# # Copyright 2022 Camille "DrasLorus" Monière. # # This file is part of CORDIC_Rotate_APFX. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without # even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. # If not, see . # cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.16.0 FATAL_ERROR) # setting this is required project ( CordicAbs LANGUAGES CXX VERSION 0.1 ) if ((CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") AND (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 6.2)) message ( FATAL_ERROR "This project require a GNU compiler version greater than 6.2." "\nNote: If you tried to use g++-4.6.3 as provided by Xilinx Vivado v2019.1, use directly the TCL script " "in the folder `hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6`." ) endif () set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set (CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) set (CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../lib) set (CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../lib) set (CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/../bin) # ################################################################################################## # Options # ################################################################################################## option (EXPORT_COMMANDS "export compile commands, for use with clangd for example." ON) option (ENABLE_XILINX "use Xilinx provided proprietary headers." OFF) if (ENABLE_XILINX) option (XILINX_COSIM "use TCL Vivado/Vitis HLS script to co-simulate the design." OFF) if (XILINX_COSIM) option (XILINX_IP "use TCL Vivado/Vitis HLS script to generate an IP." OFF) if (XILINX_IP) option (XILINX_IMPL "use TCL Vivado/Vitis HLS script to run design implementation." OFF) endif () endif () endif () option (ENABLE_TESTING "use Catch2 in conjunction with CTest as a test suite." ON) option (ENABLE_SOFTWARE "use C++ standard library types (like std::complex). Unsuitable for synthesis." ON ) option (PEDANTIC "use -Wall and -pedantic." ON) # ################################################################################################## if (PEDANTIC) add_compile_options (-Wall -pedantic) endif () if (EXPORT_COMMANDS) set (CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) endif () if (ENABLE_XILINX) set ( XILINX_HOME /opt/Xilinx CACHE PATH "path to Xilinx root folder." ) set ( XILINX_VER "2020.2" CACHE STRING "Xilinx software version to use." ) if (XILINX_VER VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "2020.1") set ( AP_INCLUDE_DIR ${XILINX_HOME}/Vitis_HLS/${XILINX_VER}/include CACHE INTERNAL "Path to Xilinx includes" FORCE ) find_program ( XILINX_HLS vitis_hls HINTS ${XILINX_HOME}/Vitis_HLS/${XILINX_VER}/bin NO_CACHE REQUIRED ) else () message ( FATAL_ERROR "Xilinx versions less than 2020.1 are not supported due to the outdated compiler version in use" ) endif () message (STATUS "AP headers must lie under ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}") else () set ( AP_TYPES_HINT /usr/include CACHE PATH "location of ap_types include directory." ) find_file ( AP_FIXED ap_fixed.h HINTS ${AP_TYPES_HINT} PATH_SUFFIXES ap_types hls_ap_types/include REQUIRED ) get_filename_component (AP_INCLUDE_DIR ${AP_FIXED} DIRECTORY) endif () if ((NOT EXISTS ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}/ap_int.h) OR (NOT EXISTS ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}/ap_fixed.h)) message (FATAL_ERROR "Arbitrary precision headers not found in ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}.\n" "Please provide a suitable path to the headers." ) endif () if (ENABLE_SOFTWARE) add_compile_definitions (SOFTWARE=1) endif () # ################################################################################################## add_library (cordicabs sources/CCordicAbs/CCordicAbs.cpp) target_include_directories (cordicabs PUBLIC sources) target_include_directories (cordicabs SYSTEM PUBLIC ${AP_INCLUDE_DIR}) if (ENABLE_XILINX) add_executable ( cordicabs_xilinx_tb sources/top_level/top_level_cordic_tb.cpp sources/top_level/top_level_cordic.cpp ) target_link_libraries (cordicabs_xilinx_tb cordicabs) endif () if (ENABLE_TESTING) find_package (Catch2 REQUIRED) add_library (catch_common_${PROJECT_NAME} OBJECT sources/tb/main_catch2.cpp) target_link_libraries (catch_common_${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC Catch2::Catch2) add_executable (cordicabs_tb sources/tb/cordicabs_tb.cpp) target_link_libraries (cordicabs_tb catch_common_${PROJECT_NAME} cordicabs) include (CTest) include (Catch) catch_discover_tests (cordicabs_tb WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/data) if (ENABLE_XILINX) find_file (INPUT_DAT_TB input.dat HINTS data REQUIRED) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.19.0) add_test (NAME "\"Xilinx C-Simulation Testbench\"" COMMAND cordicabs_xilinx_tb ${INPUT_DAT_TB} ) else () cmake_policy (SET CMP0110 NEW) add_test (NAME "Xilinx C-Simulation Testbench" COMMAND cordicabs_xilinx_tb ${INPUT_DAT_TB}) endif () if (XILINX_COSIM) set ( XILINX_TESTLINES "1000" CACHE STRING "Number of co-simulation passes" ) if (XILINX_IP) set ( EXPORT_IP "1" CACHE INTERNAL "EXPORT_IP" ) if (XILINX_IMPL) set ( RUN_IMPL "1" CACHE INTERNAL "RUN_IMPL" ) endif () endif () add_custom_target ( run_hls COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6/script_16_4_6.tcl ${XILINX_TESTLINES} ${EXPORT_IP} ${RUN_IMPL} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6 USES_TERMINAL ) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.19.0) add_test ( NAME "\"Xilinx HLS TCL Flow\"" COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6/script_16_4_6.tcl ${XILINX_TESTLINES} 0 0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6 ) else () cmake_policy (SET CMP0110 NEW) add_test ( NAME "Xilinx HLS TCL Flow" COMMAND ${XILINX_HLS} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6/script_16_4_6.tcl ${XILINX_TESTLINES} 0 0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/hls_files/cordicabs_16_4_6 ) endif () endif () endif () endif ()