DrasLorus d9f80fc165
Enable support of GNU v4.6 and (consequently) of Vivado HLS 2019.1
- Also disable TCL unit COSIM test. Can be enable by turning 'true' to
  false in the CMakeLists,
- v4.6 doesn't support C++14, nor some C++11, so some hacky ways have
  been found. Unit test has been updated but still works and coverage is
  good (94%, the 6% beeing exeption handling, unrelevant in HLS).
2022-05-16 19:02:23 +02:00

99 lines
3 KiB

set VERSION [version -short]
set SCRIPT_DIR [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]]
set ROOT_DIR "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../.."
# if {[expr {$VERSION < 2020.1}]} {
# error "Version less than 2020.1 is not supported."
# }
if { [expr {$argc > 0}] } {
set NLINES [lindex $argv 0]
} else {
set NLINES 10000
if { [expr {$argc > 1}] } {
set EXPORT_IP [lindex $argv 1]
} else {
if { [expr {$argc > 2}] && $EXPORT_IP } {
set RUN_IMPL [lindex $argv 2]
} else {
set RUN_IMPL 0
set XILINX_MAJOR [expr {int($VERSION)}]
if {[expr {$VERSION < 2020.1}]} {
set CFLAGS "-std=c++0x -DXILINX_MAJOR=${XILINX_MAJOR} -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused-label -Wall -DNDEBUG -I${ROOT_DIR}/sources"
} else {
set CFLAGS "-std=c++14 -DXILINX_MAJOR=${XILINX_MAJOR} -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused-label -Wall -DNDEBUG -I${ROOT_DIR}/sources"
set PROJECT_NAME "cordicabs_16_4_6"
open_project -reset ${PROJECT_NAME}
set_top cordic_abs_16_4_6
add_files -cflags "$CFLAGS" "${ROOT_DIR}/sources/CCordicAbs/CCordicAbs.cpp"
add_files -cflags "$CFLAGS" "${ROOT_DIR}/sources/CCordicAbs/CCordicAbs.hpp"
add_files -cflags "$CFLAGS" "${ROOT_DIR}/sources/hls_abs/hls_abs.hpp"
add_files -cflags "$CFLAGS" "${ROOT_DIR}/sources/top_level/top_level_cordic.cpp"
add_files -cflags "$CFLAGS" -tb "${ROOT_DIR}/sources/top_level/top_level_cordic_tb.cpp"
set targets [ dict create spartan7 {xc7s100-fgga484-1} genesys2 {xc7k325tffg900-2} ]
foreach target { spartan7 genesys2 } {
if {[expr {$VERSION < 2020.1}]} {
open_solution -reset "solution_${target}"
} else {
open_solution -reset "solution_${target}" -flow_target vivado
set_part [ dict get $targets $target ]
create_clock -period 10 -name default
set_clock_uncertainty 2
set_directive_pipeline cordic_abs_16_4_6
set_directive_interface cordic_abs_16_4_6 -mode ap_ctrl_none
csim_design -argv "${ROOT_DIR}/data/input.dat" -clean -O
cosim_design -O -argv "${ROOT_DIR}/data/input.dat ${NLINES}"
config_export -format ip_catalog \
-display_name "${PROJECT_NAME}" \
-ipname "${PROJECT_NAME}_${target}" \
-version "0.1.${XILINX_MAJOR}" \
-vivado_optimization_level 2 \
-vivado_phys_opt route
if { $EXPORT_IP } {
if [ expr {! [ file isdirectory "${ROOT_DIR}/ip" ] } ] {
if { [ file exists "${ROOT_DIR}/ip" ] } {
file remove "${ROOT_DIR}/ip"
file mkdir "${ROOT_DIR}/ip"
if { [expr {$VERSION >= 2020.1}] } {
export_design -output "${ROOT_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6/ip/${XILINX_MAJOR}_${target}"
} else {
set IP_FILE [glob -directory "${SCRIPT_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}/solution_${target}/impl/ip" *.zip]
file copy -force "${IP_FILE}" "${ROOT_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6/ip/${XILINX_MAJOR}_${target}.zip"
if { $RUN_IMPL } {
export_design -flow impl
exit 0