Camille Monière 5bc9c3eeb1
Big update, that compiles with Xilinx GCC 6.2
- Commit title implies possible Xilinx Vivado HLS 2019.1 support, thus support
  for e.g. all USRP Series 3 from Ettus.
- Add a new CORDIC version, Rom based and meta-programmed via CMake
  features, to be even compiled with earlier GCC (not quite tested, but
  by changing constexpr to const and using gcc 4.6 -sdt=c++0x, it
- Class name modified, to be more explicit.
2022-02-18 21:33:59 +01:00

158 lines
5.9 KiB

* Copyright 2022 Camille "DrasLorus" Monière.
* This file is part of CORDIC_Rotate_APFX.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.
* If not, see <>.
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <complex>
#include <ap_fixed.h>
#include <ap_int.h>
#include "CCordicRotateRomTemplate.hpp"
#include "CordicRoms/cordic_rom_@ROM_TYPE@_@CORDIC_W@_@CORDIC_STAGES@_@CORDIC_Q@.hpp"
// ``` GNU Octave
// kn_values(X) = prod(1 ./ abs(1 + 1j * 2.^ (-(0:X))))
// ```
static constexpr double kn_values[7] = {
0.70710678118655, 0.632455532033680, 0.613571991077900,
0.608833912517750, 0.607648256256170, 0.607351770141300, 0.607277644093530};
template <unsigned TIn_I>
class CCordicRotateRom<TIn_I, @ROM_TYPE@, @CORDIC_W@, @CORDIC_STAGES@, @CORDIC_Q@> {
static_assert(@CORDIC_W@ > 0, "Inputs can't be on zero bits.");
static_assert(@CORDIC_STAGES@ < 8, "7 stages of CORDIC is the maximum supported.");
static_assert(@CORDIC_STAGES@ > 1, "2 stages of CORDIC is the minimum.");
static constexpr unsigned In_W = @CORDIC_W@;
static constexpr unsigned In_I = TIn_I;
static constexpr unsigned Out_W = In_W + 2;
static constexpr unsigned Out_I = In_I + 2;
static constexpr unsigned nb_stages = @CORDIC_STAGES@;
static constexpr unsigned q = @CORDIC_Q@;
static constexpr uint64_t kn_i = uint64_t(kn_values[nb_stages - 1] * double(1U << 3)); // 3 bits are enough
static constexpr uint64_t in_scale_factor = uint64_t(1U << (In_W - In_I));
static constexpr uint64_t out_scale_factor = uint64_t(1U << (Out_W - Out_I));
static constexpr int64_t scale_cordic(int64_t in) {
return in * kn_i / 8U;
static constexpr std::complex<int64_t> cordic(std::complex<int64_t> x_in,
uint8_t counter) {
int64_t A = x_in.real();
int64_t B = x_in.imag();
const uint8_t R = cordic_roms::@ROM_TYPE@_@CORDIC_W@_@CORDIC_STAGES@_@CORDIC_Q@[counter];
uint8_t mask = 0x80;
if ((R & mask) == mask) {
A = -A;
B = -B;
for (uint8_t u = 1; u < nb_stages + 1; u++) {
mask = mask >> 1;
const int64_t Ri = (R & mask) == mask ? 1 : -1;
const int64_t I = A + Ri * (B / int64_t(1U << (u - 1)));
B = B - Ri * (A / int64_t(1U << (u - 1)));
A = I;
return {(A), (B)};
#ifndef __SYNTHESIS__
static constexpr double scale_cordic(double in) {
return in * kn_values[nb_stages - 1];
static constexpr std::complex<double> cordic(std::complex<double> x_in,
uint8_t counter) {
const std::complex<int64_t> fx_x_in(int64_t(x_in.real() * double(in_scale_factor)),
int64_t(x_in.imag() * double(in_scale_factor)));
const std::complex<int64_t> fx_out = cordic(fx_x_in, counter);
return {scale_cordic(double(fx_out.real())) / double(out_scale_factor), scale_cordic(double(fx_out.imag())) / double(out_scale_factor)};
template <unsigned ap_W>
static ap_int<ap_W> scale_cordic(const ap_int<ap_W> & in) {
const ap_int<ap_W + 3> tmp = in * ap_uint<3>(kn_i);
return ap_int<ap_W>(tmp >> 3);
static void cordic(const ap_int<In_W> & re_in, const ap_int<In_W> & im_in,
const ap_uint<8> & counter,
ap_int<Out_W> & re_out, ap_int<Out_W> & im_out) {
const ap_uint<nb_stages + 1> R = (cordic_roms::@ROM_TYPE@_@CORDIC_W@_@CORDIC_STAGES@_@CORDIC_Q@[counter] >> (7 - nb_stages));
ap_int<Out_W> A = bool(R[nb_stages]) ? ap_int<In_W>(-re_in) : re_in;
ap_int<Out_W> B = bool(R[nb_stages]) ? ap_int<In_W>(-im_in) : im_in;
for (uint8_t u = 1; u < nb_stages + 1; u++) { // nb_stages stages
const bool Ri = bool(R[nb_stages - u]);
// Results in (X / 2^(u - 1)), meaning only the
// Out_W - u LSBs are meaninfull in shifted_X
// Can't use range access since 11111111 (-1) would become 00001111 (15).
// Would be possible if the loop is manually unrolled, to predict bitsize,
// thus directly put 1111 into 4 bits (so still -1).
const ap_int<Out_W> shifted_A = A >> (u - 1); // A(Out_W - 1, u - 1);
const ap_int<Out_W> shifted_B = B >> (u - 1); // B(Out_W - 1, u - 1);
const ap_int<Out_W> arc_step_A
= Ri
? ap_int<Out_W>(-shifted_A)
: shifted_A;
const ap_int<Out_W> arc_step_B
= Ri
? shifted_B
: ap_int<Out_W>(-shifted_B);
const ap_int<Out_W + 1> I = A + arc_step_B;
B = B + arc_step_A;
A = I;
re_out = A;
im_out = B;
constexpr CCordicRotateRom() = default;