# # Copyright or © or Copr. Université de Bretagne-Sud, Lab-STICC, Bordeaux-INP, IMS Contributor(s) : # Camille Monière (2022) # # camille.moniere@univ-ubs.fr, camille.moniere@ims-bordeaux.fr # # This software is a computer program whose purpose is to simulate and implement C-type to bytes # FPGA IPs. # # This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and abiding by the rules of # distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the # terms of the CeCILL-B license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL # "http://www.cecill.info". # # As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute # granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's # author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited # liability. # # In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, # modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific # status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also # therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having # in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software's # suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems # and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as # regards security. # # The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had knowledge of the CeCILL-B # license and that you accept its terms. # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.18.0 FATAL_ERROR) # setting this is required project ( UartWrapperHLS LANGUAGES CXX VERSION 0.1 ) set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set (CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) set (CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../lib) set (CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../lib) set (CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../bin) # ################################################################################################## # Options # ################################################################################################## option (EXPORT_COMMANDS "export compile commands, for use with clangd for example." ON) option (XILINX_COSIM "use TCL Vivado/Vitis HLS script to co-simulate the design." OFF) if (XILINX_COSIM) option (XILINX_IP "use TCL Vivado/Vitis HLS script to generate an IP." OFF) if (XILINX_IP) option (XILINX_IMPL "use TCL Vivado/Vitis HLS script to run design implementation." OFF) endif () endif () option (ENABLE_TESTING "use CTest as a test suite." ON) option (PEDANTIC "use -Wall and -pedantic." ON) # ################################################################################################## # Parameters # ################################################################################################## set ( PRM_TYPE "uint32_t" CACHE STRING "Type to convert to/from." ) set (TYPE ${PRM_TYPE}) set ( PRM_STRMLEN "1" CACHE STRING "Size of the TYPE stream." ) set (STRMLEN ${PRM_STRMLEN}) set ( PRM_ENDIAN "LE" CACHE STRING "Byte stream endianess." ) set (ENDIAN ${PRM_ENDIAN}) # ################################################################################################## if (PEDANTIC) add_compile_options (-Wall -pedantic) endif () add_compile_options (-Wno-unused-label -Wno-unknown-pragmas) if (EXPORT_COMMANDS) set (CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) endif () set ( XILINX_HOME /opt/Xilinx CACHE PATH "path to Xilinx root folder." ) set ( XILINX_VER "2019.1" CACHE STRING "Xilinx software version to use." ) if (XILINX_VER VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "2020.1") set ( AP_INCLUDE_DIR ${XILINX_HOME}/Vitis_HLS/${XILINX_VER}/include CACHE INTERNAL "Path to Xilinx includes" FORCE ) find_program ( XILINX_HLS vitis_hls HINTS ${XILINX_HOME}/Vitis_HLS/${XILINX_VER}/bin NO_CACHE REQUIRED ) else () set ( AP_INCLUDE_DIR ${XILINX_HOME}/Vivado/${XILINX_VER}/include CACHE INTERNAL "Path to Xilinx includes" FORCE ) find_program ( XILINX_HLS vivado_hls HINTS ${XILINX_HOME}/Vivado/${XILINX_VER}/bin NO_CACHE REQUIRED ) endif () message (STATUS "AP headers must lie under ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}") if ((NOT EXISTS ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}/ap_int.h) OR (NOT EXISTS ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}/ap_fixed.h)) message (FATAL_ERROR "Arbitrary precision headers not found in ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}.\n" "Please provide a suitable path to the headers." ) endif () # ################################################################################################## add_library ( hls_uart_converters sources/CConverter/CConverterToBytes.cpp sources/CConverter/CConverterFromBytes.cpp ) target_include_directories (hls_uart_converters PUBLIC sources) target_include_directories (hls_uart_converters SYSTEM PUBLIC ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}) # ################################################################################################## # TO BYTES ###################################################################################### # ################################################################################################## set (CFGIN_TO_TOP_CPP "sources/top_converters/type_strmlen_endian_to_bytes.cpp.in") set (CFGOUT_TO_TOP_CPP "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sources/top_converters/${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes.cpp" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_TO_TOP_CPP} ${CFGOUT_TO_TOP_CPP} @ONLY) set (CFGIN_TO_TOP_HPP "sources/top_converters/type_strmlen_endian_to_bytes.hpp.in") set (CFGOUT_TO_TOP_HPP "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sources/top_converters/${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes.hpp" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_TO_TOP_HPP} ${CFGOUT_TO_TOP_HPP} @ONLY) set (CFGIN_TO_TB_CPP "sources/top_converters/type_strmlen_endian_to_bytes_tb.cpp.in") set (CFGOUT_TO_TB_CPP "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sources/top_converters/${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes_tb.cpp" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_TO_TB_CPP} ${CFGOUT_TO_TB_CPP} @ONLY) set (CFGIN_TO_TCL "hls_files/templates/script_type_strmlen_endian_to_bytes.tcl.in") set (CFGOUT_TO_TCL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/generated/script_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes.tcl" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_TO_TCL} ${CFGOUT_TO_TCL} @ONLY) add_executable ( hls_uart_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes_tb ${CFGOUT_TO_TOP_CPP} ${CFGOUT_TO_TB_CPP} ) target_link_libraries (hls_uart_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes_tb hls_uart_converters) # ################################################################################################## # FROM BYTES ###################################################################################### # ################################################################################################## set (CFGIN_FROM_TOP_CPP "sources/top_converters/type_strmlen_endian_from_bytes.cpp.in") set (CFGOUT_FROM_TOP_CPP "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sources/top_converters/${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes.cpp" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_FROM_TOP_CPP} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TOP_CPP} @ONLY) set (CFGIN_FROM_TOP_HPP "sources/top_converters/type_strmlen_endian_from_bytes.hpp.in") set (CFGOUT_FROM_TOP_HPP "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sources/top_converters/${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes.hpp" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_FROM_TOP_HPP} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TOP_HPP} @ONLY) set (CFGIN_FROM_TB_CPP "sources/top_converters/type_strmlen_endian_from_bytes_tb.cpp.in") set (CFGOUT_FROM_TB_CPP "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/sources/top_converters/${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes_tb.cpp" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_FROM_TB_CPP} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TB_CPP} @ONLY) set (CFGIN_FROM_TCL "hls_files/templates/script_type_strmlen_endian_from_bytes.tcl.in") set (CFGOUT_FROM_TCL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/generated/script_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes.tcl" ) configure_file (${CFGIN_FROM_TCL} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TCL} @ONLY) add_executable ( hls_uart_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes_tb ${CFGOUT_FROM_TOP_CPP} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TB_CPP} ) target_link_libraries (hls_uart_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes_tb hls_uart_converters) if (ENABLE_TESTING) include (CTest) # find_file (INPUT_DAT_TB input.dat HINTS data NO_CACHE REQUIRED) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.19.0) set (TEST_NAME_TO "\"Xilinx C-Simulation Testbench ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${TYPE} ${STRMLEN} ${ENDIAN} TO\"" ) else () cmake_policy (SET CMP0110 NEW) set (TEST_NAME_TO "Xilinx C-Simulation Testbench ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${TYPE} ${STRMLEN} ${ENDIAN} TO" ) endif () add_test (NAME ${TEST_NAME_TO} COMMAND hls_uart_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_to_bytes_tb) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.19.0) set (TEST_NAME_FROM "\"Xilinx C-Simulation Testbench ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${TYPE} ${STRMLEN} ${ENDIAN} FROM\"" ) else () cmake_policy (SET CMP0110 NEW) set (TEST_NAME_FROM "Xilinx C-Simulation Testbench ${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} ${TYPE} ${STRMLEN} ${ENDIAN} FROM" ) endif () add_test (NAME ${TEST_NAME_FROM} COMMAND hls_uart_${TYPE}_${STRMLEN}_${ENDIAN}_from_bytes_tb) if (XILINX_COSIM) set ( XILINX_TESTLINES "1000" CACHE STRING "Number of co-simulation passes" ) if (XILINX_IP) set ( EXPORT_IP "1" CACHE INTERNAL "EXPORT_IP" ) if (XILINX_IMPL) set ( RUN_IMPL "1" CACHE INTERNAL "RUN_IMPL" ) endif () endif () add_custom_target ( run_hls_to COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CFGOUT_TO_TCL} ${XILINX_TESTLINES} ${EXPORT_IP} ${RUN_IMPL} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files USES_TERMINAL ) add_custom_target ( run_hls_from COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TCL} ${XILINX_TESTLINES} ${EXPORT_IP} ${RUN_IMPL} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files USES_TERMINAL ) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.19.0) set (TCL_TEST_NAME "\"Xilinx HLS TCL Flow TO\"") else () cmake_policy (SET CMP0110 NEW) set (TCL_TEST_NAME "Xilinx HLS TCL Flow TO") endif () add_test ( NAME ${TCL_TEST_NAME} COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CFGOUT_TO_TCL} ${XILINX_TESTLINES} 0 0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files ) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.19.0) set (TCL_TEST_NAME "\"Xilinx HLS TCL Flow FROM\"") else () cmake_policy (SET CMP0110 NEW) set (TCL_TEST_NAME "Xilinx HLS TCL Flow FROM") endif () add_test ( NAME ${TCL_TEST_NAME} COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CFGOUT_FROM_TCL} ${XILINX_TESTLINES} 0 0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files ) endif () endif ()