], uint32_t xlen,
const uint64_t y[], uint32_t ylen, uint32_t destlen) {
assert(xlen > 0);
assert(ylen > 0);
assert(destlen >= xlen + ylen);
if (xlen < destlen) dest[xlen] = mul_1(dest, x, xlen, y[0]);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < ylen; ++i) {
uint64_t ly = y[i] & 0xffffffffULL, hy = (y[i]) >> 32;
uint64_t carry = 0, lx = 0, hx = 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < xlen; ++j) {
lx = x[j] & 0xffffffffULL;
hx = (x[j]) >> 32;
// hasCarry - A flag to indicate if has carry.
// hasCarry == 0, no carry
// hasCarry == 1, has carry
// hasCarry == 2, no carry and the calculation result == 0.
uint8_t hasCarry = 0;
uint64_t resul = carry + lx * ly;
hasCarry = (resul < carry) ? 1 : 0;
carry = (hasCarry ? (1ULL << 32) : 0) + hx * ly + ((resul) >> 32);
hasCarry = (!carry && hasCarry) ? 1 : (!carry ? 2 : 0);
carry += (lx * hy) & 0xffffffffULL;
resul = ((carry) << 32) | (resul & 0xffffffffULL);
if (i + j < destlen) dest[i + j] += resul;
carry =
(((!carry && hasCarry != 2) || hasCarry == 1) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0) +
((carry) >> 32) + (dest[i + j] < resul ? 1 : 0) + ((lx * hy) >> 32) +
hx * hy;
if (i + xlen < destlen) dest[i + xlen] = carry;
/// Implementation of Knuth's Algorithm D (Division of nonnegative integers)
/// from "Art of Computer Programming, Volume 2", section 4.3.1, p. 272. The
/// variables here have the same names as in the algorithm. Comments explain
/// the algorithm and any deviation from it.
static INLINE void KnuthDiv(uint32_t* u, uint32_t* v, uint32_t* q, uint32_t* r,
uint32_t m, uint32_t n) {
assert(u && "Must provide dividend");
assert(v && "Must provide divisor");
assert(q && "Must provide quotient");
assert(u != v && u != q && v != q && "Must us different memory");
assert(n > 1 && "n must be > 1");
// Knuth uses the value b as the base of the number system. In our case b
// is 2^31 so we just set it to -1u.
uint64_t b = uint64_t(1) << 32;
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: m=" << m << " n=" << n << '\n');
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: original:");
// DEBUG(for (int i = m+n; i >=0; i--) cerr << " " << std::setbase(16) <<
// u[i]);
// DEBUG(cerr << " by");
// DEBUG(for (int i = n; i >0; i--) cerr << " " << std::setbase(16) <<
// v[i-1]);
// DEBUG(cerr << '\n');
// D1. [Normalize.] Set d = b / (v[n-1] + 1) and multiply all the digits of
// u and v by d. Note that we have taken Knuth's advice here to use a power
// of 2 value for d such that d * v[n-1] >= b/2 (b is the base). A power of
// 2 allows us to shift instead of multiply and it is easy to determine the
// shift amount from the leading zeros. We are basically normalizing the u
// and v so that its high bits are shifted to the top of v's range without
// overflow. Note that this can require an extra word in u so that u must
// be of length m+n+1.
uint32_t shift = CountLeadingZeros_32(v[n - 1]);
uint32_t v_carry = 0;
uint32_t u_carry = 0;
if (shift) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m + n; ++i) {
uint32_t u_tmp = (u[i]) >> (32 - shift);
u[i] = ((u[i]) << (shift)) | u_carry;
u_carry = u_tmp;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
uint32_t v_tmp = (v[i]) >> (32 - shift);
v[i] = ((v[i]) << (shift)) | v_carry;
v_carry = v_tmp;
u[m + n] = u_carry;
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: normal:");
// DEBUG(for (int i = m+n; i >=0; i--) cerr << " " << std::setbase(16) <<
// u[i]);
// DEBUG(cerr << " by");
// DEBUG(for (int i = n; i >0; i--) cerr << " " << std::setbase(16) <<
// v[i-1]);
// DEBUG(cerr << '\n');
// D2. [Initialize j.] Set j to m. This is the loop counter over the places.
int j = m;
do {
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: quotient digit #" << j << '\n');
// D3. [Calculate q'.].
// Set qp = (u[j+n]*b + u[j+n-1]) / v[n-1]. (qp=qprime=q')
// Set rp = (u[j+n]*b + u[j+n-1]) % v[n-1]. (rp=rprime=r')
// Now test if qp == b or qp*v[n-2] > b*rp + u[j+n-2]; if so, decrease
// qp by 1, inrease rp by v[n-1], and repeat this test if rp < b. The test
// on v[n-2] determines at high speed most of the cases in which the trial
// value qp is one too large, and it eliminates all cases where qp is two
// too large.
uint64_t dividend = ((uint64_t(u[j + n]) << 32) + u[j + n - 1]);
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: dividend == " << dividend << '\n');
uint64_t qp = dividend / v[n - 1];
uint64_t rp = dividend % v[n - 1];
if (qp == b || qp * v[n - 2] > b * rp + u[j + n - 2]) {
rp += v[n - 1];
if (rp < b && (qp == b || qp * v[n - 2] > b * rp + u[j + n - 2])) qp--;
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: qp == " << qp << ", rp == " << rp << '\n');
// D4. [Multiply and subtract.] Replace (u[j+n]u[j+n-1]...u[j]) with
// (u[j+n]u[j+n-1]..u[j]) - qp * (v[n-1]...v[1]v[0]). This computation
// consists of a simple multiplication by a one-place number, combined with
// a subtraction.
bool isNeg = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
uint64_t u_tmp = uint64_t(u[j + i]) | ((uint64_t(u[j + i + 1])) << 32);
uint64_t subtrahend = uint64_t(qp) * uint64_t(v[i]);
bool borrow = subtrahend > u_tmp;
/*DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: u_tmp == " << u_tmp
<< ", subtrahend == " << subtrahend
<< ", borrow = " << borrow << '\n');*/
uint64_t result = u_tmp - subtrahend;
uint32_t k = j + i;
u[k++] = (uint32_t)(result & (b - 1)); // subtract low word
u[k++] = (uint32_t)((result) >> 32); // subtract high word
while (borrow && k <= m + n) { // deal with borrow to the left
borrow = u[k] == 0;
isNeg |= borrow;
/*DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: u[j+i] == " << u[j+i] << ", u[j+i+1] == " <<
u[j+i+1] << '\n');*/
/*DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: after subtraction:");
DEBUG(for (int i = m+n; i >=0; i--) cerr << " " << u[i]);
DEBUG(cerr << '\n');*/
// The digits (u[j+n]...u[j]) should be kept positive; if the result of
// this step is actually negative, (u[j+n]...u[j]) should be left as the
// true value plus b**(n+1), namely as the b's complement of
// the true value, and a "borrow" to the left should be remembered.
if (isNeg) {
bool carry = true; // true because b's complement is "complement + 1"
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= m + n; ++i) {
u[i] = ~u[i] + carry; // b's complement
carry = carry && u[i] == 0;
/*DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: after complement:");
DEBUG(for (int i = m+n; i >=0; i--) cerr << " " << u[i]);
DEBUG(cerr << '\n');*/
// D5. [Test remainder.] Set q[j] = qp. If the result of step D4 was
// negative, go to step D6; otherwise go on to step D7.
q[j] = (uint32_t)qp;
if (isNeg) {
// D6. [Add back]. The probability that this step is necessary is very
// small, on the order of only 2/b. Make sure that test data accounts for
// this possibility. Decrease q[j] by 1
// and add (0v[n-1]...v[1]v[0]) to (u[j+n]u[j+n-1]...u[j+1]u[j]).
// A carry will occur to the left of u[j+n], and it should be ignored
// since it cancels with the borrow that occurred in D4.
bool carry = false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
uint32_t limit = AESL_std::min(u[j + i], v[i]);
u[j + i] += v[i] + carry;
carry = u[j + i] < limit || (carry && u[j + i] == limit);
u[j + n] += carry;
/*DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: after correction:");
DEBUG(for (int i = m+n; i >=0; i--) cerr <<" " << u[i]);
DEBUG(cerr << "\nKnuthDiv: digit result = " << q[j] << '\n');*/
// D7. [Loop on j.] Decrease j by one. Now if j >= 0, go back to D3.
} while (--j >= 0);
/*DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: quotient:");
DEBUG(for (int i = m; i >=0; i--) cerr <<" " << q[i]);
DEBUG(cerr << '\n');*/
// D8. [Unnormalize]. Now q[...] is the desired quotient, and the desired
// remainder may be obtained by dividing u[...] by d. If r is non-null we
// compute the remainder (urem uses this).
if (r) {
// The value d is expressed by the "shift" value above since we avoided
// multiplication by d by using a shift left. So, all we have to do is
// shift right here. In order to mak
if (shift) {
uint32_t carry = 0;
// DEBUG(cerr << "KnuthDiv: remainder:");
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
r[i] = ((u[i]) >> (shift)) | carry;
carry = (u[i]) << (32 - shift);
// DEBUG(cerr << " " << r[i]);
} else {
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
r[i] = u[i];
// DEBUG(cerr << " " << r[i]);
// DEBUG(cerr << '\n');
// DEBUG(cerr << std::setbase(10) << '\n');
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
void divide(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& LHS, uint32_t lhsWords,
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& RHS, uint32_t rhsWords,
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>* Quotient,
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>* Remainder) {
assert(lhsWords >= rhsWords && "Fractional result");
enum { APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = 64 };
// First, compose the values into an array of 32-bit words instead of
// 64-bit words. This is a necessity of both the "short division" algorithm
// and the the Knuth "classical algorithm" which requires there to be native
// operations for +, -, and * on an m bit value with an m*2 bit result. We
// can't use 64-bit operands here because we don't have native results of
// 128-bits. Furthremore, casting the 64-bit values to 32-bit values won't
// work on large-endian machines.
uint64_t mask = ~0ull >> (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
uint32_t n = rhsWords * 2;
uint32_t m = (lhsWords * 2) - n;
// Allocate space for the temporary values we need either on the stack, if
// it will fit, or on the heap if it won't.
uint32_t SPACE[128];
uint32_t* __U = 0;
uint32_t* __V = 0;
uint32_t* __Q = 0;
uint32_t* __R = 0;
if ((Remainder ? 4 : 3) * n + 2 * m + 1 <= 128) {
__U = &SPACE[0];
__V = &SPACE[m + n + 1];
__Q = &SPACE[(m + n + 1) + n];
if (Remainder) __R = &SPACE[(m + n + 1) + n + (m + n)];
} else {
__U = new uint32_t[m + n + 1];
__V = new uint32_t[n];
__Q = new uint32_t[m + n];
if (Remainder) __R = new uint32_t[n];
// Initialize the dividend
memset(__U, 0, (m + n + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lhsWords; ++i) {
uint64_t tmp = LHS.get_pVal(i);
__U[i * 2] = (uint32_t)(tmp & mask);
__U[i * 2 + 1] = (tmp) >> (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
__U[m + n] = 0; // this extra word is for "spill" in the Knuth algorithm.
// Initialize the divisor
memset(__V, 0, (n) * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rhsWords; ++i) {
uint64_t tmp = RHS.get_pVal(i);
__V[i * 2] = (uint32_t)(tmp & mask);
__V[i * 2 + 1] = (tmp) >> (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
// initialize the quotient and remainder
memset(__Q, 0, (m + n) * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (Remainder) memset(__R, 0, n * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Now, adjust m and n for the Knuth division. n is the number of words in
// the divisor. m is the number of words by which the dividend exceeds the
// divisor (i.e. m+n is the length of the dividend). These sizes must not
// contain any zero words or the Knuth algorithm fails.
for (unsigned i = n; i > 0 && __V[i - 1] == 0; i--) {
for (unsigned i = m + n; i > 0 && __U[i - 1] == 0; i--) m--;
// If we're left with only a single word for the divisor, Knuth doesn't work
// so we implement the short division algorithm here. This is much simpler
// and faster because we are certain that we can divide a 64-bit quantity
// by a 32-bit quantity at hardware speed and short division is simply a
// series of such operations. This is just like doing short division but we
// are using base 2^32 instead of base 10.
assert(n != 0 && "Divide by zero?");
if (n == 1) {
uint32_t divisor = __V[0];
uint32_t remainder = 0;
for (int i = m + n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint64_t partial_dividend = (uint64_t(remainder)) << 32 | __U[i];
if (partial_dividend == 0) {
__Q[i] = 0;
remainder = 0;
} else if (partial_dividend < divisor) {
__Q[i] = 0;
remainder = (uint32_t)partial_dividend;
} else if (partial_dividend == divisor) {
__Q[i] = 1;
remainder = 0;
} else {
__Q[i] = (uint32_t)(partial_dividend / divisor);
remainder = (uint32_t)(partial_dividend - (__Q[i] * divisor));
if (__R) __R[0] = remainder;
} else {
// Now we're ready to invoke the Knuth classical divide algorithm. In this
// case n > 1.
KnuthDiv(__U, __V, __Q, __R, m, n);
// If the caller wants the quotient
if (Quotient) {
// Set up the Quotient value's memory.
if (Quotient->BitWidth != LHS.BitWidth) {
if (Quotient->isSingleWord()) Quotient->set_VAL(0);
} else
// The quotient is in Q. Reconstitute the quotient into Quotient's low
// order words.
if (lhsWords == 1) {
uint64_t tmp =
uint64_t(__Q[0]) | ((uint64_t(__Q[1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2));
} else {
assert(!Quotient->isSingleWord() &&
"Quotient ap_private not large enough");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lhsWords; ++i)
i, uint64_t(__Q[i * 2]) |
((uint64_t(__Q[i * 2 + 1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2)));
// If the caller wants the remainder
if (Remainder) {
// Set up the Remainder value's memory.
if (Remainder->BitWidth != RHS.BitWidth) {
if (Remainder->isSingleWord()) Remainder->set_VAL(0);
} else
// The remainder is in R. Reconstitute the remainder into Remainder's low
// order words.
if (rhsWords == 1) {
uint64_t tmp =
uint64_t(__R[0]) | ((uint64_t(__R[1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2));
} else {
assert(!Remainder->isSingleWord() &&
"Remainder ap_private not large enough");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rhsWords; ++i)
i, uint64_t(__R[i * 2]) |
((uint64_t(__R[i * 2 + 1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2)));
// Clean up the memory we allocated.
if (__U != &SPACE[0]) {
delete[] __U;
delete[] __V;
delete[] __Q;
delete[] __R;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
void divide(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& LHS, uint32_t lhsWords,
uint64_t RHS, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>* Quotient,
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>* Remainder) {
uint32_t rhsWords = 1;
assert(lhsWords >= rhsWords && "Fractional result");
enum { APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = 64 };
// First, compose the values into an array of 32-bit words instead of
// 64-bit words. This is a necessity of both the "short division" algorithm
// and the the Knuth "classical algorithm" which requires there to be native
// operations for +, -, and * on an m bit value with an m*2 bit result. We
// can't use 64-bit operands here because we don't have native results of
// 128-bits. Furthremore, casting the 64-bit values to 32-bit values won't
// work on large-endian machines.
uint64_t mask = ~0ull >> (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
uint32_t n = 2;
uint32_t m = (lhsWords * 2) - n;
// Allocate space for the temporary values we need either on the stack, if
// it will fit, or on the heap if it won't.
uint32_t SPACE[128];
uint32_t* __U = 0;
uint32_t* __V = 0;
uint32_t* __Q = 0;
uint32_t* __R = 0;
if ((Remainder ? 4 : 3) * n + 2 * m + 1 <= 128) {
__U = &SPACE[0];
__V = &SPACE[m + n + 1];
__Q = &SPACE[(m + n + 1) + n];
if (Remainder) __R = &SPACE[(m + n + 1) + n + (m + n)];
} else {
__U = new uint32_t[m + n + 1];
__V = new uint32_t[n];
__Q = new uint32_t[m + n];
if (Remainder) __R = new uint32_t[n];
// Initialize the dividend
memset(__U, 0, (m + n + 1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lhsWords; ++i) {
uint64_t tmp = LHS.get_pVal(i);
__U[i * 2] = tmp & mask;
__U[i * 2 + 1] = (tmp) >> (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
__U[m + n] = 0; // this extra word is for "spill" in the Knuth algorithm.
// Initialize the divisor
memset(__V, 0, (n) * sizeof(uint32_t));
__V[0] = RHS & mask;
__V[1] = (RHS) >> (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
// initialize the quotient and remainder
memset(__Q, 0, (m + n) * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (Remainder) memset(__R, 0, n * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Now, adjust m and n for the Knuth division. n is the number of words in
// the divisor. m is the number of words by which the dividend exceeds the
// divisor (i.e. m+n is the length of the dividend). These sizes must not
// contain any zero words or the Knuth algorithm fails.
for (unsigned i = n; i > 0 && __V[i - 1] == 0; i--) {
for (unsigned i = m + n; i > 0 && __U[i - 1] == 0; i--) m--;
// If we're left with only a single word for the divisor, Knuth doesn't work
// so we implement the short division algorithm here. This is much simpler
// and faster because we are certain that we can divide a 64-bit quantity
// by a 32-bit quantity at hardware speed and short division is simply a
// series of such operations. This is just like doing short division but we
// are using base 2^32 instead of base 10.
assert(n != 0 && "Divide by zero?");
if (n == 1) {
uint32_t divisor = __V[0];
uint32_t remainder = 0;
for (int i = m + n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
uint64_t partial_dividend = (uint64_t(remainder)) << 32 | __U[i];
if (partial_dividend == 0) {
__Q[i] = 0;
remainder = 0;
} else if (partial_dividend < divisor) {
__Q[i] = 0;
remainder = partial_dividend;
} else if (partial_dividend == divisor) {
__Q[i] = 1;
remainder = 0;
} else {
__Q[i] = partial_dividend / divisor;
remainder = partial_dividend - (__Q[i] * divisor);
if (__R) __R[0] = remainder;
} else {
// Now we're ready to invoke the Knuth classical divide algorithm. In this
// case n > 1.
KnuthDiv(__U, __V, __Q, __R, m, n);
// If the caller wants the quotient
if (Quotient) {
// Set up the Quotient value's memory.
if (Quotient->BitWidth != LHS.BitWidth) {
if (Quotient->isSingleWord()) Quotient->set_VAL(0);
} else
// The quotient is in Q. Reconstitute the quotient into Quotient's low
// order words.
if (lhsWords == 1) {
uint64_t tmp =
uint64_t(__Q[0]) | ((uint64_t(__Q[1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2));
} else {
assert(!Quotient->isSingleWord() &&
"Quotient ap_private not large enough");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lhsWords; ++i)
i, uint64_t(__Q[i * 2]) |
((uint64_t(__Q[i * 2 + 1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2)));
// If the caller wants the remainder
if (Remainder) {
// Set up the Remainder value's memory.
if (Remainder->BitWidth != 64 /* RHS.BitWidth */) {
if (Remainder->isSingleWord()) Remainder->set_VAL(0);
} else
// The remainder is in __R. Reconstitute the remainder into Remainder's low
// order words.
if (rhsWords == 1) {
uint64_t tmp =
uint64_t(__R[0]) | ((uint64_t(__R[1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2));
} else {
assert(!Remainder->isSingleWord() &&
"Remainder ap_private not large enough");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rhsWords; ++i)
i, uint64_t(__R[i * 2]) |
((uint64_t(__R[i * 2 + 1])) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD / 2)));
// Clean up the memory we allocated.
if (__U != &SPACE[0]) {
delete[] __U;
delete[] __V;
delete[] __Q;
delete[] __R;
/// @brief Logical right-shift function.
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, bool _AP_C>
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, _AP_C> lshr(
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, _AP_C>& LHS, uint32_t shiftAmt) {
return LHS.lshr(shiftAmt);
/// Left-shift the ap_private by shiftAmt.
/// @brief Left-shift function.
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, bool _AP_C>
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, _AP_C> shl(
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, _AP_C>& LHS, uint32_t shiftAmt) {
return LHS.shl(shiftAmt);
} // namespace ap_private_ops
/// This enumeration just provides for internal constants used in this
/// translation unit.
enum {
MIN_INT_BITS = 1, ///< Minimum number of bits that can be specified
///< Note that this must remain synchronized with IntegerType::MIN_INT_BITS
MAX_INT_BITS = (1 << 23) - 1 ///< Maximum number of bits that can be specified
///< Note that this must remain synchronized with IntegerType::MAX_INT_BITS
// ap_private Class
/// ap_private - This class represents arbitrary precision constant integral
/// values.
/// It is a functional replacement for common case unsigned integer type like
/// "unsigned", "unsigned long" or "uint64_t", but also allows non-byte-width
/// integer sizes and large integer value types such as 3-bits, 15-bits, or more
/// than 64-bits of precision. ap_private provides a variety of arithmetic
/// operators
/// and methods to manipulate integer values of any bit-width. It supports both
/// the typical integer arithmetic and comparison operations as well as bitwise
/// manipulation.
/// The class has several invariants worth noting:
/// * All bit, byte, and word positions are zero-based.
/// * Once the bit width is set, it doesn't change except by the Truncate,
/// SignExtend, or ZeroExtend operations.
/// * All binary operators must be on ap_private instances of the same bit
/// width.
/// Attempting to use these operators on instances with different bit
/// widths will yield an assertion.
/// * The value is stored canonically as an unsigned value. For operations
/// where it makes a difference, there are both signed and unsigned variants
/// of the operation. For example, sdiv and udiv. However, because the bit
/// widths must be the same, operations such as Mul and Add produce the same
/// results regardless of whether the values are interpreted as signed or
/// not.
/// * In general, the class tries to follow the style of computation that LLVM
/// uses in its IR. This simplifies its use for LLVM.
/// @brief Class for arbitrary precision integers.
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#if _MSC_VER < 1400 && !defined(for)
#define for if (0); else for
typedef unsigned __int64 ap_ulong;
typedef signed __int64 ap_slong;
typedef unsigned long long ap_ulong;
typedef signed long long ap_slong;
template <int _AP_N8, bool _AP_S>
struct valtype;
template <int _AP_N8>
struct valtype<_AP_N8, false> {
typedef uint64_t Type;
template <int _AP_N8>
struct valtype<_AP_N8, true> {
typedef int64_t Type;
template <>
struct valtype<1, false> {
typedef unsigned char Type;
template <>
struct valtype<2, false> {
typedef unsigned short Type;
template <>
struct valtype<3, false> {
typedef unsigned int Type;
template <>
struct valtype<4, false> {
typedef unsigned int Type;
template <>
struct valtype<1, true> {
typedef signed char Type;
template <>
struct valtype<2, true> {
typedef short Type;
template <>
struct valtype<3, true> {
typedef int Type;
template <>
struct valtype<4, true> {
typedef int Type;
template <bool enable>
struct ap_private_enable_if {};
template <>
struct ap_private_enable_if<true> {
static const bool isValid = true;
// When bitwidth < 64
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
class ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, true> {
// SFINAE pattern. Only consider this class when _AP_W <= 64
const static bool valid = ap_private_enable_if<_AP_W <= 64>::isValid;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4521 4522)
typedef typename valtype<(_AP_W + 7) / 8, _AP_S>::Type ValType;
typedef ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> Type;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
struct RType {
enum {
mult_w = _AP_W + _AP_W2,
mult_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2,
plus_w =
AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S2 && !_AP_S), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S && !_AP_S2)) + 1,
plus_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2,
minus_w =
AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S2 && !_AP_S), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S && !_AP_S2)) + 1,
minus_s = true,
div_w = _AP_W + _AP_S2,
div_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2,
mod_w = AP_MIN(_AP_W, _AP_W2 + (!_AP_S2 && _AP_S)),
mod_s = _AP_S,
logic_w = AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S2 && !_AP_S), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S && !_AP_S2)),
logic_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2
typedef ap_private<mult_w, mult_s> mult;
typedef ap_private<plus_w, plus_s> plus;
typedef ap_private<minus_w, minus_s> minus;
typedef ap_private<logic_w, logic_s> logic;
typedef ap_private<div_w, div_s> div;
typedef ap_private<mod_w, mod_s> mod;
typedef ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> arg1;
typedef bool reduce;
enum { APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8 };
enum {
excess_bits = (_AP_W % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)
: 0
static const uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t)~0ULL >> (excess_bits));
static const uint64_t not_mask = ~mask;
static const uint64_t sign_bit_mask = 1ULL << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1);
template <int _AP_W1>
struct sign_ext_mask {
static const uint64_t mask = ~0ULL << _AP_W1;
static const int width = _AP_W;
enum {
BitWidth = _AP_W,
_AP_N = 1,
ValType VAL; ///< Used to store the <= 64 bits integer value.
#ifdef AP_CANARY
void check_canary() { assert(CANARY == (ValType)0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF); }
void set_canary() { CANARY = (ValType)0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF; }
void check_canary() {}
void set_canary() {}
INLINE ValType& get_VAL(void) { return VAL; }
INLINE ValType get_VAL(void) const { return VAL; }
INLINE ValType get_VAL(void) const volatile { return VAL; }
INLINE void set_VAL(uint64_t value) { VAL = (ValType)value; }
INLINE ValType& get_pVal(int i) { return VAL; }
INLINE ValType get_pVal(int i) const { return VAL; }
INLINE const uint64_t* get_pVal() const {
assert(0 && "invalid usage");
return 0;
INLINE ValType get_pVal(int i) const volatile { return VAL; }
INLINE uint64_t* get_pVal() const volatile {
assert(0 && "invalid usage");
return 0;
INLINE void set_pVal(int i, uint64_t value) { VAL = (ValType)value; }
INLINE uint32_t getBitWidth() const { return BitWidth; }
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator=(
const volatile ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(RHS.get_VAL()); // TODO check here about ap_private<W,S,false>
return *this;
void operator=(const ap_private& RHS) volatile {
// Don't do anything for X = X
VAL = RHS.get_VAL(); // No need to check because no harm done by copying.
ap_private& operator=(const ap_private& RHS) {
// Don't do anything for X = X
VAL = RHS.get_VAL(); // No need to check because no harm done by copying.
return *this;
void operator=(const volatile ap_private& RHS) volatile {
// Don't do anything for X = X
VAL = RHS.get_VAL(); // No need to check because no harm done by copying.
ap_private& operator=(const volatile ap_private& RHS) {
// Don't do anything for X = X
VAL = RHS.get_VAL(); // No need to check because no harm done by copying.
return *this;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
*this = ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(op2);
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const C_TYPE v) { \
set_canary(); \
this->VAL = (ValType)v; \
clearUnusedBits(); \
check_canary(); \
return *this; \
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(signed char)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned char)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned short)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned int)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned long)
#if 0
// XXX This is a must to prevent pointer being converted to bool.
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const char* s) {
ap_private tmp(s); // XXX direct-initialization, as ctor is explicit.
return *this;
explicit INLINE ap_private(uint64_t* val) : VAL(val[0]) {
INLINE bool isSingleWord() const { return true; }
INLINE void fromString(const char* strStart, uint32_t slen, uint8_t radix) {
bool isNeg = strStart[0] == '-';
if (isNeg) {
if (strStart[0] == '0' && (strStart[1] == 'b' || strStart[1] == 'B')) {
//if(radix == 0) radix = 2;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 2, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", strStart, 2, radix);
strStart += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (strStart[0] == '0' && (strStart[1] == 'o' || strStart[1] == 'O')) {
//if (radix == 0) radix = 8;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 8, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", strStart, 8, radix);
strStart += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (strStart[0] == '0' && (strStart[1] == 'x' || strStart[1] == 'X')) {
//if (radix == 0) radix = 16;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 16, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", strStart, 16, radix);
strStart += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (strStart[0] == '0' && (strStart[1] == 'd' || strStart[1] == 'D')) {
//if (radix == 0) radix = 10;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 10, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", strStart, 10, radix);
strStart += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (radix == 0) {
//radix = 2; // XXX default value
// Check our assumptions here
assert((radix == 10 || radix == 8 || radix == 16 || radix == 2) &&
"Radix should be 2, 8, 10, or 16!");
assert(strStart && "String is null?");
// Clear bits.
uint64_t tmpVAL = VAL = 0;
switch (radix) {
case 2:
// sscanf(strStart,"%b",&VAL);
// tmpVAL = *strStart =='1' ? ~0ULL : 0;
for (; *strStart; ++strStart) {
assert((*strStart == '0' || *strStart == '1') &&
("Wrong binary number"));
tmpVAL <<= 1;
tmpVAL |= (*strStart - '0');
case 8:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
sscanf_s(strStart, "%llo", &tmpVAL, slen + 1);
#if defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WIN32__)
sscanf(strStart, "%lo", &tmpVAL);
sscanf(strStart, "%llo", &tmpVAL);
#endif //__x86_64__
#endif //_MSC_VER
case 10:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
sscanf_s(strStart, "%llu", &tmpVAL, slen + 1);
#if defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WIN32__)
sscanf(strStart, "%lu", &tmpVAL);
sscanf(strStart, "%llu", &tmpVAL);
#endif //__x86_64__
#endif //_MSC_VER
case 16:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
sscanf_s(strStart, "%llx", &tmpVAL, slen + 1);
#if defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__WIN32__)
sscanf(strStart, "%lx", &tmpVAL);
sscanf(strStart, "%llx", &tmpVAL);
#endif //__x86_64__
#endif //_MSC_VER
assert(true && "Unknown radix");
// error
VAL = isNeg ? (ValType)(-tmpVAL) : (ValType)(tmpVAL);
INLINE ap_private(const std::string& val, uint8_t radix = 2) : VAL(0) {
assert(!val.empty() && "String empty?");
fromString(val.c_str(), val.size(), radix);
INLINE ap_private(const char strStart[], uint32_t slen, uint8_t radix)
: VAL(0) {
fromString(strStart, slen, radix);
INLINE ap_private(uint32_t numWords, const uint64_t bigVal[])
: VAL(bigVal[0]) {
INLINE ap_private() {
#define CTOR(TYPE) \
INLINE ap_private(TYPE v) : VAL((ValType)v) { \
set_canary(); \
clearUnusedBits(); \
check_canary(); \
CTOR(signed char)
CTOR(unsigned char)
CTOR(unsigned short)
CTOR(unsigned int)
CTOR(unsigned long)
#if 0
#undef CTOR
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, bool _AP_OPT>
INLINE ap_private(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, _AP_OPT>& that)
: VAL((ValType)that.get_VAL()) {
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, bool _AP_OPT>
INLINE ap_private(const volatile ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, _AP_OPT>& that)
: VAL((ValType)that.get_VAL()) {
explicit INLINE ap_private(const char* val) {
unsigned char radix = 10;
std::string str = ap_private_ops::parseString(val, radix); // will set radix.
std::string::size_type pos = str.find('.');
// trunc all fraction part
if (pos != std::string::npos) str = str.substr(pos);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> ap_private_val(str, radix);
INLINE ap_private(const char* val, signed char rd) {
unsigned char radix = rd;
std::string str = ap_private_ops::parseString(val, radix); // will set radix.
std::string::size_type pos = str.find('.');
// trunc all fraction part
if (pos != std::string::npos) str = str.substr(pos);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> ap_private_val(str, radix);
INLINE ~ap_private() { check_canary(); }
INLINE bool isNegative() const {
static const uint64_t sign_mask = 1ULL << (_AP_W - 1);
return _AP_S && (sign_mask & VAL);
INLINE bool isPositive() const { return !isNegative(); }
INLINE bool isStrictlyPositive() const { return !isNegative() && VAL != 0; }
INLINE bool isAllOnesValue() const { return (mask & VAL) == mask; }
INLINE bool operator==(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& RHS) const {
return VAL == RHS.get_VAL();
INLINE bool operator==(const ap_private<_AP_W, !_AP_S>& RHS) const {
return (uint64_t)VAL == (uint64_t)RHS.get_VAL();
INLINE bool operator==(uint64_t Val) const { return ((uint64_t)VAL == Val); }
INLINE bool operator!=(uint64_t Val) const { return ((uint64_t)VAL != Val); }
INLINE bool operator!=(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& RHS) const {
return VAL != RHS.get_VAL();
INLINE bool operator!=(const ap_private<_AP_W, !_AP_S>& RHS) const {
return (uint64_t)VAL != (uint64_t)RHS.get_VAL();
/// postfix increment.
const ap_private operator++(int) {
ap_private orig(*this);
return orig;
/// prefix increment.
const ap_private operator++() {
return *this;
/// postfix decrement.
const ap_private operator--(int) {
ap_private orig(*this);
return orig;
/// prefix decrement.
const ap_private operator--() {
return *this;
/// one's complement.
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W + !_AP_S, true> operator~() const {
ap_private<_AP_W + !_AP_S, true> Result(*this);
return Result;
/// two's complement.
INLINE typename RType<1, false>::minus operator-() const {
return ap_private<1, false>(0) - (*this);
/// logic negation.
INLINE bool operator!() const { return !VAL; }
INLINE std::string toString(uint8_t radix, bool wantSigned) const;
INLINE std::string toStringUnsigned(uint8_t radix = 10) const {
return toString(radix, false);
INLINE std::string toStringSigned(uint8_t radix = 10) const {
return toString(radix, true);
INLINE void clear() { VAL = 0; }
INLINE ap_private& clear(uint32_t bitPosition) {
VAL &= ~(1ULL << (bitPosition));
return *this;
INLINE ap_private ashr(uint32_t shiftAmt) const {
if (_AP_S)
return ap_private((shiftAmt == BitWidth) ? 0
: ((int64_t)VAL) >> (shiftAmt));
return ap_private((shiftAmt == BitWidth) ? 0
: ((uint64_t)VAL) >> (shiftAmt));
INLINE ap_private lshr(uint32_t shiftAmt) const {
return ap_private((shiftAmt == BitWidth)
? ap_private(0)
: ap_private((VAL & mask) >> (shiftAmt)));
INLINE ap_private shl(uint32_t shiftAmt) const
// just for clang compiler
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__CLANG_3_1__)
if (shiftAmt > BitWidth) {
if (!isNegative())
return ap_private(0);
return ap_private(-1);
if (shiftAmt == BitWidth)
return ap_private(0);
return ap_private((VAL) << (shiftAmt));
// return ap_private((shiftAmt == BitWidth) ? ap_private(0ULL) :
// ap_private(VAL << shiftAmt));
INLINE int64_t getSExtValue() const { return VAL; }
// XXX XXX this function is used in CBE
INLINE uint64_t getZExtValue() const { return VAL & mask; }
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
*this = ref.get();
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
*this = ((uint64_t)(bool)ref);
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& ref) {
// set_canary();
// *this = ref.get();
// check_canary();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_private(
// const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
// set_canary();
// *this = ((val.operator ap_private<_AP_W2, false>()));
// check_canary();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_private(
// const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
// set_canary();
// *this = (uint64_t)(bool)val;
// check_canary();
// }
INLINE void write(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op2) volatile {
*this = (op2);
// Explicit conversions to C interger types
INLINE operator ValType() const { return get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_uchar() const { return (unsigned char)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_char() const { return (signed char)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_ushort() const { return (unsigned short)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_short() const { return (short)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_int() const {
// ap_private<64 /* _AP_W */, _AP_S> res(V);
return (int)get_VAL();
INLINE unsigned to_uint() const { return (unsigned)get_VAL(); }
INLINE long to_long() const { return (long)get_VAL(); }
INLINE unsigned long to_ulong() const { return (unsigned long)get_VAL(); }
INLINE ap_slong to_int64() const { return (ap_slong)get_VAL(); }
INLINE ap_ulong to_uint64() const { return (ap_ulong)get_VAL(); }
INLINE double to_double() const {
if (isNegative())
return roundToDouble(true);
return roundToDouble(false);
INLINE unsigned length() const { return _AP_W; }
INLINE bool isMinValue() const { return VAL == 0; }
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator&=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(((uint64_t)VAL) & RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator|=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(((uint64_t)VAL) | RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator^=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(((uint64_t)VAL) ^ RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator*=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(((uint64_t)VAL) * RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator+=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(((uint64_t)VAL) + RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator-=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
VAL = (ValType)(((uint64_t)VAL) - RHS.get_VAL());
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic operator&(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic_w <= 64) {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Ret(((uint64_t)VAL) &
return Ret;
} else {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Ret = *this;
return Ret & RHS;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic operator^(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic_w <= 64) {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Ret(((uint64_t)VAL) ^
return Ret;
} else {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Ret = *this;
return Ret ^ RHS;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic operator|(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic_w <= 64) {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Ret(((uint64_t)VAL) |
return Ret;
} else {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Ret = *this;
return Ret | RHS;
INLINE ap_private And(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private(VAL & RHS.get_VAL());
INLINE ap_private Or(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private(VAL | RHS.get_VAL());
INLINE ap_private Xor(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private(VAL ^ RHS.get_VAL());
#if 1
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::mult operator*(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::mult_w <= 64) {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::mult Result(((uint64_t)VAL) *
return Result;
} else {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::mult Result(*this);
Result *= RHS;
return Result;
INLINE ap_private Mul(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private(VAL * RHS.get_VAL());
INLINE ap_private Add(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private(VAL + RHS.get_VAL());
INLINE ap_private Sub(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private(VAL - RHS.get_VAL());
INLINE ap_private& operator&=(uint64_t RHS) {
VAL &= (ValType)RHS;
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator|=(uint64_t RHS) {
VAL |= (ValType)RHS;
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator^=(uint64_t RHS) {
VAL ^= (ValType)RHS;
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator*=(uint64_t RHS) {
VAL *= (ValType)RHS;
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator+=(uint64_t RHS) {
VAL += (ValType)RHS;
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator-=(uint64_t RHS) {
VAL -= (ValType)RHS;
return *this;
INLINE bool isMinSignedValue() const {
static const uint64_t min_mask = ~(~0ULL << (_AP_W - 1));
return BitWidth == 1 ? VAL == 1
: (ap_private_ops::isNegative<_AP_W>(*this) &&
((min_mask & VAL) == 0));
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus operator+(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus_w <= 64)
return typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus(
RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus_s
? int64_t(((uint64_t)VAL) + RHS.get_VAL())
: uint64_t(((uint64_t)VAL) + RHS.get_VAL()));
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus Result = RHS;
Result += VAL;
return Result;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus operator-(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus_w <= 64)
return typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus(
int64_t(((uint64_t)VAL) - RHS.get_VAL()));
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus Result = *this;
Result -= RHS;
return Result;
INLINE uint32_t countPopulation() const {
return ap_private_ops::CountPopulation_64(VAL);
INLINE uint32_t countLeadingZeros() const {
int remainder = BitWidth % 64;
int excessBits = (64 - remainder) % 64;
uint32_t Count = ap_private_ops::CountLeadingZeros_64(VAL);
if (Count) Count -= excessBits;
return AESL_std::min(Count, (uint32_t)_AP_W);
/// HiBits - This function returns the high "numBits" bits of this ap_private.
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> getHiBits(uint32_t numBits) const {
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> ret(*this);
ret = (ret) >> (BitWidth - numBits);
return ret;
/// LoBits - This function returns the low "numBits" bits of this ap_private.
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> getLoBits(uint32_t numBits) const {
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> ret(((uint64_t)VAL) << (BitWidth - numBits));
ret = (ret) >> (BitWidth - numBits);
return ret;
// return ap_private(numBits, (VAL << (BitWidth - numBits))>> (BitWidth -
// numBits));
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& set(uint32_t bitPosition) {
VAL |= (1ULL << (bitPosition));
return *this; // clearUnusedBits();
INLINE void set() {
VAL = (ValType)~0ULL;
template <int _AP_W3>
INLINE void set(const ap_private<_AP_W3, false>& val) {
operator=(ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S>(val));
INLINE void set(const ap_private& val) { operator=(val); }
INLINE void clearUnusedBits(void)
// just for clang compiler
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__CLANG_3_1__)
enum { excess_bits = (_AP_W % 64) ? 64 - _AP_W % 64 : 0 };
VAL = (ValType)(
? ((((int64_t)VAL) << (excess_bits)) >> (excess_bits))
: (excess_bits ? (((uint64_t)VAL) << (excess_bits)) >> (excess_bits)
: (uint64_t)VAL));
INLINE void clearUnusedBitsToZero(void) {
enum { excess_bits = (_AP_W % 64) ? 64 - _AP_W % 64 : 0 };
static uint64_t mask = ~0ULL >> (excess_bits);
VAL &= mask;
INLINE ap_private udiv(const ap_private& RHS) const {
return ap_private((uint64_t)VAL / RHS.get_VAL());
/// Signed divide this ap_private by ap_private RHS.
/// @brief Signed division function for ap_private.
INLINE ap_private sdiv(const ap_private& RHS) const {
if (isNegative())
if (RHS.isNegative())
return ((uint64_t)(0 - (*this))) / (uint64_t)(0 - RHS);
return 0 - ((uint64_t)(0 - (*this)) / (uint64_t)(RHS));
else if (RHS.isNegative())
return 0 - (this->udiv((ap_private)(0 - RHS)));
return this->udiv(RHS);
template <bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private urem(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S2>& RHS) const {
assert(RHS.get_VAL() != 0 && "Divide by 0");
return ap_private(((uint64_t)VAL) % ((uint64_t)RHS.get_VAL()));
/// Signed remainder operation on ap_private.
/// @brief Function for signed remainder operation.
template <bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private srem(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S2>& RHS) const {
if (isNegative()) {
ap_private lhs = 0 - (*this);
if (RHS.isNegative()) {
ap_private rhs = 0 - RHS;
return 0 - (lhs.urem(rhs));
} else
return 0 - (lhs.urem(RHS));
} else if (RHS.isNegative()) {
ap_private rhs = 0 - RHS;
return this->urem(rhs);
return this->urem(RHS);
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool eq(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return (*this) == RHS;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ne(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !((*this) == RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// the validity of the less-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this < RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned less than comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ult(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
if (_AP_W1 <= 64) {
uint64_t lhsZext = ((uint64_t(VAL)) << (64 - _AP_W)) >> (64 - _AP_W);
uint64_t rhsZext =
((uint64_t(RHS.get_VAL())) << (64 - _AP_W1)) >> (64 - _AP_W1);
return lhsZext < rhsZext;
} else
return RHS.uge(*this);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the less-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this < RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed less than comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool slt(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const
// just for clang compiler
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__CLANG_3_1__)
if (_AP_W1 <= 64) {
int64_t lhsSext = ((int64_t(VAL)) << (64 - _AP_W)) >> (64 - _AP_W);
int64_t rhsSext =
((int64_t(RHS.get_VAL())) << (64 - _AP_W1)) >> (64 - _AP_W1);
return lhsSext < rhsSext;
} else
return RHS.sge(*this);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the less-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this <= RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned less or equal comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ule(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return ult(RHS) || eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the less-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this <= RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed less or equal comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool sle(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return slt(RHS) || eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// the validity of the greater-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this > RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned greather than comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ugt(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !ult(RHS) && !eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// the validity of the greater-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this > RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed greather than comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool sgt(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !slt(RHS) && !eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the greater-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this >= RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned greater or equal comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool uge(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !ult(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the greater-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this >= RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed greather or equal comparison
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool sge(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !slt(RHS);
INLINE ap_private abs() const {
if (isNegative()) return -(*this);
return *this;
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, false> get() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> ret(*this);
return ret;
INLINE static uint32_t getBitsNeeded(const char* str, uint32_t slen,
uint8_t radix) {
return _AP_W;
INLINE uint32_t getActiveBits() const {
uint32_t bits = _AP_W - countLeadingZeros();
return bits ? bits : 1;
INLINE double roundToDouble(bool isSigned = false) const {
return isSigned ? double((int64_t)VAL) : double((uint64_t)VAL);
/*Reverse the contents of ap_private instance. I.e. LSB becomes MSB and vise
* versa*/
INLINE ap_private& reverse() {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_W / 2; ++i) {
bool tmp = operator[](i);
if (operator[](_AP_W - 1 - i))
if (tmp)
set(_AP_W - 1 - i);
clear(_AP_W - 1 - i);
return *this;
/*Return true if the value of ap_private instance is zero*/
INLINE bool iszero() const { return isMinValue(); }
INLINE bool to_bool() const { return !iszero(); }
/* x < 0 */
INLINE bool sign() const {
if (isNegative()) return true;
return false;
/* x[i] = !x[i] */
INLINE void invert(int i) {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
/* x[i] */
INLINE bool test(int i) const {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
return operator[](i);
// This is used for sc_lv and sc_bv, which is implemented by sc_uint
// Rotate an ap_private object n places to the left
INLINE void lrotate(int n) {
assert(n >= 0 && "Attempting to shift negative index");
assert(n < _AP_W && "Shift value larger than bit width");
operator=(shl(n) | lshr(_AP_W - n));
// This is used for sc_lv and sc_bv, which is implemented by sc_uint
// Rotate an ap_private object n places to the right
INLINE void rrotate(int n) {
assert(n >= 0 && "Attempting to shift negative index");
assert(n < _AP_W && "Shift value larger than bit width");
operator=(lshr(n) | shl(_AP_W - n));
// Set the ith bit into v
INLINE void set(int i, bool v) {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to write bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to write bit beyond MSB");
v ? set(i) : clear(i);
// Set the ith bit into v
INLINE void set_bit(int i, bool v) {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to write bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to write bit beyond MSB");
v ? set(i) : clear(i);
// Get the value of ith bit
INLINE bool get_bit(int i) const {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
return (((1ULL << i) & VAL) != 0);
/// Toggle all bits.
INLINE ap_private& flip() {
VAL = (ValType)((~0ULL ^ VAL) & mask);
return *this;
/// Toggles a given bit to its opposite value.
INLINE ap_private& flip(uint32_t bitPosition) {
assert(bitPosition < BitWidth && "Out of the bit-width range!");
set_bit(bitPosition, !get_bit(bitPosition));
return *this;
// complements every bit
INLINE void b_not() { flip(); }
// Binary Arithmetic
#define OP_BIN_AP(Sym, Rty, Fun) \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::Rty operator Sym( \
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const { \
typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::Rty lhs(*this); \
typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::Rty rhs(op); \
return lhs.Fun(rhs); \
/// Bitwise and, or, xor
// OP_BIN_AP(&,logic, And)
// OP_BIN_AP(|,logic, Or)
// OP_BIN_AP(^,logic, Xor)
#undef OP_BIN_AP
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::div operator/(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
lhs = *this;
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
rhs = op;
return typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::div(
(_AP_S || _AP_S2) ? lhs.sdiv(rhs) : lhs.udiv(rhs));
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::mod operator%(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
lhs = *this;
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
rhs = op;
typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::mod res =
typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::mod(_AP_S ? lhs.srem(rhs)
: lhs.urem(rhs));
return res;
#define OP_ASSIGN_AP_2(Sym) \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator Sym##=( \
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
return *this; \
#undef OP_ASSIGN_AP_2
/// Bitwise assign: and, or, xor
INLINE ap_private operator<<(const TYPE op) const { \
if (op >= _AP_W) return ap_private(0); \
if (SIGNED && op < 0) return *this >> (0 - op); \
return shl(op); \
// OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(bool, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(signed char, true)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned char, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(short, true)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned short, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned int, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(long long, true)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long long, false)
#if 0
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(half, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(float, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(double, false)
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private operator<<(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) const {
if (_AP_S2 == false) {
uint32_t sh = op2.to_uint();
return *this << sh;
} else {
int sh = op2.to_int();
return *this << sh;
INLINE ap_private operator>>(const TYPE op) const { \
if (op >= _AP_W) { \
if (isNegative()) \
return ap_private(-1); \
else \
return ap_private(0); \
} \
if ((SIGNED) && op < 0) return *this << (0 - op); \
if (_AP_S) \
return ashr(op); \
else \
return lshr(op); \
// OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(bool, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(signed char, true)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned char, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned short, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned int, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long long, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(long long, true)
#if 0
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(float, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(double, false)
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private operator>>(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) const {
if (_AP_S2 == false) {
uint32_t sh = op2.to_uint();
return *this >> sh;
} else {
int sh = op2.to_int();
return *this >> sh;
/// Shift assign
//INLINE const ap_private& operator<<=(uint32_t shiftAmt) {
// VAL <<= shiftAmt;
// clearUnusedBits();
// return *this;
#define OP_ASSIGN_AP(Sym) \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(int op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
clearUnusedBits(); \
return *this; \
} \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(unsigned int op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
clearUnusedBits(); \
return *this; \
} \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
clearUnusedBits(); \
return *this; \
/// Comparisons
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool operator==(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op) const {
enum { _AP_MAX_W = AP_MAX(AP_MAX(_AP_W, _AP_W1), 32) };
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, false> lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, false> rhs(op);
if (_AP_MAX_W <= 64) {
return (uint64_t)lhs.get_VAL() == (uint64_t)rhs.get_VAL();
} else
return lhs == rhs;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator!=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return !(*this == op);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator>(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
enum {
_AP_MAX_W = AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2))
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S> lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S2> rhs(op);
// this will follow gcc rule for comparison
// between different bitwidth and signness
if (_AP_S == _AP_S2)
return _AP_S ? lhs.sgt(rhs) : lhs.ugt(rhs);
else if (_AP_W < 32 && _AP_W2 < 32)
// different signness but both bitwidth is less than 32
return lhs.sgt(rhs);
// different signness but bigger bitwidth
// is greater or equal to 32
if (_AP_S)
if (_AP_W2 >= _AP_W)
return lhs.ugt(rhs);
return lhs.sgt(rhs);
else if (_AP_W >= _AP_W2)
return lhs.ugt(rhs);
return lhs.sgt(rhs);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator<=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return !(*this > op);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator<(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
enum {
_AP_MAX_W = AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2))
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S> lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S2> rhs(op);
if (_AP_S == _AP_S2)
return _AP_S ? lhs.slt(rhs) : lhs.ult(rhs);
else if (_AP_W < 32 && _AP_W2 < 32)
return lhs.slt(rhs);
else if (_AP_S)
if (_AP_W2 >= _AP_W)
return lhs.ult(rhs);
return lhs.slt(rhs);
else if (_AP_W >= _AP_W2)
return lhs.ult(rhs);
return lhs.slt(rhs);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator>=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return !(*this < op);
/// Bit and Part Select
// FIXME now _private_range_ref refs to _AP_ROOT_TYPE(struct ssdm_int).
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator()(int Hi, int Lo) {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(this, Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator()(int Hi, int Lo) const {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>*>(this), Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> range(int Hi, int Lo) const {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
(const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>*>(this)), Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> range(int Hi, int Lo) {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(this, Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](int index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index.to_int());
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](int index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index.to_int());
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(int index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index.to_int());
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(int index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index.to_int());
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// concat(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// concat(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// *this, const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(_private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >
// operator,(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >
// operator,(ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >(*this,
// a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>
// &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(*this,
// a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>
// &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>&>(
// a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W2 + _AP_W3, _AP_W), _AP_S> operator&(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& a2) {
// return *this & a2.get();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W2 + _AP_W3, _AP_W), _AP_S> operator|(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& a2) {
// return *this | a2.get();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W2 + _AP_W3, _AP_W), _AP_S> operator^(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& a2) {
// return *this ^ a2.get();
// }
// Reduce operation
INLINE bool and_reduce() const { return (VAL & mask) == mask; }
INLINE bool nand_reduce() const { return (VAL & mask) != mask; }
INLINE bool or_reduce() const { return (bool)VAL; }
INLINE bool nor_reduce() const { return VAL == 0; }
INLINE bool xor_reduce() const {
unsigned int i = countPopulation();
return (i % 2) ? true : false;
INLINE bool xnor_reduce() const {
unsigned int i = countPopulation();
return (i % 2) ? false : true;
INLINE std::string to_string(uint8_t radix = 2, bool sign = false) const {
return toString(radix, radix == 10 ? _AP_S : sign);
}; // End of class ap_private <_AP_W, _AP_S, true>
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
std::string ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, true>::toString(uint8_t radix,
bool wantSigned) const {
assert((radix == 10 || radix == 8 || radix == 16 || radix == 2) &&
"Radix should be 2, 8, 10, or 16!");
static const char* digits[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"};
std::string result;
if (radix != 10) {
// For the 2, 8 and 16 bit cases, we can just shift instead of divide
// because the number of bits per digit (1,3 and 4 respectively) divides
// equaly. We just shift until there value is zero.
// First, check for a zero value and just short circuit the logic below.
if (*this == (uint64_t)(0)) {
// Always generate a radix indicator because fixed-point
// formats require it.
switch (radix) {
case 2:
result = "0b0";
case 8:
result = "0o0";
case 16:
result = "0x0";
assert("invalid radix" && 0);
} else {
ap_private<_AP_W, false, true> tmp(*this);
size_t insert_at = 0;
bool leading_zero = true;
if (wantSigned && isNegative()) {
// They want to print the signed version and it is a negative value
// Flip the bits and add one to turn it into the equivalent positive
// value and put a '-' in the result.
result = "-";
insert_at = 1;
leading_zero = false;
switch (radix) {
case 2:
result += "0b";
case 8:
result += "0o";
case 16:
result += "0x";
assert("invalid radix" && 0);
insert_at += 2;
// Just shift tmp right for each digit width until it becomes zero
uint32_t shift = (radix == 16 ? 4 : (radix == 8 ? 3 : 1));
uint64_t mask = radix - 1;
ap_private<_AP_W, false, true> zero(0);
unsigned bits = 0;
bool msb = false;
while (tmp.ne(zero)) {
unsigned digit = (unsigned)(tmp.get_VAL() & mask);
result.insert(insert_at, digits[digit]);
tmp = tmp.lshr(shift);
msb = (digit >> (shift - 1)) == 1;
bits *= shift;
if (bits < _AP_W && leading_zero && msb)
result.insert(insert_at, digits[0]);
return result;
ap_private<_AP_W, false, true> tmp(*this);
ap_private<6, false, true> divisor(radix);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, true> zero(0);
size_t insert_at = 0;
if (wantSigned && isNegative()) {
// They want to print the signed version and it is a negative value
// Flip the bits and add one to turn it into the equivalent positive
// value and put a '-' in the result.
result = "-";
insert_at = 1;
if (tmp == ap_private<_AP_W, false, true>(0ULL))
result = "0";
while (tmp.ne(zero)) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false, true> APdigit = tmp % divisor;
ap_private<_AP_W, false, true> tmp2 = tmp / divisor;
uint32_t digit = (uint32_t)(APdigit.getZExtValue());
assert(digit < radix && "divide failed");
result.insert(insert_at, digits[digit]);
tmp = tmp2;
return result;
} // End of ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, true>::toString()
// bitwidth > 64
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
class ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, false> {
// SFINAE pattern. Only consider this class when _AP_W > 64
const static bool valid = ap_private_enable_if<(_AP_W > 64)>::isValid;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4521 4522)
enum { BitWidth = _AP_W, _AP_N = (_AP_W + 63) / 64 };
static const int width = _AP_W;
/// This constructor is used only internally for speed of construction of
/// temporaries. It is unsafe for general use so it is not public.
/* Constructors */
/// Note that numWords can be smaller or larger than the corresponding bit
/// width but any extraneous bits will be dropped.
/// @param numWords the number of words in bigVal
/// @param bigVal a sequence of words to form the initial value of the
/// ap_private
/// @brief Construct an ap_private, initialized as bigVal[].
INLINE ap_private(uint32_t numWords, const uint64_t bigVal[]) {
assert(bigVal && "Null pointer detected!");
// Get memory, cleared to 0
memset(pVal, 0, _AP_N * sizeof(uint64_t));
// Calculate the number of words to copy
uint32_t words = AESL_std::min<uint32_t>(numWords, _AP_N);
// Copy the words from bigVal to pVal
memcpy(pVal, bigVal, words * APINT_WORD_SIZE);
if (words >= _AP_W) clearUnusedBits();
// Make sure unused high bits are cleared
/// This constructor interprets Val as a string in the given radix. The
/// interpretation stops when the first charater that is not suitable for the
/// radix is encountered. Acceptable radix values are 2, 8, 10 and 16. It is
/// an error for the value implied by the string to require more bits than
/// numBits.
/// @param val the string to be interpreted
/// @param radix the radix of Val to use for the intepretation
/// @brief Construct an ap_private from a string representation.
INLINE ap_private(const std::string& val, uint8_t radix = 2) {
assert(!val.empty() && "The input string is empty.");
const char* c_str = val.c_str();
fromString(c_str, val.size(), radix);
/// This constructor interprets the slen characters starting at StrStart as
/// a string in the given radix. The interpretation stops when the first
/// character that is not suitable for the radix is encountered. Acceptable
/// radix values are 2, 8, 10 and 16. It is an error for the value implied by
/// the string to require more bits than numBits.
/// @param strStart the start of the string to be interpreted
/// @param slen the maximum number of characters to interpret
/// @param radix the radix to use for the conversion
/// @brief Construct an ap_private from a string representation.
/// This method does not consider whether it is negative or not.
INLINE ap_private(const char strStart[], uint32_t slen, uint8_t radix) {
fromString(strStart, slen, radix);
INLINE void report() {
"ap_%sint<%d>: Bitwidth exceeds the "
"default max value %d. Please use macro "
"AP_INT_MAX_W to set a larger max value.",
_AP_S ? "" : "u", _AP_W, MAX_MODE(AP_INT_MAX_W) * 1024);
/// This union is used to store the integer value. When the
/// integer bit-width <= 64, it uses VAL, otherwise it uses pVal.
/// This enum is used to hold the constants we needed for ap_private.
// uint64_t VAL; ///< Used to store the <= 64 bits integer value.
uint64_t pVal[_AP_N]; ///< Used to store the >64 bits integer value.
#ifdef AP_CANARY
uint64_t CANARY;
INLINE void check_canary() { assert(CANARY == (uint64_t)0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF); }
INLINE void set_canary() { CANARY = (uint64_t)0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF; }
INLINE void check_canary() {}
INLINE void set_canary() {}
typedef typename valtype<8, _AP_S>::Type ValType;
typedef ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> Type;
// FIXME remove friend type?
template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
friend struct ap_fixed_base;
/// return type of variety of operations
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
struct RType {
enum {
mult_w = _AP_W + _AP_W2,
mult_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2,
plus_w =
AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S2 && !_AP_S), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S && !_AP_S2)) + 1,
plus_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2,
minus_w =
AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S2 && !_AP_S), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S && !_AP_S2)) + 1,
minus_s = true,
div_w = _AP_W + _AP_S2,
div_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2,
mod_w = AP_MIN(_AP_W, _AP_W2 + (!_AP_S2 && _AP_S)),
mod_s = _AP_S,
logic_w = AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S2 && !_AP_S), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S && !_AP_S2)),
logic_s = _AP_S || _AP_S2
typedef ap_private<mult_w, mult_s> mult;
typedef ap_private<plus_w, plus_s> plus;
typedef ap_private<minus_w, minus_s> minus;
typedef ap_private<logic_w, logic_s> logic;
typedef ap_private<div_w, div_s> div;
typedef ap_private<mod_w, mod_s> mod;
typedef ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> arg1;
typedef bool reduce;
INLINE uint64_t& get_VAL(void) { return pVal[0]; }
INLINE uint64_t get_VAL(void) const { return pVal[0]; }
INLINE uint64_t get_VAL(void) const volatile { return pVal[0]; }
INLINE void set_VAL(uint64_t value) { pVal[0] = value; }
INLINE uint64_t& get_pVal(int index) { return pVal[index]; }
INLINE uint64_t* get_pVal() { return pVal; }
INLINE const uint64_t* get_pVal() const { return pVal; }
INLINE uint64_t get_pVal(int index) const { return pVal[index]; }
INLINE uint64_t* get_pVal() const volatile { return pVal; }
INLINE uint64_t get_pVal(int index) const volatile { return pVal[index]; }
INLINE void set_pVal(int i, uint64_t value) { pVal[i] = value; }
/// This enum is used to hold the constants we needed for ap_private.
enum {
APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8, ///< Bits in a word
APINT_WORD_SIZE = sizeof(uint64_t) ///< Byte size of a word
enum {
excess_bits = (_AP_W % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)
: 0
static const uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t)~0ULL >> (excess_bits));
// NOTE changed to explicit to be consistent with ap_private<W,S,true>
explicit INLINE ap_private(const char* val) {
unsigned char radix = 10;
std::string str = ap_private_ops::parseString(val, radix); // determine radix.
std::string::size_type pos = str.find('.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) str = str.substr(pos);
ap_private ap_private_val(str, radix);
INLINE ap_private(const char* val, unsigned char rd) {
unsigned char radix = rd;
std::string str = ap_private_ops::parseString(val, radix); // determine radix.
std::string::size_type pos = str.find('.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) str = str.substr(pos);
ap_private ap_private_val(str, radix);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
*this = ref.get();
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
*this = ((uint64_t)(bool)ref);
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& ref) {
// set_canary();
// *this = ref.get();
// report();
// check_canary();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_private(
// const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
// set_canary();
// *this = ((val.operator ap_private<_AP_W2, false>()));
// report();
// check_canary();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_private(
// const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
// set_canary();
// *this = (uint64_t)(bool)val;
// report();
// check_canary();
// }
/// Simply makes *this a copy of that.
/// @brief Copy Constructor.
INLINE ap_private(const ap_private& that) {
memcpy(pVal, that.get_pVal(), _AP_N * APINT_WORD_SIZE);
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, false>& that) {
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private(const volatile ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, false>& that) {
operator=(const_cast<const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, false>&>(that));
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, true>& that) {
static const uint64_t that_sign_ext_mask =
? 0
if (that.isNegative()) {
pVal[0] = that.get_VAL() | that_sign_ext_mask;
memset(pVal + 1, ~0, sizeof(uint64_t) * (_AP_N - 1));
} else {
pVal[0] = that.get_VAL();
memset(pVal + 1, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * (_AP_N - 1));
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private(const volatile ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, true>& that) {
operator=(const_cast<const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, true>&>(that));
/// @brief Destructor.
// virtual ~ap_private() {}
INLINE ~ap_private() { check_canary(); }
/// @name Constructors
/// @{
/// Default constructor that creates an uninitialized ap_private. This is
/// useful
/// for object deserialization (pair this with the static method Read).
INLINE ap_private() {
INLINE ap_private(uint64_t* val, uint32_t bits = _AP_W) { assert(0); }
INLINE ap_private(const uint64_t* const val, uint32_t bits) { assert(0); }
/// If isSigned is true then val is treated as if it were a signed value
/// (i.e. as an int64_t) and the appropriate sign extension to the bit width
/// will be done. Otherwise, no sign extension occurs (high order bits beyond
/// the range of val are zero filled).
/// @param numBits the bit width of the constructed ap_private
/// @param val the initial value of the ap_private
/// @param isSigned how to treat signedness of val
/// @brief Create a new ap_private of numBits width, initialized as val.
#define CTOR(TYPE, SIGNED) \
INLINE ap_private(TYPE val, bool isSigned = SIGNED) { \
set_canary(); \
pVal[0] = (ValType)val; \
if (isSigned && int64_t(pVal[0]) < 0) { \
memset(pVal + 1, ~0, sizeof(uint64_t) * (_AP_N - 1)); \
} else { \
memset(pVal + 1, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * (_AP_N - 1)); \
} \
clearUnusedBits(); \
check_canary(); \
CTOR(bool, false)
CTOR(signed char, true)
CTOR(unsigned char, false)
CTOR(short, true)
CTOR(unsigned short, false)
CTOR(int, true)
CTOR(unsigned int, false)
CTOR(long, true)
CTOR(unsigned long, false)
CTOR(ap_slong, true)
CTOR(ap_ulong, false)
#if 0
CTOR(half, false)
CTOR(float, false)
CTOR(double, false)
#undef CTOR
/// @returns true if the number of bits <= 64, false otherwise.
/// @brief Determine if this ap_private just has one word to store value.
INLINE bool isSingleWord() const { return false; }
/// @returns the word position for the specified bit position.
/// @brief Determine which word a bit is in.
static INLINE uint32_t whichWord(uint32_t bitPosition) {
// return bitPosition / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
return (bitPosition) >> 6;
/// @returns the bit position in a word for the specified bit position
/// in the ap_private.
/// @brief Determine which bit in a word a bit is in.
static INLINE uint32_t whichBit(uint32_t bitPosition) {
// return bitPosition % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
return bitPosition & 0x3f;
/// bit at a specific bit position. This is used to mask the bit in the
/// corresponding word.
/// @returns a uint64_t with only bit at "whichBit(bitPosition)" set
/// @brief Get a single bit mask.
static INLINE uint64_t maskBit(uint32_t bitPosition) {
return 1ULL << (whichBit(bitPosition));
/// @returns the corresponding word for the specified bit position.
/// @brief Get the word corresponding to a bit position
INLINE uint64_t getWord(uint32_t bitPosition) const {
return pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)];
/// This method is used internally to clear the to "N" bits in the high order
/// word that are not used by the ap_private. This is needed after the most
/// significant word is assigned a value to ensure that those bits are
/// zero'd out.
/// @brief Clear unused high order bits
INLINE void clearUnusedBits(void)
// just for clang compiler
#if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__CLANG_3_1__)
pVal[_AP_N - 1] =
_AP_S ? ((((int64_t)pVal[_AP_N - 1]) << (excess_bits)) >> excess_bits)
: (excess_bits
? ((pVal[_AP_N - 1]) << (excess_bits)) >> (excess_bits)
: pVal[_AP_N - 1]);
INLINE void clearUnusedBitsToZero(void) { pVal[_AP_N - 1] &= mask; }
INLINE void clearUnusedBitsToOne(void) { pVal[_AP_N - 1] |= mask; }
/// This is used by the constructors that take string arguments.
/// @brief Convert a char array into an ap_private
INLINE void fromString(const char* str, uint32_t slen, uint8_t radix) {
enum { numbits = _AP_W };
bool isNeg = str[0] == '-';
if (isNeg) {
if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'b' || str[1] == 'B')) {
//if(radix == 0) radix = 2;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 2, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", str, 2, radix);
str += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'o' || str[1] == 'O')) {
//if (radix == 0) radix = 8;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 8, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", str, 8, radix);
str += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'x' || str[1] == 'X')) {
//if (radix == 0) radix = 16;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 16, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", str, 16, radix);
str += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (str[0] == '0' && (str[1] == 'd' || str[1] == 'D')) {
//if (radix == 0) radix = 10;
_AP_WARNING(radix != 10, "%s seems to have base %d, but %d given.", str, 10, radix);
str += 2;
slen -=2;
} else if (radix == 0) {
//radix = 2; // XXX default value
// Check our assumptions here
assert((radix == 10 || radix == 8 || radix == 16 || radix == 2) &&
"Radix should be 2, 8, 10, or 16!");
assert(str && "String is null?");
// skip any leading zero
while (*str == '0' && *(str + 1) != '\0') {
assert((slen <= numbits || radix != 2) && "Insufficient bit width");
assert(((slen - 1) * 3 <= numbits || radix != 8) &&
"Insufficient bit width");
assert(((slen - 1) * 4 <= numbits || radix != 16) &&
"Insufficient bit width");
assert((((slen - 1) * 64) / 22 <= numbits || radix != 10) &&
"Insufficient bit width");
// clear bits
memset(pVal, 0, _AP_N * sizeof(uint64_t));
// Figure out if we can shift instead of multiply
uint32_t shift = (radix == 16 ? 4 : radix == 8 ? 3 : radix == 2 ? 1 : 0);
// Set up an ap_private for the digit to add outside the loop so we don't
// constantly construct/destruct it.
uint64_t bigVal[_AP_N];
memset(bigVal, 0, _AP_N * sizeof(uint64_t));
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> apdigit(getBitWidth(), bigVal);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> apradix(radix);
// Enter digit traversal loop
for (unsigned i = 0; i < slen; i++) {
// Get a digit
uint32_t digit = 0;
char cdigit = str[i];
if (radix == 16) {
#define isxdigit(c) \
(((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9') || ((c) >= 'a' && (c) <= 'f') || \
((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'F'))
#define isdigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
if (!isxdigit(cdigit)) assert(0 && "Invalid hex digit in string");
if (isdigit(cdigit))
digit = cdigit - '0';
else if (cdigit >= 'a')
digit = cdigit - 'a' + 10;
else if (cdigit >= 'A')
digit = cdigit - 'A' + 10;
assert(0 && "huh? we shouldn't get here");
} else if (isdigit(cdigit)) {
digit = cdigit - '0';
} else if (cdigit != '\0') {
assert(0 && "Invalid character in digit string");
#undef isxdigit
#undef isdigit
// Shift or multiply the value by the radix
if (shift)
*this <<= shift;
*this *= apradix;
// Add in the digit we just interpreted
*this += apdigit;
// If its negative, put it in two's complement form
if (isNeg) {
INLINE ap_private read() volatile { return *this; }
INLINE void write(const ap_private& op2) volatile { *this = (op2); }
INLINE operator ValType() const { return get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_uchar() const { return (unsigned char)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_char() const { return (signed char)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_ushort() const { return (unsigned short)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_short() const { return (short)get_VAL(); }
INLINE int to_int() const { return (int)get_VAL(); }
INLINE unsigned to_uint() const { return (unsigned)get_VAL(); }
INLINE long to_long() const { return (long)get_VAL(); }
INLINE unsigned long to_ulong() const { return (unsigned long)get_VAL(); }
INLINE ap_slong to_int64() const { return (ap_slong)get_VAL(); }
INLINE ap_ulong to_uint64() const { return (ap_ulong)get_VAL(); }
INLINE double to_double() const {
if (isNegative())
return roundToDouble(true);
return roundToDouble(false);
INLINE unsigned length() const { return _AP_W; }
/*Reverse the contents of ap_private instance. I.e. LSB becomes MSB and vise
* versa*/
INLINE ap_private& reverse() {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_W / 2; ++i) {
bool tmp = operator[](i);
if (operator[](_AP_W - 1 - i))
if (tmp)
set(_AP_W - 1 - i);
clear(_AP_W - 1 - i);
return *this;
/*Return true if the value of ap_private instance is zero*/
INLINE bool iszero() const { return isMinValue(); }
INLINE bool to_bool() const { return !iszero(); }
/* x < 0 */
INLINE bool sign() const {
if (isNegative()) return true;
return false;
/* x[i] = !x[i] */
INLINE void invert(int i) {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
/* x[i] */
INLINE bool test(int i) const {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
return operator[](i);
// Set the ith bit into v
INLINE void set(int i, bool v) {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to write bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to write bit beyond MSB");
v ? set(i) : clear(i);
// Set the ith bit into v
INLINE void set_bit(int i, bool v) {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to write bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to write bit beyond MSB");
v ? set(i) : clear(i);
// FIXME different argument for different action?
INLINE ap_private& set(uint32_t bitPosition) {
pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)] |= maskBit(bitPosition);
return *this;
INLINE void set() {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = ~0ULL;
// Get the value of ith bit
INLINE bool get(int i) const {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
return ((maskBit(i) & (pVal[whichWord(i)])) != 0);
// Get the value of ith bit
INLINE bool get_bit(int i) const {
assert(i >= 0 && "Attempting to read bit with negative index");
assert(i < _AP_W && "Attempting to read bit beyond MSB");
return ((maskBit(i) & (pVal[whichWord(i)])) != 0);
// This is used for sc_lv and sc_bv, which is implemented by sc_uint
// Rotate an ap_private object n places to the left
INLINE void lrotate(int n) {
assert(n >= 0 && "Attempting to shift negative index");
assert(n < _AP_W && "Shift value larger than bit width");
operator=(shl(n) | lshr(_AP_W - n));
// This is used for sc_lv and sc_bv, which is implemented by sc_uint
// Rotate an ap_private object n places to the right
INLINE void rrotate(int n) {
assert(n >= 0 && "Attempting to shift negative index");
assert(n < _AP_W && "Shift value larger than bit width");
operator=(lshr(n) | shl(_AP_W - n));
/// Set the given bit to 0 whose position is given as "bitPosition".
/// @brief Set a given bit to 0.
INLINE ap_private& clear(uint32_t bitPosition) {
pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)] &= ~maskBit(bitPosition);
return *this;
/// @brief Set every bit to 0.
INLINE void clear() { memset(pVal, 0, _AP_N * APINT_WORD_SIZE); }
/// @brief Toggle every bit to its opposite value.
ap_private& flip() {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] ^= ~0ULL;
return *this;
/// @brief Toggles a given bit to its opposite value.
INLINE ap_private& flip(uint32_t bitPosition) {
assert(bitPosition < BitWidth && "Out of the bit-width range!");
set_bit(bitPosition, !get_bit(bitPosition));
return *this;
// complements every bit
INLINE void b_not() { flip(); }
INLINE ap_private getLoBits(uint32_t numBits) const {
return ap_private_ops::lshr(ap_private_ops::shl(*this, _AP_W - numBits),
_AP_W - numBits);
INLINE ap_private getHiBits(uint32_t numBits) const {
return ap_private_ops::lshr(*this, _AP_W - numBits);
// Binary Arithmetic
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W2 + _AP_W3, _AP_W), _AP_S> operator&(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& a2) {
// return *this & a2.get();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W2 + _AP_W3, _AP_W), _AP_S> operator|(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& a2) {
// return *this | a2.get();
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W2 + _AP_W3, _AP_W), _AP_S> operator^(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>& a2) {
// return *this ^ a2.get();
// }
/// Arithmetic assign
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1> \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) { \
const int _AP_N1 = ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::_AP_N; \
uint32_t numWords = AESL_std::min((int)_AP_N, _AP_N1); \
uint32_t i; \
if (_AP_W != _AP_W1) \
fprintf(stderr, \
"Warning! Bitsize mismach for ap_[u]int " #Sym " ap_[u]int.\n"); \
for (i = 0; i < numWords; ++i) pVal[i] Sym RHS.get_pVal(i); \
if (_AP_N1 < _AP_N) { \
uint64_t ext = RHS.isNegative() ? ~0ULL : 0; \
for (; i < _AP_N; i++) pVal[i] Sym ext; \
} \
clearUnusedBits(); \
return *this; \
/// Adds the RHS APint to this ap_private.
/// @returns this, after addition of RHS.
/// @brief Addition assignment operator.
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator+=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
const int _AP_N1 = ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::_AP_N;
uint64_t RHSpVal[_AP_N1];
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N1; ++i) RHSpVal[i] = RHS.get_pVal(i);
ap_private_ops::add(pVal, pVal, RHSpVal, _AP_N, _AP_N, _AP_N1, _AP_S,
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator-=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
const int _AP_N1 = ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::_AP_N;
uint64_t RHSpVal[_AP_N1];
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N1; ++i) RHSpVal[i] = RHS.get_pVal(i);
ap_private_ops::sub(pVal, pVal, RHSpVal, _AP_N, _AP_N, _AP_N1, _AP_S,
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator*=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
// Get some bit facts about LHS and check for zero
uint32_t lhsBits = getActiveBits();
uint32_t lhsWords = !lhsBits ? 0 : whichWord(lhsBits - 1) + 1;
if (!lhsWords) {
// 0 * X ===> 0
return *this;
ap_private dupRHS = RHS;
// Get some bit facts about RHS and check for zero
uint32_t rhsBits = dupRHS.getActiveBits();
uint32_t rhsWords = !rhsBits ? 0 : whichWord(rhsBits - 1) + 1;
if (!rhsWords) {
// X * 0 ===> 0
return *this;
// Allocate space for the result
uint32_t destWords = rhsWords + lhsWords;
uint64_t* dest = (uint64_t*)malloc(destWords * sizeof(uint64_t));
// Perform the long multiply
ap_private_ops::mul(dest, pVal, lhsWords, dupRHS.get_pVal(), rhsWords,
// Copy result back into *this
uint32_t wordsToCopy = destWords >= _AP_N ? _AP_N : destWords;
memcpy(pVal, dest, wordsToCopy * APINT_WORD_SIZE);
uint64_t ext = (isNegative() ^ RHS.isNegative()) ? ~0ULL : 0ULL;
for (int i = wordsToCopy; i < _AP_N; i++) pVal[i] = ext;
// delete dest array and return
return *this;
#define OP_ASSIGN_AP(Sym) \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
return *this; \
#define OP_BIN_LOGIC_AP(Sym) \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1> \
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic operator Sym( \
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const { \
enum { \
numWords = (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic_w + APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1) / \
}; \
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::logic Result; \
uint32_t i; \
const int _AP_N1 = ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::_AP_N; \
uint32_t min_N = std::min((int)_AP_N, _AP_N1); \
uint32_t max_N = std::max((int)_AP_N, _AP_N1); \
for (i = 0; i < min_N; ++i) \
Result.set_pVal(i, pVal[i] Sym RHS.get_pVal(i)); \
if (numWords > i) { \
uint64_t ext = ((_AP_N < _AP_N1 && isNegative()) || \
(_AP_N1 < _AP_N && RHS.isNegative())) \
? ~0ULL \
: 0; \
if (_AP_N > _AP_N1) \
for (; i < max_N; i++) Result.set_pVal(i, pVal[i] Sym ext); \
else \
for (; i < max_N; i++) Result.set_pVal(i, RHS.get_pVal(i) Sym ext); \
if (numWords > i) { \
uint64_t ext2 = ((_AP_N > _AP_N1 && isNegative()) || \
(_AP_N1 > _AP_N && RHS.isNegative())) \
? ~0ULL \
: 0; \
Result.set_pVal(i, ext Sym ext2); \
} \
} \
Result.clearUnusedBits(); \
return Result; \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus operator+(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus Result, lhs(*this), rhs(RHS);
const int Result_AP_N = (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::plus_w + 63) / 64;
ap_private_ops::add(Result.get_pVal(), lhs.get_pVal(), rhs.get_pVal(),
Result_AP_N, Result_AP_N, Result_AP_N, _AP_S, _AP_S1);
return Result;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus operator-(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus Result, lhs(*this), rhs(RHS);
const int Result_AP_N = (RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::minus_w + 63) / 64;
ap_private_ops::sub(Result.get_pVal(), lhs.get_pVal(), rhs.get_pVal(),
Result_AP_N, Result_AP_N, Result_AP_N, _AP_S, _AP_S1);
return Result;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::mult operator*(
const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
typename RType<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::mult temp = *this;
temp *= RHS;
return temp;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::div operator/(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
lhs = *this;
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
rhs = op;
return typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::div(
(_AP_S || _AP_S2) ? lhs.sdiv(rhs) : lhs.udiv(rhs));
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::mod operator%(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
lhs = *this;
ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2)),
(_AP_W > _AP_W2 ? _AP_S
: (_AP_W2 > _AP_W ? _AP_S2 : _AP_S || _AP_S2))>
rhs = op;
typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::mod res =
typename RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::mod(_AP_S ? lhs.srem(rhs)
: lhs.urem(rhs));
return res;
INLINE ap_private operator<<(const TYPE op) const { \
if (op >= _AP_W) return ap_private(0); \
if (SIGNED && op < 0) return *this >> (0 - op); \
return shl(op); \
// OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(bool, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(signed char, true)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned char, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(short, true)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned short, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned int, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long long, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(long long, true)
#if 0
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(half, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(float, false)
OP_LEFT_SHIFT_CTYPE(double, false)
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private operator<<(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) const {
if (_AP_S2 == false) {
uint32_t sh = op2.to_uint();
return *this << sh;
} else {
int sh = op2.to_int();
return *this << sh;
INLINE ap_private operator>>(const TYPE op) const { \
if (op >= _AP_W) { \
if (isNegative()) \
return ap_private(-1); \
else \
return ap_private(0); \
} \
if ((SIGNED) && op < 0) return *this << (0 - op); \
if (_AP_S) \
return ashr(op); \
else \
return lshr(op); \
// OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(bool, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(signed char, true)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned char, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned short, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned int, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(unsigned long long, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(long long, true)
#if 0
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(float, false)
OP_RIGHT_SHIFT_CTYPE(double, false)
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private operator>>(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) const {
if (_AP_S2 == false) {
uint32_t sh = op2.to_uint();
return *this >> sh;
} else {
int sh = op2.to_int();
return *this >> sh;
/// Shift assign
// TODO call clearUnusedBits ?
#define OP_ASSIGN_AP(Sym) \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(int op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
return *this; \
} \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(unsigned int op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
return *this; \
} \
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private& operator Sym##=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) { \
*this = operator Sym(op); \
return *this; \
/// Comparisons
INLINE bool operator==(const ap_private& RHS) const {
// Get some facts about the number of bits used in the two operands.
uint32_t n1 = getActiveBits();
uint32_t n2 = RHS.getActiveBits();
// If the number of bits isn't the same, they aren't equal
if (n1 != n2) return false;
// If the number of bits fits in a word, we only need to compare the low
// word.
if (n1 <= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD) return pVal[0] == RHS.get_pVal(0);
// Otherwise, compare everything
for (int i = whichWord(n1 - 1); i >= 0; --i)
if (pVal[i] != RHS.get_pVal(i)) return false;
return true;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator==(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
enum {
_AP_MAX_W = AP_MAX(_AP_W, _AP_W2),
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, false> lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, false> rhs(op);
return lhs == rhs;
INLINE bool operator==(uint64_t Val) const {
uint32_t n = getActiveBits();
return pVal[0] == Val;
return false;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator!=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return !(*this == op);
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool operator!=(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !((*this) == RHS);
INLINE bool operator!=(uint64_t Val) const { return !((*this) == Val); }
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator<=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return !(*this > op);
INLINE bool operator<(const ap_private& op) const {
return _AP_S ? slt(op) : ult(op);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator<(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
enum {
_AP_MAX_W = AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2))
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S> lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S2> rhs(op);
if (_AP_S == _AP_S2)
return _AP_S ? lhs.slt(rhs) : lhs.ult(rhs);
else if (_AP_S)
if (_AP_W2 >= _AP_W)
return lhs.ult(rhs);
return lhs.slt(rhs);
else if (_AP_W >= _AP_W2)
return lhs.ult(rhs);
return lhs.slt(rhs);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator>=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return !(*this < op);
INLINE bool operator>(const ap_private& op) const {
return _AP_S ? sgt(op) : ugt(op);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator>(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
enum {
_AP_MAX_W = AP_MAX(_AP_W + (_AP_S || _AP_S2), _AP_W2 + (_AP_S || _AP_S2))
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S> lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_MAX_W, _AP_S2> rhs(op);
if (_AP_S == _AP_S2)
return _AP_S ? lhs.sgt(rhs) : lhs.ugt(rhs);
else if (_AP_S)
if (_AP_W2 >= _AP_W)
return lhs.ugt(rhs);
return lhs.sgt(rhs);
else if (_AP_W >= _AP_W2)
return lhs.ugt(rhs);
return lhs.sgt(rhs);
/// Bit and Part Select
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator()(int Hi, int Lo) {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(this, Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator()(int Hi, int Lo) const {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>*>(this), Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> range(int Hi, int Lo) const {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
(const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>*>(this)), Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> range(int Hi, int Lo) {
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(this, Hi, Lo);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2, int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> range(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& HiIdx,
const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& LoIdx) {
int Hi = HiIdx.to_int();
int Lo = LoIdx.to_int();
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(this, Hi, Lo);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2, int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator()(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& HiIdx,
const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& LoIdx) {
int Hi = HiIdx.to_int();
int Lo = LoIdx.to_int();
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(this, Hi, Lo);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2, int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> range(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& HiIdx,
const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& LoIdx) const {
int Hi = HiIdx.to_int();
int Lo = LoIdx.to_int();
return _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(const_cast<ap_private*>(this), Hi, Lo);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2, int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator()(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& HiIdx,
const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& LoIdx) const {
int Hi = HiIdx.to_int();
int Lo = LoIdx.to_int();
return this->range(Hi, Lo);
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](int index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index.to_int());
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index.to_int());
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> operator[](int index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index);
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(int index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(*this, index.to_int());
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(int index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S> bit(
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& index) const {
return _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>(
const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), index.to_int());
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// concat(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// concat(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// *this, const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(_private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >
// operator,(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >
// operator,(ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >(*this,
// a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>
// &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(*this,
// a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>
// &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>&>(
// a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, ap_private, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(*this, a2);
// }
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, false> get() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> ret(*this);
return ret;
template <int _AP_W3>
INLINE void set(const ap_private<_AP_W3, false>& val) {
operator=(ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S>(val));
/// @name Value Tests
/// This tests the high bit of this ap_private to determine if it is set.
/// @returns true if this ap_private is negative, false otherwise
/// @brief Determine sign of this ap_private.
INLINE bool isNegative() const {
// just for get rid of warnings
enum { shift = (_AP_W - APINT_BITS_PER_WORD * (_AP_N - 1) - 1) };
static const uint64_t mask = 1ULL << (shift);
return _AP_S && (pVal[_AP_N - 1] & mask);
/// This tests the high bit of the ap_private to determine if it is unset.
/// @brief Determine if this ap_private Value is positive (not negative).
INLINE bool isPositive() const { return !isNegative(); }
/// This tests if the value of this ap_private is strictly positive (> 0).
/// @returns true if this ap_private is Positive and not zero.
/// @brief Determine if this ap_private Value is strictly positive.
INLINE bool isStrictlyPositive() const {
return isPositive() && (*this) != 0;
/// This checks to see if the value has all bits of the ap_private are set or
/// not.
/// @brief Determine if all bits are set
INLINE bool isAllOnesValue() const { return countPopulation() == _AP_W; }
/// This checks to see if the value of this ap_private is the maximum unsigned
/// value for the ap_private's bit width.
/// @brief Determine if this is the largest unsigned value.
INLINE bool isMaxValue() const { return countPopulation() == _AP_W; }
/// This checks to see if the value of this ap_private is the maximum signed
/// value for the ap_private's bit width.
/// @brief Determine if this is the largest signed value.
INLINE bool isMaxSignedValue() const {
return !isNegative() && countPopulation() == _AP_W - 1;
/// This checks to see if the value of this ap_private is the minimum unsigned
/// value for the ap_private's bit width.
/// @brief Determine if this is the smallest unsigned value.
INLINE bool isMinValue() const { return countPopulation() == 0; }
/// This checks to see if the value of this ap_private is the minimum signed
/// value for the ap_private's bit width.
/// @brief Determine if this is the smallest signed value.
INLINE bool isMinSignedValue() const {
return isNegative() && countPopulation() == 1;
/// This function returns a pointer to the internal storage of the ap_private.
/// This is useful for writing out the ap_private in binary form without any
/// conversions.
INLINE const uint64_t* getRawData() const { return &pVal[0]; }
// Square Root - this method computes and returns the square root of "this".
// Three mechanisms are used for computation. For small values (<= 5 bits),
// a table lookup is done. This gets some performance for common cases. For
// values using less than 52 bits, the value is converted to double and then
// the libc sqrt function is called. The result is rounded and then converted
// back to a uint64_t which is then used to construct the result. Finally,
// the Babylonian method for computing square roots is used.
INLINE ap_private sqrt() const {
// Determine the magnitude of the value.
uint32_t magnitude = getActiveBits();
// Use a fast table for some small values. This also gets rid of some
// rounding errors in libc sqrt for small values.
if (magnitude <= 5) {
static const uint8_t results[32] = {
/* 0 */ 0,
/* 1- 2 */ 1, 1,
/* 3- 6 */ 2, 2, 2, 2,
/* 7-12 */ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
/* 13-20 */ 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
/* 21-30 */ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
/* 31 */ 6};
return ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>(/*BitWidth,*/ results[get_VAL()]);
// If the magnitude of the value fits in less than 52 bits (the precision of
// an IEEE double precision floating point value), then we can use the
// libc sqrt function which will probably use a hardware sqrt computation.
// This should be faster than the algorithm below.
if (magnitude < 52) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// Amazingly, VC++ doesn't have round().
return ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>(/*BitWidth,*/
uint64_t(::sqrt(double(get_VAL()))) +
return ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>(/*BitWidth,*/
// Okay, all the short cuts are exhausted. We must compute it. The following
// is a classical Babylonian method for computing the square root. This code
// was adapted to APINt from a wikipedia article on such computations.
// See http://www.wikipedia.org/ and go to the page named
// Calculate_an_integer_square_root.
uint32_t nbits = BitWidth, i = 4;
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> testy(16);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> x_old(/*BitWidth,*/ 1);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> x_new(0);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> two(/*BitWidth,*/ 2);
// Select a good starting value using binary logarithms.
for (;; i += 2, testy = testy.shl(2))
if (i >= nbits || this->ule(testy)) {
x_old = x_old.shl(i / 2);
// Use the Babylonian method to arrive at the integer square root:
for (;;) {
x_new = (this->udiv(x_old) + x_old).udiv(two);
if (x_old.ule(x_new)) break;
x_old = x_new;
// Make sure we return the closest approximation
// NOTE: The rounding calculation below is correct. It will produce an
// off-by-one discrepancy with results from pari/gp. That discrepancy has
// been
// determined to be a rounding issue with pari/gp as it begins to use a
// floating point representation after 192 bits. There are no discrepancies
// between this algorithm and pari/gp for bit widths < 192 bits.
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> square(x_old * x_old);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> nextSquare((x_old + 1) * (x_old + 1));
if (this->ult(square))
return x_old;
else if (this->ule(nextSquare)) {
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> midpoint((nextSquare - square).udiv(two));
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> offset(*this - square);
if (offset.ult(midpoint))
return x_old;
return x_old + 1;
} else
assert(0 && "Error in ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::sqrt computation");
return x_old + 1;
/// @Assignment Operators
/// @returns *this after assignment of RHS.
/// @brief Copy assignment operator.
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const ap_private& RHS) {
if (this != &RHS) memcpy(pVal, RHS.get_pVal(), _AP_N * APINT_WORD_SIZE);
return *this;
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const volatile ap_private& RHS) {
if (this != &RHS)
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = RHS.get_pVal(i);
return *this;
INLINE void operator=(const ap_private& RHS) volatile {
if (this != &RHS)
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = RHS.get_pVal(i);
INLINE void operator=(const volatile ap_private& RHS) volatile {
if (this != &RHS)
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = RHS.get_pVal(i);
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
if (_AP_S1)
return *this;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const volatile ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& RHS) {
if (_AP_S1)
return *this;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
*this = ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(op2);
return *this;
#if 0
template<int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, true>& RHS) {
static const uint64_t that_sign_ext_mask = (_AP_W1==APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)?0:~0ULL>>(_AP_W1%APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)<<(_AP_W1%APINT_BITS_PER_WORD);
if (RHS.isNegative()) {
pVal[0] = RHS.get_VAL() | that_sign_ext_mask;
memset(pVal+1,~0, APINT_WORD_SIZE*(_AP_N-1));
} else {
pVal[0] = RHS.get_VAL();
memset(pVal+1, 0, APINT_WORD_SIZE*(_AP_N-1));
return *this;
template<int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const volatile ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1, true>& RHS) {
static const uint64_t that_sign_ext_mask = (_AP_W1==APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)?0:~0ULL>>(_AP_W1%APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)<<(_AP_W1%APINT_BITS_PER_WORD);
if (RHS.isNegative()) {
pVal[0] = RHS.get_VAL() | that_sign_ext_mask;
memset(pVal+1,~0, APINT_WORD_SIZE*(_AP_N-1));
} else {
pVal[0] = RHS.get_VAL();
memset(pVal+1, 0, APINT_WORD_SIZE*(_AP_N-1));
return *this;
/// from all c types.
#define ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(C_TYPE, _AP_W2, _AP_S2) \
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const C_TYPE rhs) { \
ap_private<(_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)> tmp = rhs; \
operator=(tmp); \
return *this; \
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(bool, 1, false)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(signed char, 8, true)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned char, 8, false)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(short, sizeof(short) * 8, true)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short) * 8, false)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(int, sizeof(int) * 8, true)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned int, sizeof(unsigned int) * 8, false)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(long, sizeof(long) * 8, true)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(unsigned long, sizeof(unsigned long) * 8, false)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(ap_slong, sizeof(ap_slong) * 8, true)
ASSIGN_OP_FROM_INT(ap_ulong, sizeof(ap_ulong) * 8, false)
/// from c string.
// XXX this is a must, to prevent pointer being converted to bool.
INLINE ap_private& operator=(const char* s) {
ap_private tmp(s); // XXX direct initialization, as ctor is explicit.
return *this;
/// @name Unary Operators
/// @returns a new ap_private value representing *this incremented by one
/// @brief Postfix increment operator.
INLINE const ap_private operator++(int) {
ap_private API(*this);
return API;
/// @returns *this incremented by one
/// @brief Prefix increment operator.
INLINE ap_private& operator++() {
ap_private_ops::add_1(pVal, pVal, _AP_N, 1);
return *this;
/// @returns a new ap_private representing *this decremented by one.
/// @brief Postfix decrement operator.
INLINE const ap_private operator--(int) {
ap_private API(*this);
return API;
/// @returns *this decremented by one.
/// @brief Prefix decrement operator.
INLINE ap_private& operator--() {
ap_private_ops::sub_1(pVal, _AP_N, 1);
return *this;
/// Performs a bitwise complement operation on this ap_private.
/// @returns an ap_private that is the bitwise complement of *this
/// @brief Unary bitwise complement operator.
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W + !_AP_S, true> operator~() const {
ap_private<_AP_W + !_AP_S, true> Result(*this);
return Result;
/// Negates *this using two's complement logic.
/// @returns An ap_private value representing the negation of *this.
/// @brief Unary negation operator
INLINE typename RType<1, false>::minus operator-() const {
return ap_private<1, false>(0) - (*this);
/// Performs logical negation operation on this ap_private.
/// @returns true if *this is zero, false otherwise.
/// @brief Logical negation operator.
INLINE bool operator!() const {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i)
if (pVal[i]) return false;
return true;
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S || _AP_S1> And(
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return this->operator&(RHS);
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private Or(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return this->operator|(RHS);
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE ap_private Xor(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return this->operator^(RHS);
INLINE ap_private Mul(const ap_private& RHS) const {
ap_private Result(*this);
Result *= RHS;
return Result;
INLINE ap_private Add(const ap_private& RHS) const {
ap_private Result(0);
ap_private_ops::add(Result.get_pVal(), pVal, RHS.get_pVal(), _AP_N, _AP_N,
_AP_N, _AP_S, _AP_S);
return Result;
INLINE ap_private Sub(const ap_private& RHS) const {
ap_private Result(0);
ap_private_ops::sub(Result.get_pVal(), pVal, RHS.get_pVal(), _AP_N, _AP_N,
_AP_N, _AP_S, _AP_S);
return Result;
/// Arithmetic right-shift this ap_private by shiftAmt.
/// @brief Arithmetic right-shift function.
INLINE ap_private ashr(uint32_t shiftAmt) const {
assert(shiftAmt <= BitWidth && "Invalid shift amount, too big");
// Handle a degenerate case
if (shiftAmt == 0) return ap_private(*this);
// If all the bits were shifted out, the result is, technically, undefined.
// We return -1 if it was negative, 0 otherwise. We check this early to
// avoid
// issues in the algorithm below.
if (shiftAmt == BitWidth) {
if (isNegative())
return ap_private(-1);
return ap_private(0);
// Create some space for the result.
ap_private Retval(0);
uint64_t* val = Retval.get_pVal();
// Compute some values needed by the following shift algorithms
uint32_t wordShift =
shiftAmt % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD; // bits to shift per word
uint32_t offset = shiftAmt / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD; // word offset for shift
uint32_t breakWord = _AP_N - 1 - offset; // last word affected
uint32_t bitsInWord = whichBit(BitWidth); // how many bits in last word?
if (bitsInWord == 0) bitsInWord = APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
// If we are shifting whole words, just move whole words
if (wordShift == 0) {
// Move the words containing significant bits
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= breakWord; ++i)
val[i] = pVal[i + offset]; // move whole word
// Adjust the top significant word for sign bit fill, if negative
if (isNegative())
if (bitsInWord < APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)
val[breakWord] |= ~0ULL << (bitsInWord); // set high bits
} else {
// Shift the low order words
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < breakWord; ++i) {
// This combines the shifted corresponding word with the low bits from
// the next word (shifted into this word's high bits).
val[i] = ((pVal[i + offset]) >> (wordShift));
val[i] |= ((pVal[i + offset + 1]) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - wordShift));
// Shift the break word. In this case there are no bits from the next word
// to include in this word.
val[breakWord] = (pVal[breakWord + offset]) >> (wordShift);
// Deal with sign extenstion in the break word, and possibly the word
// before
// it.
if (isNegative()) {
if (wordShift > bitsInWord) {
if (breakWord > 0)
val[breakWord - 1] |=
~0ULL << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - (wordShift - bitsInWord));
val[breakWord] |= ~0ULL;
} else
val[breakWord] |= (~0ULL << (bitsInWord - wordShift));
// Remaining words are 0 or -1, just assign them.
uint64_t fillValue = (isNegative() ? ~0ULL : 0);
for (int i = breakWord + 1; i < _AP_N; ++i) val[i] = fillValue;
return Retval;
/// Logical right-shift this ap_private by shiftAmt.
/// @brief Logical right-shift function.
INLINE ap_private lshr(uint32_t shiftAmt) const {
// If all the bits were shifted out, the result is 0. This avoids issues
// with shifting by the size of the integer type, which produces undefined
// results. We define these "undefined results" to always be 0.
if (shiftAmt == BitWidth) return ap_private(0);
// If none of the bits are shifted out, the result is *this. This avoids
// issues with shifting byt he size of the integer type, which produces
// undefined results in the code below. This is also an optimization.
if (shiftAmt == 0) return ap_private(*this);
// Create some space for the result.
ap_private Retval(0);
uint64_t* val = Retval.get_pVal();
// If we are shifting less than a word, compute the shift with a simple
// carry
if (shiftAmt < APINT_BITS_PER_WORD) {
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (int i = _AP_N - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
val[i] = ((pVal[i]) >> (shiftAmt)) | carry;
carry = (pVal[i]) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - shiftAmt);
return Retval;
// Compute some values needed by the remaining shift algorithms
uint32_t wordShift = shiftAmt % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
uint32_t offset = shiftAmt / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
// If we are shifting whole words, just move whole words
if (wordShift == 0) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _AP_N - offset; ++i) val[i] = pVal[i + offset];
for (uint32_t i = _AP_N - offset; i < _AP_N; i++) val[i] = 0;
return Retval;
// Shift the low order words
uint32_t breakWord = _AP_N - offset - 1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < breakWord; ++i)
val[i] = ((pVal[i + offset]) >> (wordShift)) |
((pVal[i + offset + 1]) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - wordShift));
// Shift the break word.
val[breakWord] = (pVal[breakWord + offset]) >> (wordShift);
// Remaining words are 0
for (int i = breakWord + 1; i < _AP_N; ++i) val[i] = 0;
return Retval;
/// Left-shift this ap_private by shiftAmt.
/// @brief Left-shift function.
INLINE ap_private shl(uint32_t shiftAmt) const {
assert(shiftAmt <= BitWidth && "Invalid shift amount, too big");
// If all the bits were shifted out, the result is 0. This avoids issues
// with shifting by the size of the integer type, which produces undefined
// results. We define these "undefined results" to always be 0.
if (shiftAmt == BitWidth) return ap_private(0);
// If none of the bits are shifted out, the result is *this. This avoids a
// lshr by the words size in the loop below which can produce incorrect
// results. It also avoids the expensive computation below for a common
// case.
if (shiftAmt == 0) return ap_private(*this);
// Create some space for the result.
ap_private Retval(0);
uint64_t* val = Retval.get_pVal();
// If we are shifting less than a word, do it the easy way
if (shiftAmt < APINT_BITS_PER_WORD) {
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; i++) {
val[i] = ((pVal[i]) << (shiftAmt)) | carry;
carry = (pVal[i]) >> (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - shiftAmt);
return Retval;
// Compute some values needed by the remaining shift algorithms
uint32_t wordShift = shiftAmt % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
uint32_t offset = shiftAmt / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
// If we are shifting whole words, just move whole words
if (wordShift == 0) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < offset; i++) val[i] = 0;
for (int i = offset; i < _AP_N; i++) val[i] = pVal[i - offset];
return Retval;
// Copy whole words from this to Result.
uint32_t i = _AP_N - 1;
for (; i > offset; --i)
val[i] = (pVal[i - offset]) << (wordShift) |
(pVal[i - offset - 1]) >> (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - wordShift);
val[offset] = (pVal[0]) << (wordShift);
for (i = 0; i < offset; ++i) val[i] = 0;
return Retval;
INLINE ap_private rotl(uint32_t rotateAmt) const {
if (rotateAmt == 0) return ap_private(*this);
// Don't get too fancy, just use existing shift/or facilities
ap_private hi(*this);
ap_private lo(*this);
lo.lshr(BitWidth - rotateAmt);
return hi | lo;
INLINE ap_private rotr(uint32_t rotateAmt) const {
if (rotateAmt == 0) return ap_private(*this);
// Don't get too fancy, just use existing shift/or facilities
ap_private hi(*this);
ap_private lo(*this);
hi.shl(BitWidth - rotateAmt);
return hi | lo;
/// Perform an unsigned divide operation on this ap_private by RHS. Both this
/// and
/// RHS are treated as unsigned quantities for purposes of this division.
/// @returns a new ap_private value containing the division result
/// @brief Unsigned division operation.
INLINE ap_private udiv(const ap_private& RHS) const {
// Get some facts about the LHS and RHS number of bits and words
uint32_t rhsBits = RHS.getActiveBits();
uint32_t rhsWords = !rhsBits ? 0 : (whichWord(rhsBits - 1) + 1);
assert(rhsWords && "Divided by zero???");
uint32_t lhsBits = this->getActiveBits();
uint32_t lhsWords = !lhsBits ? 0 : (whichWord(lhsBits - 1) + 1);
// Deal with some degenerate cases
if (!lhsWords)
// 0 / X ===> 0
return ap_private(0);
else if (lhsWords < rhsWords || this->ult(RHS)) {
// X / Y ===> 0, iff X < Y
return ap_private(0);
} else if (*this == RHS) {
// X / X ===> 1
return ap_private(1);
} else if (lhsWords == 1 && rhsWords == 1) {
// All high words are zero, just use native divide
return ap_private(this->pVal[0] / RHS.get_pVal(0));
// We have to compute it the hard way. Invoke the Knuth divide algorithm.
ap_private Quotient(0); // to hold result.
ap_private_ops::divide(*this, lhsWords, RHS, rhsWords, &Quotient,
return Quotient;
/// Signed divide this ap_private by ap_private RHS.
/// @brief Signed division function for ap_private.
INLINE ap_private sdiv(const ap_private& RHS) const {
if (isNegative())
if (RHS.isNegative())
return (-(*this)).udiv(-RHS);
return -((-(*this)).udiv(RHS));
else if (RHS.isNegative())
return -(this->udiv((ap_private)(-RHS)));
return this->udiv(RHS);
/// Perform an unsigned remainder operation on this ap_private with RHS being
/// the
/// divisor. Both this and RHS are treated as unsigned quantities for purposes
/// of this operation. Note that this is a true remainder operation and not
/// a modulo operation because the sign follows the sign of the dividend
/// which is *this.
/// @returns a new ap_private value containing the remainder result
/// @brief Unsigned remainder operation.
INLINE ap_private urem(const ap_private& RHS) const {
// Get some facts about the LHS
uint32_t lhsBits = getActiveBits();
uint32_t lhsWords = !lhsBits ? 0 : (whichWord(lhsBits - 1) + 1);
// Get some facts about the RHS
uint32_t rhsBits = RHS.getActiveBits();
uint32_t rhsWords = !rhsBits ? 0 : (whichWord(rhsBits - 1) + 1);
assert(rhsWords && "Performing remainder operation by zero ???");
// Check the degenerate cases
if (lhsWords == 0) {
// 0 % Y ===> 0
return ap_private(0);
} else if (lhsWords < rhsWords || this->ult(RHS)) {
// X % Y ===> X, iff X < Y
return *this;
} else if (*this == RHS) {
// X % X == 0;
return ap_private(0);
} else if (lhsWords == 1) {
// All high words are zero, just use native remainder
return ap_private(pVal[0] % RHS.get_pVal(0));
// We have to compute it the hard way. Invoke the Knuth divide algorithm.
ap_private Remainder(0);
ap_private_ops::divide(*this, lhsWords, RHS, rhsWords, (ap_private*)(0),
return Remainder;
INLINE ap_private urem(uint64_t RHS) const {
// Get some facts about the LHS
uint32_t lhsBits = getActiveBits();
uint32_t lhsWords = !lhsBits ? 0 : (whichWord(lhsBits - 1) + 1);
// Get some facts about the RHS
uint32_t rhsWords = 1; //! rhsBits ? 0 : (ap_private<_AP_W,
//! _AP_S>::whichWord(rhsBits - 1) + 1);
assert(rhsWords && "Performing remainder operation by zero ???");
// Check the degenerate cases
if (lhsWords == 0) {
// 0 % Y ===> 0
return ap_private(0);
} else if (lhsWords < rhsWords || this->ult(RHS)) {
// X % Y ===> X, iff X < Y
return *this;
} else if (*this == RHS) {
// X % X == 0;
return ap_private(0);
} else if (lhsWords == 1) {
// All high words are zero, just use native remainder
return ap_private(pVal[0] % RHS);
// We have to compute it the hard way. Invoke the Knuth divide algorithm.
ap_private Remainder(0);
divide(*this, lhsWords, RHS, (ap_private*)(0), &Remainder);
return Remainder;
/// Signed remainder operation on ap_private.
/// @brief Function for signed remainder operation.
INLINE ap_private srem(const ap_private& RHS) const {
if (isNegative()) {
ap_private lhs = -(*this);
if (RHS.isNegative()) {
ap_private rhs = -RHS;
return -(lhs.urem(rhs));
} else
return -(lhs.urem(RHS));
} else if (RHS.isNegative()) {
ap_private rhs = -RHS;
return this->urem(rhs);
return this->urem(RHS);
/// Signed remainder operation on ap_private.
/// @brief Function for signed remainder operation.
INLINE ap_private srem(int64_t RHS) const {
if (isNegative())
if (RHS < 0)
return -((-(*this)).urem(-RHS));
return -((-(*this)).urem(RHS));
else if (RHS < 0)
return this->urem(-RHS);
return this->urem(RHS);
/// Compares this ap_private with RHS for the validity of the equality
/// relationship.
/// @returns true if *this == Val
/// @brief Equality comparison.
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool eq(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return (*this) == RHS;
/// Compares this ap_private with RHS for the validity of the inequality
/// relationship.
/// @returns true if *this != Val
/// @brief Inequality comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ne(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !((*this) == RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// the validity of the less-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this < RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned less than comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ult(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
// Get active bit length of both operands
uint32_t n1 = getActiveBits();
uint32_t n2 = RHS.getActiveBits();
// If magnitude of LHS is less than RHS, return true.
if (n1 < n2) return true;
// If magnitude of RHS is greather than LHS, return false.
if (n2 < n1) return false;
// If they bot fit in a word, just compare the low order word
return pVal[0] < RHS.get_pVal(0);
// Otherwise, compare all words
uint32_t topWord = whichWord(AESL_std::max(n1, n2) - 1);
for (int i = topWord; i >= 0; --i) {
if (pVal[i] > RHS.get_pVal(i)) return false;
if (pVal[i] < RHS.get_pVal(i)) return true;
return false;
INLINE bool ult(uint64_t RHS) const {
// Get active bit length of both operands
uint32_t n1 = getActiveBits();
uint32_t n2 =
64 - ap_private_ops::CountLeadingZeros_64(RHS); // RHS.getActiveBits();
// If magnitude of LHS is less than RHS, return true.
if (n1 < n2) return true;
// If magnitude of RHS is greather than LHS, return false.
if (n2 < n1) return false;
// If they bot fit in a word, just compare the low order word
return pVal[0] < RHS;
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool slt(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
ap_private lhs(*this);
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1> rhs(RHS);
bool lhsNeg = isNegative();
bool rhsNeg = rhs.isNegative();
if (lhsNeg) {
// Sign bit is set so perform two's complement to make it positive
if (rhsNeg) {
// Sign bit is set so perform two's complement to make it positive
// Now we have unsigned values to compare so do the comparison if necessary
// based on the negativeness of the values.
if (lhsNeg)
if (rhsNeg)
return lhs.ugt(rhs);
return true;
else if (rhsNeg)
return false;
return lhs.ult(rhs);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the less-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this <= RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned less or equal comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ule(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return ult(RHS) || eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the less-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this <= RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed less or equal comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool sle(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return slt(RHS) || eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// the validity of the greater-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this > RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned greather than comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool ugt(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !ult(RHS) && !eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// the validity of the greater-than relationship.
/// @returns true if *this > RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed greather than comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool sgt(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !slt(RHS) && !eq(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as unsigned quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the greater-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this >= RHS when both are considered unsigned.
/// @brief Unsigned greater or equal comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool uge(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& RHS) const {
return !ult(RHS);
/// Regards both *this and RHS as signed quantities and compares them for
/// validity of the greater-or-equal relationship.
/// @returns true if *this >= RHS when both are considered signed.
/// @brief Signed greather or equal comparison
template <bool _AP_S1>
INLINE bool sge(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S1>& RHS) const {
return !slt(RHS);
// Sign extend to a new width.
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE void cpSext(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& that) {
assert(_AP_W1 < BitWidth && "Invalid ap_private SignExtend request");
assert(_AP_W1 <= MAX_INT_BITS && "Too many bits");
// If the sign bit isn't set, this is the same as zext.
if (!that.isNegative()) {
// The sign bit is set. First, get some facts
enum { wordBits = _AP_W1 % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD };
const int _AP_N1 = ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::_AP_N;
// Mask the high order word appropriately
if (_AP_N1 == _AP_N) {
enum { newWordBits = _AP_W % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD };
// The extension is contained to the wordsBefore-1th word.
static const uint64_t mask = wordBits ? (~0ULL << (wordBits)) : 0ULL;
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = that.get_pVal(i);
pVal[_AP_N - 1] |= mask;
enum { newWordBits = _AP_W % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD };
// The extension is contained to the wordsBefore-1th word.
static const uint64_t mask = wordBits ? (~0ULL << (wordBits)) : 0ULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < _AP_N1; ++i) pVal[i] = that.get_pVal(i);
pVal[i - 1] |= mask;
for (; i < _AP_N - 1; i++) pVal[i] = ~0ULL;
pVal[i] = ~0ULL;
// Zero extend to a new width.
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE void cpZext(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& that) {
assert(_AP_W1 < BitWidth && "Invalid ap_private ZeroExtend request");
assert(_AP_W1 <= MAX_INT_BITS && "Too many bits");
const int _AP_N1 = ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::_AP_N;
int i = 0;
for (; i < _AP_N1; ++i) pVal[i] = that.get_pVal(i);
for (; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = 0;
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE void cpZextOrTrunc(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& that) {
if (BitWidth > _AP_W1)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = that.get_pVal(i);
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1>
INLINE void cpSextOrTrunc(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& that) {
if (BitWidth > _AP_W1)
else {
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N; ++i) pVal[i] = that.get_pVal(i);
/// @}
/// @name Value Characterization Functions
/// @{
/// @returns the total number of bits.
INLINE uint32_t getBitWidth() const { return BitWidth; }
/// Here one word's bitwidth equals to that of uint64_t.
/// @returns the number of words to hold the integer value of this ap_private.
/// @brief Get the number of words.
INLINE uint32_t getNumWords() const {
/// This function returns the number of active bits which is defined as the
/// bit width minus the number of leading zeros. This is used in several
/// computations to see how "wide" the value is.
/// @brief Compute the number of active bits in the value
INLINE uint32_t getActiveBits() const {
uint32_t bits = BitWidth - countLeadingZeros();
return bits ? bits : 1;
/// This method attempts to return the value of this ap_private as a zero
/// extended
/// uint64_t. The bitwidth must be <= 64 or the value must fit within a
/// uint64_t. Otherwise an assertion will result.
/// @brief Get zero extended value
INLINE uint64_t getZExtValue() const {
assert(getActiveBits() <= 64 && "Too many bits for uint64_t");
return *pVal;
/// This method attempts to return the value of this ap_private as a sign
/// extended
/// int64_t. The bit width must be <= 64 or the value must fit within an
/// int64_t. Otherwise an assertion will result.
/// @brief Get sign extended value
INLINE int64_t getSExtValue() const {
assert(getActiveBits() <= 64 && "Too many bits for int64_t");
return int64_t(pVal[0]);
/// This method determines how many bits are required to hold the ap_private
/// equivalent of the string given by \p str of length \p slen.
/// @brief Get bits required for string value.
INLINE static uint32_t getBitsNeeded(const char* str, uint32_t slen,
uint8_t radix) {
assert(str != 0 && "Invalid value string");
assert(slen > 0 && "Invalid string length");
// Each computation below needs to know if its negative
uint32_t isNegative = str[0] == '-';
if (isNegative) {
// For radixes of power-of-two values, the bits required is accurately and
// easily computed
if (radix == 2) return slen + isNegative;
if (radix == 8) return slen * 3 + isNegative;
if (radix == 16) return slen * 4 + isNegative;
// Otherwise it must be radix == 10, the hard case
assert(radix == 10 && "Invalid radix");
// Convert to the actual binary value.
// ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> tmp(sufficient, str, slen, radix);
// Compute how many bits are required.
// return isNegative + tmp.logBase2() + 1;
return isNegative + slen * 4;
/// countLeadingZeros - This function is an ap_private version of the
/// countLeadingZeros_{32,64} functions in MathExtras.h. It counts the number
/// of zeros from the most significant bit to the first one bit.
/// @returns BitWidth if the value is zero.
/// @returns the number of zeros from the most significant bit to the first
/// one bits.
INLINE uint32_t countLeadingZeros() const {
enum {
msw_bits = (BitWidth % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD)
excessBits = APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msw_bits
uint32_t Count = ap_private_ops::CountLeadingZeros_64(pVal[_AP_N - 1]);
if (Count >= excessBits) Count -= excessBits;
if (!pVal[_AP_N - 1]) {
for (int i = _AP_N - 1; i; --i) {
if (!pVal[i - 1])
else {
Count += ap_private_ops::CountLeadingZeros_64(pVal[i - 1]);
return Count;
/// countLeadingOnes - This function counts the number of contiguous 1 bits
/// in the high order bits. The count stops when the first 0 bit is reached.
/// @returns 0 if the high order bit is not set
/// @returns the number of 1 bits from the most significant to the least
/// @brief Count the number of leading one bits.
INLINE uint32_t countLeadingOnes() const {
if (isSingleWord())
return countLeadingOnes_64(get_VAL(), APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - BitWidth);
uint32_t highWordBits = BitWidth % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
uint32_t shift =
(highWordBits == 0 ? 0 : APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - highWordBits);
int i = _AP_N - 1;
uint32_t Count = countLeadingOnes_64(get_pVal(i), shift);
if (Count == highWordBits) {
for (i--; i >= 0; --i) {
if (get_pVal(i) == ~0ULL)
else {
Count += countLeadingOnes_64(get_pVal(i), 0);
return Count;
/// countTrailingZeros - This function is an ap_private version of the
/// countTrailingZoers_{32,64} functions in MathExtras.h. It counts
/// the number of zeros from the least significant bit to the first set bit.
/// @returns BitWidth if the value is zero.
/// @returns the number of zeros from the least significant bit to the first
/// one bit.
/// @brief Count the number of trailing zero bits.
INLINE uint32_t countTrailingZeros() const {
uint32_t Count = 0;
uint32_t i = 0;
for (; i < _AP_N && get_pVal(i) == 0; ++i) Count += APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
if (i < _AP_N) Count += ap_private_ops::CountTrailingZeros_64(get_pVal(i));
return AESL_std::min(Count, BitWidth);
/// countPopulation - This function is an ap_private version of the
/// countPopulation_{32,64} functions in MathExtras.h. It counts the number
/// of 1 bits in the ap_private value.
/// @returns 0 if the value is zero.
/// @returns the number of set bits.
/// @brief Count the number of bits set.
INLINE uint32_t countPopulation() const {
uint32_t Count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _AP_N - 1; ++i)
Count += ap_private_ops::CountPopulation_64(pVal[i]);
Count += ap_private_ops::CountPopulation_64(pVal[_AP_N - 1] & mask);
return Count;
/// @}
/// @name Conversion Functions
/// @
/// This is used internally to convert an ap_private to a string.
/// @brief Converts an ap_private to a std::string
INLINE std::string toString(uint8_t radix, bool wantSigned) const;
/// Considers the ap_private to be unsigned and converts it into a string in
/// the
/// radix given. The radix can be 2, 8, 10 or 16.
/// @returns a character interpretation of the ap_private
/// @brief Convert unsigned ap_private to string representation.
INLINE std::string toStringUnsigned(uint8_t radix = 10) const {
return toString(radix, false);
/// Considers the ap_private to be unsigned and converts it into a string in
/// the
/// radix given. The radix can be 2, 8, 10 or 16.
/// @returns a character interpretation of the ap_private
/// @brief Convert unsigned ap_private to string representation.
INLINE std::string toStringSigned(uint8_t radix = 10) const {
return toString(radix, true);
/// @brief Converts this ap_private to a double value.
INLINE double roundToDouble(bool isSigned) const {
// Handle the simple case where the value is contained in one uint64_t.
if (isSingleWord() || getActiveBits() <= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD) {
uint64_t val = pVal[0];
if (isSigned) {
int64_t sext = ((int64_t(val)) << (64 - BitWidth)) >> (64 - BitWidth);
return double(sext);
} else
return double(val);
// Determine if the value is negative.
bool isNeg = isSigned ? (*this)[BitWidth - 1] : false;
// Construct the absolute value if we're negative.
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> Tmp(isNeg ? -(*this) : (*this));
// Figure out how many bits we're using.
uint32_t n = Tmp.getActiveBits();
// The exponent (without bias normalization) is just the number of bits
// we are using. Note that the sign bit is gone since we constructed the
// absolute value.
uint64_t exp = n;
// Return infinity for exponent overflow
if (exp > 1023) {
if (!isSigned || !isNeg)
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
return -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
exp += 1023; // Increment for 1023 bias
// Number of bits in mantissa is 52. To obtain the mantissa value, we must
// extract the high 52 bits from the correct words in pVal.
uint64_t mantissa;
unsigned hiWord = whichWord(n - 1);
if (hiWord == 0) {
mantissa = Tmp.get_pVal(0);
if (n > 52)
(mantissa) >>= (n - 52); // shift down, we want the top 52 bits.
} else {
assert(hiWord > 0 && "High word is negative?");
uint64_t hibits = (Tmp.get_pVal(hiWord))
<< (52 - n % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD);
uint64_t lobits =
(Tmp.get_pVal(hiWord - 1)) >> (11 + n % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD);
mantissa = hibits | lobits;
// The leading bit of mantissa is implicit, so get rid of it.
uint64_t sign = isNeg ? (1ULL << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1)) : 0;
union {
double __D;
uint64_t __I;
} __T;
__T.__I = sign | ((exp) << 52) | mantissa;
return __T.__D;
/// @brief Converts this unsigned ap_private to a double value.
INLINE double roundToDouble() const { return roundToDouble(false); }
/// @brief Converts this signed ap_private to a double value.
INLINE double signedRoundToDouble() const { return roundToDouble(true); }
/// The conversion does not do a translation from integer to double, it just
/// re-interprets the bits as a double. Note that it is valid to do this on
/// any bit width. Exactly 64 bits will be translated.
/// @brief Converts ap_private bits to a double
INLINE double bitsToDouble() const {
union {
uint64_t __I;
double __D;
} __T;
__T.__I = pVal[0];
return __T.__D;
/// The conversion does not do a translation from integer to float, it just
/// re-interprets the bits as a float. Note that it is valid to do this on
/// any bit width. Exactly 32 bits will be translated.
/// @brief Converts ap_private bits to a double
INLINE float bitsToFloat() const {
union {
uint32_t __I;
float __F;
} __T;
__T.__I = uint32_t(pVal[0]);
return __T.__F;
/// The conversion does not do a translation from double to integer, it just
/// re-interprets the bits of the double. Note that it is valid to do this on
/// any bit width but bits from V may get truncated.
/// @brief Converts a double to ap_private bits.
INLINE ap_private& doubleToBits(double __V) {
union {
uint64_t __I;
double __D;
} __T;
__T.__D = __V;
pVal[0] = __T.__I;
return *this;
/// The conversion does not do a translation from float to integer, it just
/// re-interprets the bits of the float. Note that it is valid to do this on
/// any bit width but bits from V may get truncated.
/// @brief Converts a float to ap_private bits.
INLINE ap_private& floatToBits(float __V) {
union {
uint32_t __I;
float __F;
} __T;
__T.__F = __V;
pVal[0] = __T.__I;
// Reduce operation
INLINE bool and_reduce() const { return isMaxValue(); }
INLINE bool nand_reduce() const { return isMinValue(); }
INLINE bool or_reduce() const { return (bool)countPopulation(); }
INLINE bool nor_reduce() const { return countPopulation() == 0; }
INLINE bool xor_reduce() const {
unsigned int i = countPopulation();
return (i % 2) ? true : false;
INLINE bool xnor_reduce() const {
unsigned int i = countPopulation();
return (i % 2) ? false : true;
INLINE std::string to_string(uint8_t radix = 16, bool sign = false) const {
return toString(radix, radix == 10 ? _AP_S : sign);
}; // End of class ap_private <_AP_W, _AP_S, false>
namespace ap_private_ops {
enum { APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = 64 };
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
INLINE bool operator==(uint64_t V1, const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& V2) {
return V2 == V1;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
INLINE bool operator!=(uint64_t V1, const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& V2) {
return V2 != V1;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, int index>
INLINE bool get(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& a) {
static const uint64_t mask = 1ULL << (index & 0x3f);
return ((mask & a.get_pVal((index) >> 6)) != 0);
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, int msb_index, int lsb_index>
INLINE void set(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& a,
const ap_private<AP_MAX(msb_index, 1), true>& mark1 = 0,
const ap_private<AP_MAX(lsb_index, 1), true>& mark2 = 0) {
enum {
lsb_word = lsb_index / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD,
msb_word = msb_index / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD,
msb = msb_index % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD,
lsb = lsb_index % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD
if (msb_word == lsb_word) {
const uint64_t mask = ~0ULL >>
(lsb) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb + lsb - 1) >>
(APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb - 1);
// a.set_pVal(msb_word, a.get_pVal(msb_word) | mask);
a.get_pVal(msb_word) |= mask;
} else {
const uint64_t lsb_mask = ~0ULL >> (lsb) << (lsb);
const uint64_t msb_mask = ~0ULL << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb - 1) >>
(APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb - 1);
// a.set_pVal(lsb_word, a.get_pVal(lsb_word) | lsb_mask);
a.get_pVal(lsb_word) |= lsb_mask;
for (int i = lsb_word + 1; i < msb_word; i++) {
a.set_pVal(i, ~0ULL);
// a.get_pVal(i)=0;
// a.set_pVal(msb_word, a.get_pVal(msb_word) | msb_mask);
a.get_pVal(msb_word) |= msb_mask;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, int msb_index, int lsb_index>
INLINE void clear(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& a,
const ap_private<AP_MAX(msb_index, 1), true>& mark1 = 0,
const ap_private<AP_MAX(lsb_index, 1), true>& mark2 = 0) {
enum {
lsb_word = lsb_index / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD,
msb_word = msb_index / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD,
msb = msb_index % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD,
lsb = lsb_index % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD
if (msb_word == lsb_word) {
const uint64_t mask =
~(~0ULL >> (lsb) << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb + lsb - 1) >>
(APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb - 1));
// a.set_pVal(msb_word, a.get_pVal(msb_word) & mask);
a.get_pVal(msb_word) &= mask;
} else {
const uint64_t lsb_mask = ~(~0ULL >> (lsb) << (lsb));
const uint64_t msb_mask = ~(~0ULL << (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb - 1) >>
(APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - msb - 1));
// a.set_pVal(lsb_word, a.get_pVal(lsb_word) & lsb_mask);
a.get_pVal(lsb_word) &= lsb_mask;
for (int i = lsb_word + 1; i < msb_word; i++) {
// a.set_pVal(i, 0);
a.get_pVal(i) = 0;
// a.set_pVal(msb_word, a.get_pVal(msb_word) & msb_mask);
a.get_pVal(msb_word) &= msb_mask;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, int index>
INLINE void set(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& a,
const ap_private<AP_MAX(index, 1), true>& mark = 0) {
enum { APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = 64, word = index / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD };
static const uint64_t mask = 1ULL << (index % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD);
// a.set_pVal(word, a.get_pVal(word) | mask);
a.get_pVal(word) |= mask;
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, int index>
INLINE void clear(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& a,
const ap_private<AP_MAX(index, 1), true>& mark = 0) {
enum { APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = 64, word = index / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD };
static const uint64_t mask = ~(1ULL << (index % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD));
// a.set_pVal(word, a.get_pVal(word) & mask);
a.get_pVal(word) &= mask;
} // End of ap_private_ops namespace
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
INLINE std::string ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, false>::toString(
uint8_t radix, bool wantSigned) const {
assert((radix == 10 || radix == 8 || radix == 16 || radix == 2) &&
"Radix should be 2, 8, 10, or 16!");
static const char* digits[] = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"};
std::string result;
if (radix != 10) {
// For the 2, 8 and 16 bit cases, we can just shift instead of divide
// because the number of bits per digit (1,3 and 4 respectively) divides
// equaly. We just shift until there value is zero.
// First, check for a zero value and just short circuit the logic below.
if (*this == (uint64_t)(0))
result = "0";
else {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> tmp(*this);
size_t insert_at = 0;
bool leading_zero = true;
if (wantSigned && isNegative()) {
// They want to print the signed version and it is a negative value
// Flip the bits and add one to turn it into the equivalent positive
// value and put a '-' in the result.
result = "-";
insert_at = 1;
leading_zero = false;
switch (radix) {
case 2:
result += "0b";
case 8:
result += "0o";
case 16:
result += "0x";
assert("invalid radix" && 0);
insert_at += 2;
// Just shift tmp right for each digit width until it becomes zero
uint32_t shift = (radix == 16 ? 4 : (radix == 8 ? 3 : 1));
uint64_t mask = radix - 1;
ap_private<_AP_W, false> zero(0);
unsigned bits = 0;
while (tmp.ne(zero)) {
uint64_t digit = tmp.get_VAL() & mask;
result.insert(insert_at, digits[digit]);
tmp = tmp.lshr(shift);
bits *= shift;
if (bits < _AP_W && leading_zero) result.insert(insert_at, digits[0]);
return result;
ap_private<_AP_W, false> tmp(*this);
ap_private<_AP_W, false> divisor(radix);
ap_private<_AP_W, false> zero(0);
size_t insert_at = 0;
if (wantSigned && isNegative()) {
// They want to print the signed version and it is a negative value
// Flip the bits and add one to turn it into the equivalent positive
// value and put a '-' in the result.
result = "-";
insert_at = 1;
if (tmp == ap_private<_AP_W, false>(0))
result = "0";
while (tmp.ne(zero)) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> APdigit(0);
ap_private<_AP_W, false> tmp2(0);
ap_private_ops::divide(tmp, tmp.getNumWords(), divisor,
divisor.getNumWords(), &tmp2, &APdigit);
uint64_t digit = APdigit.getZExtValue();
assert(digit < radix && "divide failed");
result.insert(insert_at, digits[digit]);
tmp = tmp2;
return result;
} // End of ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, false>::toString()
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> &x) {
std::ios_base::fmtflags ff = std::cout.flags();
if (ff & std::cout.hex) {
os << x.toString(16, false); // don't print sign
} else if (ff & std::cout.oct) {
os << x.toString(8, false); // don't print sign
} else {
os << x.toString(10, _AP_S);
return os;
// ------------------------------------------------------------ //
// XXX moved here from ap_int_sim.h XXX //
// ------------------------------------------------------------ //
/// Concatination reference.
/// Proxy class which allows concatination to be used as rvalue(for reading) and
/// lvalue(for writing)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// template <int _AP_W1, typename _AP_T1, int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2>
// struct ap_concat_ref {
//#ifdef _MSC_VER
//#pragma warning(disable : 4521 4522)
// enum {
// _AP_WR = _AP_W1 + _AP_W2,
// };
// _AP_T1& mbv1;
// _AP_T2& mbv2;
// INLINE ap_concat_ref(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_T1, _AP_W2, _AP_T2>&
// ref)
// : mbv1(ref.mbv1), mbv2(ref.mbv2) {}
// INLINE ap_concat_ref(_AP_T1& bv1, _AP_T2& bv2) : mbv1(bv1), mbv2(bv2) {}
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> vval(val);
// int W_ref1 = mbv1.length();
// int W_ref2 = mbv2.length();
// ap_private<_AP_W1, false> mask1(-1);
// mask1 >>= _AP_W1 - W_ref1;
// ap_private<_AP_W2, false> mask2(-1);
// mask2 >>= _AP_W2 - W_ref2;
// mbv1.set(ap_private<_AP_W1, false>((vval >> W_ref2) & mask1));
// mbv2.set(ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(vval & mask2));
// return *this;
// }
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(unsigned long long val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal(val);
// return operator=(tmpVal);
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3, int _AP_W4, typename _AP_T4>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_T3, _AP_W4, _AP_T4>& val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal(val);
// return operator=(tmpVal);
// }
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_T1, _AP_W2, _AP_T2>& val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal(val);
// return operator=(tmpVal);
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>&
// val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal(val);
// return operator=(tmpVal);
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>&
// val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal(val);
// return operator=(tmpVal);
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, int _AP_I3, bool _AP_S3, ap_q_mode _AP_Q3,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O3, int _AP_N3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(
// const af_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3>& val)
// {
// return operator=((const ap_private<_AP_W3, false>)(val));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, int _AP_I3, bool _AP_S3, ap_q_mode _AP_Q3,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O3, int _AP_N3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(
// const ap_fixed_base<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3>&
// val) {
// return operator=(val.to_ap_private());
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, int _AP_I3, bool _AP_S3, ap_q_mode _AP_Q3,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O3, int _AP_N3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref& operator=(
// const af_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3>& val) {
// return operator=((unsigned long long)(bool)(val));
// }
// INLINE operator ap_private<_AP_WR, false>() const { return get(); }
// INLINE operator unsigned long long() const { return get().to_uint64(); }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> >
// operator,(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> >(
// *this, const_cast<_private_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3, ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>
// >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3,
// ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3, ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>
// >
// operator,(const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3,
// ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> >(
// *this, const_cast<ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, 1, _private_bit_ref<_AP_W3,
// _AP_S3> >
// operator,(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, 1, _private_bit_ref<_AP_W3,
// _AP_S3> >(
// *this, const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3, int _AP_W4, typename _AP_T4>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3 + _AP_W4,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_T3, _AP_W4, _AP_T4> >
// operator,(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_T3, _AP_W4, _AP_T4> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3 + _AP_W4,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_T3, _AP_W4, _AP_T4> >(
// *this, const_cast<ap_concat_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_T3, _AP_W4,
// _AP_T4>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, int _AP_I3, bool _AP_S3, ap_q_mode _AP_Q3,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O3, int _AP_N3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3> >
// operator,(
// const af_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3> &a2)
// {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, _AP_W3,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3> >(
// *this,
// const_cast<
// af_range_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3,
// _AP_N3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, int _AP_I3, bool _AP_S3, ap_q_mode _AP_Q3,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O3, int _AP_N3>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3>
// >
// operator,(const af_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3,
// _AP_N3>
// &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_WR, ap_concat_ref, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3, _AP_N3> >(
// *this,
// const_cast<af_bit_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_I3, _AP_S3, _AP_Q3, _AP_O3,
// _AP_N3>&>(
// a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_WR, _AP_W3), _AP_S3> operator&(
// const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& a2) {
// return get() & a2;
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_WR, _AP_W3), _AP_S3> operator|(
// const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& a2) {
// return get() | a2;
// }
// template <int _AP_W3, bool _AP_S3>
// INLINE ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_WR, _AP_W3), _AP_S3> operator^(
// const ap_private<_AP_W3, _AP_S3>& a2) {
// return ap_private<AP_MAX(_AP_WR, _AP_W3), _AP_S3>(get() ^ a2);
// }
// INLINE const ap_private<_AP_WR, false> get() const {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal =
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false>(mbv1.get());
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal2 =
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false>(mbv2.get());
// int W_ref2 = mbv2.length();
// tmpVal <<= W_ref2;
// tmpVal |= tmpVal2;
// return tmpVal;
// }
// INLINE const ap_private<_AP_WR, false> get() {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal =
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false>(mbv1.get());
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> tmpVal2 =
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false>(mbv2.get());
// int W_ref2 = mbv2.length();
// tmpVal <<= W_ref2;
// tmpVal |= tmpVal2;
// return tmpVal;
// }
// template <int _AP_W3>
// INLINE void set(const ap_private<_AP_W3, false>& val) {
// ap_private<_AP_W1 + _AP_W2, false> vval(val);
// int W_ref1 = mbv1.length();
// int W_ref2 = mbv2.length();
// ap_private<_AP_W1, false> mask1(-1);
// mask1 >>= _AP_W1 - W_ref1;
// ap_private<_AP_W2, false> mask2(-1);
// mask2 >>= _AP_W2 - W_ref2;
// mbv1.set(ap_private<_AP_W1, false>((vval >> W_ref2) & mask1));
// mbv2.set(ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(vval & mask2));
// }
// INLINE int length() const { return mbv1.length() + mbv2.length(); }
// INLINE std::string to_string(uint8_t radix = 2) const {
// return get().to_string(radix);
// }
//}; // struct ap_concat_ref.
/// Range(slice) reference
/// Proxy class, which allows part selection to be used as rvalue(for reading)
/// and lvalue(for writing)
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
struct _private_range_ref {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4521 4522)
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& d_bv;
int l_index;
int h_index;
/// copy ctor.
INLINE _private_range_ref(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& ref)
: d_bv(ref.d_bv), l_index(ref.l_index), h_index(ref.h_index) {}
/// direct ctor.
INLINE _private_range_ref(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>* bv, int h, int l)
: d_bv(*bv), l_index(l), h_index(h) {
_AP_WARNING(h < 0 || l < 0,
"Higher bound (%d) and lower bound (%d) cannot be "
h, l);
_AP_WARNING(h >= _AP_W || l >= _AP_W,
"Higher bound (%d) or lower bound (%d) out of range (%d).", h, l,
/// compound or assignment.
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator|=(
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
_AP_WARNING((h_index - l_index) != (ref.h_index - ref.l_index),
"Bitsize mismach for ap_private<>.range() &= "
this->d_bv |= ref.d_bv;
return *this;
/// compound or assignment with root type.
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator|=(
const _AP_ROOT_TYPE<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
_AP_WARNING((h_index - l_index + 1) != _AP_W2,
"Bitsize mismach for ap_private<>.range() |= _AP_ROOT_TYPE<>.");
this->d_bv |= ref.V;
return *this;
/// compound and assignment.
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator&=(
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
_AP_WARNING((h_index - l_index) != (ref.h_index - ref.l_index),
"Bitsize mismach for ap_private<>.range() &= "
this->d_bv &= ref.d_bv;
return *this;
/// compound and assignment with root type.
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator&=(
const _AP_ROOT_TYPE<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
_AP_WARNING((h_index - l_index + 1) != _AP_W2,
"Bitsize mismach for ap_private<>.range() &= _AP_ROOT_TYPE<>.");
this->d_bv &= ref.V;
return *this;
/// compound xor assignment.
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator^=(
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
_AP_WARNING((h_index - l_index) != (ref.h_index - ref.l_index),
"Bitsize mismach for ap_private<>.range() ^= "
this->d_bv ^= ref.d_bv;
return *this;
/// compound xor assignment with root type.
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator^=(
const _AP_ROOT_TYPE<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& ref) {
_AP_WARNING((h_index - l_index + 1) != _AP_W2,
"Bitsize mismach for ap_private<>.range() ^= _AP_ROOT_TYPE<>.");
this->d_bv ^= ref.V;
return *this;
/// @name convertors.
// @{
INLINE operator ap_private<_AP_W, false>() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val(0);
if (h_index >= l_index) {
if (_AP_W > 64) {
val = d_bv;
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask(-1);
mask >>= _AP_W - (h_index - l_index + 1);
val >>= l_index;
val &= mask;
} else {
const static uint64_t mask = (~0ULL >> (64 > _AP_W ? (64 - _AP_W) : 0));
val = (d_bv >> l_index) & (mask >> (_AP_W - (h_index - l_index + 1)));
} else {
for (int i = 0, j = l_index; j >= 0 && j >= h_index; j--, i++)
if ((d_bv)[j]) val.set(i);
return val;
INLINE operator unsigned long long() const { return to_uint64(); }
// @}
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& val) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> vval = ap_private<_AP_W, false>(val);
if (l_index > h_index) {
for (int i = 0, j = l_index; j >= 0 && j >= h_index; j--, i++)
(vval)[i] ? d_bv.set(j) : d_bv.clear(j);
} else {
if (_AP_W > 64) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask(-1);
if (l_index > 0) {
mask <<= l_index;
vval <<= l_index;
if (h_index < _AP_W - 1) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask2(-1);
mask2 >>= _AP_W - h_index - 1;
mask &= mask2;
vval &= mask2;
d_bv &= mask;
d_bv |= vval;
} else {
unsigned shift = 64 - _AP_W;
uint64_t mask = ~0ULL >> (shift);
if (l_index > 0) {
vval = mask & vval << l_index;
mask = mask & mask << l_index;
if (h_index < _AP_W - 1) {
uint64_t mask2 = mask;
mask2 >>= (_AP_W - h_index - 1);
mask &= mask2;
vval &= mask2;
mask = ~mask;
d_bv &= mask;
d_bv |= vval;
return *this;
} // operator=(const ap_private<>&)
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(unsigned long long val) {
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> vval = val;
return operator=(vval);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(
const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& val) {
return operator=((unsigned long long)(bool)val);
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& val) {
const ap_private<_AP_W, false> tmpVal(val);
return operator=(tmpVal);
// template <int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3, int _AP_W4, typename _AP_T4>
// INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(
// const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W3, _AP_T3, _AP_W4, _AP_T4>& val) {
// const ap_private<_AP_W, false> tmpVal(val);
// return operator=(tmpVal);
// }
// TODO from ap_int_base, ap_bit_ref and ap_range_ref.
template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(
const ap_fixed_base<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
return operator=(val.to_ap_int_base().V);
template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(
const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
return operator=(val.operator ap_int_base<_AP_W2, false>().V);
template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
INLINE _private_range_ref& operator=(
const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>& val) {
return operator=((unsigned long long)(bool)val);
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// *this, const_cast<_private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2,
// ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(*this, a2);
// }
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W, ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W,
// ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> >(*this, a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// *this, const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >
// operator,(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >(
// *this, const_cast<ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(
// const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, _private_range_ref, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// *this,
// const_cast<
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W, _private_range_ref, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>
// &a2) {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// _AP_W, _private_range_ref, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// *this,
// const_cast<af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2>&>(
// a2));
// }
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator==(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> lhs = get();
ap_private<_AP_W2, false> rhs = op2.get();
return lhs == rhs;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator!=(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> lhs = get();
ap_private<_AP_W2, false> rhs = op2.get();
return lhs != rhs;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator>(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> lhs = get();
ap_private<_AP_W2, false> rhs = op2.get();
return lhs > rhs;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator>=(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> lhs = get();
ap_private<_AP_W2, false> rhs = op2.get();
return lhs >= rhs;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator<(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> lhs = get();
ap_private<_AP_W2, false> rhs = op2.get();
return lhs < rhs;
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator<=(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> lhs = get();
ap_private<_AP_W2, false> rhs = op2.get();
return lhs <= rhs;
template <int _AP_W2>
INLINE void set(const ap_private<_AP_W2, false>& val) {
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> vval = val;
if (l_index > h_index) {
for (int i = 0, j = l_index; j >= 0 && j >= h_index; j--, i++)
(vval)[i] ? d_bv.set(j) : d_bv.clear(j);
} else {
if (_AP_W > 64) {
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S> mask(-1);
if (l_index > 0) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask1(-1);
mask1 >>= _AP_W - l_index;
mask = mask1;
// vval&=mask1;
vval <<= l_index;
if (h_index < _AP_W - 1) {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask2(-1);
mask2 <<= h_index + 1;
mask &= mask2;
vval &= mask2;
d_bv &= mask;
d_bv |= vval;
} else {
uint64_t mask = ~0ULL >> (64 - _AP_W);
if (l_index > 0) {
uint64_t mask1 = mask;
mask1 = mask & (mask1 >> (_AP_W - l_index));
vval = mask & (vval << l_index);
mask = ~mask1 & mask;
// vval&=mask1;
if (h_index < _AP_W - 1) {
uint64_t mask2 = ~0ULL >> (64 - _AP_W);
mask2 = mask & (mask2 << (h_index + 1));
mask &= ~mask2;
vval &= ~mask2;
d_bv &= (~mask & (~0ULL >> (64 - _AP_W)));
d_bv |= vval;
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, false> get() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val(0);
if (h_index < l_index) {
for (int i = 0, j = l_index; j >= 0 && j >= h_index; j--, i++)
if ((d_bv)[j]) val.set(i);
} else {
val = d_bv;
val >>= l_index;
if (h_index < _AP_W - 1) {
if (_AP_W <= 64) {
const static uint64_t mask =
(~0ULL >> (64 > _AP_W ? (64 - _AP_W) : 0));
val &= (mask >> (_AP_W - (h_index - l_index + 1)));
} else {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask(-1);
mask >>= _AP_W - (h_index - l_index + 1);
val &= mask;
return val;
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, false> get() {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val(0);
if (h_index < l_index) {
for (int i = 0, j = l_index; j >= 0 && j >= h_index; j--, i++)
if ((d_bv)[j]) val.set(i);
} else {
val = d_bv;
val >>= l_index;
if (h_index < _AP_W - 1) {
if (_AP_W <= 64) {
static const uint64_t mask = ~0ULL >> (64 > _AP_W ? (64 - _AP_W) : 0);
return val &= ((mask) >> (_AP_W - (h_index - l_index + 1)));
} else {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> mask(-1);
mask >>= _AP_W - (h_index - l_index + 1);
val &= mask;
return val;
INLINE int length() const {
return h_index >= l_index ? h_index - l_index + 1 : l_index - h_index + 1;
INLINE int to_int() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val = get();
return val.to_int();
INLINE unsigned int to_uint() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val = get();
return val.to_uint();
INLINE long to_long() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val = get();
return val.to_long();
INLINE unsigned long to_ulong() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val = get();
return val.to_ulong();
INLINE ap_slong to_int64() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val = get();
return val.to_int64();
INLINE ap_ulong to_uint64() const {
ap_private<_AP_W, false> val = get();
return val.to_uint64();
INLINE std::string to_string(uint8_t radix = 2) const {
return get().to_string(radix);
INLINE bool and_reduce() {
bool ret = true;
bool reverse = l_index > h_index;
unsigned low = reverse ? h_index : l_index;
unsigned high = reverse ? l_index : h_index;
for (unsigned i = low; i != high; ++i) ret &= d_bv[i];
return ret;
INLINE bool or_reduce() {
bool ret = false;
bool reverse = l_index > h_index;
unsigned low = reverse ? h_index : l_index;
unsigned high = reverse ? l_index : h_index;
for (unsigned i = low; i != high; ++i) ret |= d_bv[i];
return ret;
INLINE bool xor_reduce() {
bool ret = false;
bool reverse = l_index > h_index;
unsigned low = reverse ? h_index : l_index;
unsigned high = reverse ? l_index : h_index;
for (unsigned i = low; i != high; ++i) ret ^= d_bv[i];
return ret;
}; // struct _private_range_ref.
/// Bit reference
/// Proxy class, which allows bit selection to be used as rvalue(for reading)
/// and lvalue(for writing)
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S>
struct _private_bit_ref {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable : 4521 4522)
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& d_bv;
int d_index;
// copy ctor.
INLINE _private_bit_ref(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& ref)
: d_bv(ref.d_bv), d_index(ref.d_index) {}
// director ctor.
INLINE _private_bit_ref(ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& bv, int index = 0)
: d_bv(bv), d_index(index) {
_AP_WARNING(d_index < 0, "Index of bit vector (%d) cannot be negative.\n",
_AP_WARNING(d_index >= _AP_W,
"Index of bit vector (%d) out of range (%d).\n", d_index, _AP_W);
INLINE operator bool() const { return d_bv.get_bit(d_index); }
INLINE bool to_bool() const { return operator bool(); }
template <typename T>
INLINE _private_bit_ref& operator=(const T& val) {
if (!!val)
return *this;
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2,
// _AP_S2> >
// operator,(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2, ap_private<_AP_W2,
// _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this), a2);
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2,
// _AP_S2> >
// operator,(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2,
// _private_range_ref<_AP_W2,
// _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, 1, _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2,
// _AP_S2> > operator,(
// const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, 1,
// _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2> >(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>&>(a2));
// }
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, 1, _private_bit_ref>
// operator,(
// const _private_bit_ref &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, 1, _private_bit_ref>(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, typename _AP_T2, int _AP_W3, typename _AP_T3>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >
// operator,(const ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2 + _AP_W3,
// ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3> >(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<ap_concat_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_T2, _AP_W3, _AP_T3>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// INLINE ap_concat_ref<
// 1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2,
// _AP_N2>
// &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<
// 1, _private_bit_ref, _AP_W2,
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2, _AP_N2> >(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<
// af_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2,
// _AP_N2>&>(a2));
// }
// template <int _AP_W2, int _AP_I2, bool _AP_S2, ap_q_mode _AP_Q2,
// ap_o_mode _AP_O2, int _AP_N2>
// ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, 1,
// af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2,
// _AP_N2> >
// operator,(const af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2,
// _AP_N2>
// &a2) const {
// return ap_concat_ref<1, _private_bit_ref, 1, af_bit_ref<_AP_W2,
// _AP_I2, _AP_S2,
// _AP_Q2, _AP_O2,
// _AP_N2> >(
// const_cast<_private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>&>(*this),
// const_cast<af_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_I2, _AP_S2, _AP_Q2, _AP_O2,
// _AP_N2>&>(
// a2));
// }
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator==(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return get() == op.get();
template <int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2>
INLINE bool operator!=(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op) const {
return get() != op.get();
INLINE bool get() const { return operator bool(); }
// template <int _AP_W3>
// INLINE void set(const ap_private<_AP_W3, false>& val) {
// operator=(val);
// }
// INLINE bool operator~() const {
// bool bit = (d_bv)[d_index];
// return bit ? false : true;
// }
INLINE int length() const { return 1; }
// INLINE std::string to_string() const {
// bool val = get();
// return val ? "1" : "0";
// }
}; // struct _private_bit_ref.
// char a[100];
// char* ptr = a;
// ap_int<2> n = 3;
// char* ptr2 = ptr + n*2;
// avoid ambiguous errors
#define OP_BIN_MIX_PTR(BIN_OP) \
template <typename PTR_TYPE, int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE PTR_TYPE* operator BIN_OP(PTR_TYPE* i_op, \
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op) { \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::ValType op2 = op; \
return i_op BIN_OP op2; \
} \
template <typename PTR_TYPE, int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE PTR_TYPE* operator BIN_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, \
PTR_TYPE* i_op) { \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::ValType op2 = op; \
return op2 BIN_OP i_op; \
// float OP ap_int
// when ap_int<wa>'s width > 64, then trunc ap_int<w> to ap_int<64>
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE C_TYPE operator BIN_OP(C_TYPE i_op, \
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op) { \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::ValType op2 = op; \
return i_op BIN_OP op2; \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE C_TYPE operator BIN_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, \
C_TYPE i_op) { \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::ValType op2 = op; \
return op2 BIN_OP i_op; \
/// Operators mixing Integers with AP_Int
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// partially specialize template argument _AP_C in order that:
// for _AP_W > 64, we will explicitly convert operand with native data type
// into corresponding ap_private
// for _AP_W <= 64, we will implicitly convert operand with ap_private into
// (unsigned) long long
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
typename ap_private<_AP_WI, _AP_SI>::template RType<_AP_W, _AP_S>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(C_TYPE i_op, const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op) { \
return ap_private<_AP_WI, _AP_SI>(i_op).operator BIN_OP(op); \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::template RType<_AP_WI, _AP_SI>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, C_TYPE i_op) { \
return op.operator BIN_OP(ap_private<_AP_WI, _AP_SI>(i_op)); \
#define OP_REL_MIX_INT(REL_OP, C_TYPE, _AP_W2, _AP_S2) \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, \
C_TYPE op2) { \
return op.operator REL_OP(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2)); \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(C_TYPE op2, \
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, false>& op) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2).operator REL_OP(op); \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, C_TYPE op2) { \
return op.operator ASSIGN_OP(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2)); \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
C_TYPE operator BIN_OP(C_TYPE i_op, \
const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S, false>& op) { \
return i_op BIN_OP(op.get_VAL()); \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>::template RType<_AP_WI, _AP_SI>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, C_TYPE i_op) { \
return op.operator BIN_OP(i_op); \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, C_TYPE op2) { \
op = op.operator>>(op2); \
return op; \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, C_TYPE op2) { \
op = op.operator<<(op2); \
return op; \
#define OPS_MIX_INT(C_TYPE, _AP_W2, _AP_S2) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(*, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), mult) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(+, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), plus) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(-, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), minus) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(/, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), div) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(%, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), mod) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(&, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), logic) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT(|, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), logic) \
OP_BIN_MIX_INT (^, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), logic) \
OP_BIN_SHIFT_INT(>>, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), arg1) \
OP_BIN_SHIFT_INT(<<, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2), arg1) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(+=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(-=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(*=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(/=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(%=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(&=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(|=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_ASSIGN_MIX_INT(^=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_REL_MIX_INT(>, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_REL_MIX_INT(<, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_REL_MIX_INT(>=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_REL_MIX_INT(<=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_REL_MIX_INT(==, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
OP_REL_MIX_INT(!=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2))
OPS_MIX_INT(bool, 1, false)
OPS_MIX_INT(signed char, 8, true)
OPS_MIX_INT(unsigned char, 8, false)
OPS_MIX_INT(short, sizeof(short) * 8, true)
OPS_MIX_INT(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short) * 8, false)
OPS_MIX_INT(int, sizeof(int) * 8, true)
OPS_MIX_INT(unsigned int, sizeof(unsigned int) * 8, false)
OPS_MIX_INT(long, sizeof(long) * 8, true)
OPS_MIX_INT(unsigned long, sizeof(unsigned long) * 8, false)
OPS_MIX_INT(ap_slong, sizeof(ap_slong) * 8, true)
OPS_MIX_INT(ap_ulong, sizeof(ap_ulong) * 8, false)
#undef OPS_MIX_INT
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE typename ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::template RType<_AP_W2, \
_AP_S2>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W1, false>(op1).operator BIN_OP(op2); \
} \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE typename ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::template RType<_AP_W2, \
_AP_S2>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return op1.operator BIN_OP(ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(op2)); \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return op1.operator ASSIGN_OP(ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(op2)); \
} \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE _private_range_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
_private_range_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
ap_private<_AP_W1, false> tmp(op1); \
tmp.operator ASSIGN_OP(op2); \
op1 = tmp; \
return op1; \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W1, false>(op1).operator REL_OP(op2); \
} \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return op1.operator REL_OP(op2.operator ap_private<_AP_W2, false>()); \
OP_BIN_MIX_RANGE(-, minus)
OP_BIN_MIX_RANGE(&, logic)
OP_BIN_MIX_RANGE(|, logic)
OP_BIN_MIX_RANGE(^, logic)
OP_BIN_MIX_RANGE(>>, arg1)
OP_BIN_MIX_RANGE(<<, arg1)
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE typename ap_private<1, false>::template RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return ap_private<1, false>(op1).operator BIN_OP(op2); \
} \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE typename ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>::template RType<1, false>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return op1.operator BIN_OP(ap_private<1, false>(op2)); \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
_private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return op1.operator ASSIGN_OP(ap_private<1, false>(op2)); \
} \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE _private_bit_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& operator ASSIGN_OP( \
_private_bit_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
ap_private<1, false> tmp(op1); \
tmp.operator ASSIGN_OP(op2); \
op1 = tmp; \
return op1; \
#define OP_REL_MIX_BIT(REL_OP) \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W1, false>(op1).operator REL_OP(op2); \
} \
template <int _AP_W1, bool _AP_S1, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const ap_private<_AP_W1, _AP_S1>& op1, \
const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& op2) { \
return op1.operator REL_OP(ap_private<1, false>(op2)); \
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(+, plus)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(-, minus)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(*, mult)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(/, div)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(%, mod)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(&, logic)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(|, logic)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(^, logic)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(>>, arg1)
OP_BIN_MIX_BIT(<<, arg1)
#define REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(REL_OP, C_TYPE, _AP_W2, _AP_S2) \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, \
C_TYPE op2) { \
return (ap_private<_AP_W, false>(op)) \
. \
operator REL_OP(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2)); \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(C_TYPE op2, \
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2).operator REL_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W, false>(op)); \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, \
C_TYPE op2) { \
return (bool(op))REL_OP op2; \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
INLINE bool operator REL_OP(C_TYPE op2, \
const _private_bit_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op) { \
return op2 REL_OP(bool(op)); \
#define REF_REL_MIX_INT(C_TYPE, _AP_W2, _AP_S2) \
REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(>, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(<, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(>=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(<=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(==, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_REL_OP_MIX_INT(!=, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2))
REF_REL_MIX_INT(bool, 1, false)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(signed char, 8, true)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(unsigned char, 8, false)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(short, sizeof(short) * 8, true)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short) * 8, false)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(int, sizeof(int) * 8, true)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(unsigned int, sizeof(unsigned int) * 8, false)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(long, sizeof(long) * 8, true)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(unsigned long, sizeof(unsigned long) * 8, false)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(ap_slong, sizeof(ap_slong) * 8, true)
REF_REL_MIX_INT(ap_ulong, sizeof(ap_ulong) * 8, false)
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, false>::template RType<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op, \
C_TYPE op2) { \
return (ap_private<_AP_W, false>(op)) \
. \
operator BIN_OP(ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2)); \
} \
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S> \
typename ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>::template RType<_AP_W, false>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(C_TYPE op2, \
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& op) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>(op2).operator BIN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W, false>(op)); \
#define REF_BIN_MIX_INT(C_TYPE, _AP_W2, _AP_S2) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(+, plus, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(-, minus, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(*, mult, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(/, div, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(%, mod, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(&, logic, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(|, logic, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(^, logic, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(>>, arg1, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2)) \
REF_BIN_OP_MIX_INT(<<, arg1, C_TYPE, (_AP_W2), (_AP_S2))
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(bool, 1, false)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(signed char, 8, true)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(unsigned char, 8, false)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(short, sizeof(short) * 8, true)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(unsigned short, sizeof(unsigned short) * 8, false)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(int, sizeof(int) * 8, true)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(unsigned int, sizeof(unsigned int) * 8, false)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(long, sizeof(long) * 8, true)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(unsigned long, sizeof(unsigned long) * 8, false)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(ap_slong, sizeof(ap_slong) * 8, true)
REF_BIN_MIX_INT(ap_ulong, sizeof(ap_ulong) * 8, false)
template <int _AP_W, bool _AP_S, int _AP_W2, bool _AP_S2> \
typename ap_private<_AP_W, false>::template RType<_AP_W2, false>::RTYPE \
operator BIN_OP(const _private_range_ref<_AP_W, _AP_S>& lhs, \
const _private_range_ref<_AP_W2, _AP_S2>& rhs) { \
return ap_private<_AP_W, false>(lhs).operator BIN_OP( \
ap_private<_AP_W2, false>(rhs)); \
REF_BIN_OP(+, plus)
REF_BIN_OP(-, minus)
REF_BIN_OP(*, mult)
REF_BIN_OP(/, div)
REF_BIN_OP(%, mod)
REF_BIN_OP(&, logic)
REF_BIN_OP(|, logic)
REF_BIN_OP(^, logic)
REF_BIN_OP(>>, arg1)
REF_BIN_OP(<<, arg1)
#undef REF_BIN_OP
// Implement
// ap_private<M+N> = ap_concat_ref<M> OP ap_concat_ref<N>
// for operators +, -, *, /, %, >>, <<, &, |, ^
// Without these operators the operands are converted to int64 and
// larger results lose informations (higher order bits).
// operand OP
// / |
// left-concat right-concat
// / | / |
// <LW1,LT1> <LW2,LT2> <RW1,RT1> <RW2,RT2>
// _AP_LW1, _AP_LT1 (width and type of left-concat's left side)
// _AP_LW2, _AP_LT2 (width and type of left-concat's right side)
// Similarly for RHS of operand OP: _AP_RW1, AP_RW2, _AP_RT1, _AP_RT2
// In Verilog 2001 result of concatenation is always unsigned even
// when both sides are signed.
#endif // ifndef __AP_PRIVATE_H__
// -*- cpp -*-