
439 lines
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2022-04-13 19:38:34 +02:00
* Copyright 2022 Camille "DrasLorus" Monière.
* This file is part of CORDIC_Rotate_APFX.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program.
* If not, see <>.
#include "CCordicAbs/CCordicAbs.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
using namespace std;
using Catch::Matchers::Floating::WithinAbsMatcher;
#if defined(SOFTWARE)
TEST_CASE("Constexpr CordicAbs works with C-Types", "[CORDIC]") {
SECTION("W:16 - I:4 - Stages:6 - q:64") {
typedef CCordicAbs<16, 4, 6> cordic_abs;
string input_fn = "../data/input.dat"; // _8_14_4_17_5_19_7_12
string output_fn = "../data/output.dat"; // _8_14_4_17_5_19_7_12
constexpr unsigned n_lines = 100000;
complex<double> values_in[n_lines];
double values_out[n_lines];
double results[n_lines];
FILE * INPUT = fopen(input_fn.c_str(), "r");
// Init test vector
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
double a, b, r;
fscanf(INPUT, "%lf,%lf,%lf\n", &a, &b, &r);
const complex<double> c {a, b};
values_in[i] = c;
const double ac = std::abs(c);
results[i] = ac;
// Save the results to a file
ofstream outfile("results.dat");
constexpr double abs_margin = double(1 << (cordic_abs::Out_I - 1)) * 2. / 100.;
// Executing the encoder
for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < n_lines; iter++) {
// Execute
values_out[iter] = cordic_abs::process(values_in[iter]);
// Display the results
// cout << "Series " << iter;
// cout << " Outcome: ";
outfile << values_in[iter].real() << " " << values_in[iter].imag() << " " << values_out[iter] << " " << results[iter] << endl;
REQUIRE_THAT(values_out[iter], WithinAbsMatcher(results[iter], abs_margin));
// Compare the results file with the golden results
// int retval = 0;
// Return 0 if the test passed
// TEST_CASE("ROM-based Cordic works with AP-Types", "[CORDIC]") {
// constexpr unsigned n_lines = 100000;
// SECTION("W:16 - I:4 - Stages:6 - q:64") {
// typedef CCordicAbs<16, 4, 6> cordic_abs;
// static constexpr cordic_abs cordic {};
// string input_fn = "../data/input.dat";
// constexpr double rotation = cordic_abs::rotation;
// constexpr double q = cordic_abs::rom_cordic.q;
// constexpr uint64_t cnt_mask = 0xFF; // Value dependant of the way the ROM is initialized
// constexpr unsigned Out_W = cordic_abs::Out_W;
// constexpr unsigned In_W = cordic_abs::In_W;
// ap_int<In_W> values_re_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<In_W> values_im_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_re_out[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_im_out[n_lines];
// double results_re[n_lines];
// double results_im[n_lines];
// // ofstream out_stream;
// ifstream INPUT(input_fn);
// // Init test vector
// for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
// double a, b, r;
// INPUT >> a >> b >> r;
// const complex<double> c {a, b};
// values_re_in[i] = int64_t(a * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// values_im_in[i] = int64_t(b * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// const complex<double> e = c * exp(complex<double>(0., rotation / q * (i & cnt_mask)));
// results_re[i] = e.real();
// results_im[i] = e.imag();
// }
// INPUT.close();
// // Save the results to a file
// //"results_ap.dat");
// // FILE * romf = fopen("rom.dat", "w");
// constexpr double abs_margin = double(1 << (cordic.Out_I - 1)) * 2. / 100.;
// // Executing the encoder
// for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < n_lines; iter++) {
// // Execute
// const uint8_t counter = uint8_t(iter & cnt_mask);
// // if (iter < cnt_mask + 1)
// // fprintf(romf, "%03d\n", (uint16_t) cordic.rom_cordic.rom[counter]);
// cordic_abs::process(
// values_re_in[iter], values_im_in[iter],
// counter,
// values_re_out[iter], values_im_out[iter]);
// // Display the results
// // cout << "Series " << iter;
// // cout << " Outcome: ";
// // out_stream << values_re_out[iter].to_int64() << " " << values_im_out[iter].to_int64() << " " << results_re[iter] << " " << results_im[iter] << endl;
// REQUIRE_THAT(values_re_out[iter].to_double() * 5. / 8. / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor, WithinAbsMatcher(results_re[iter], abs_margin));
// REQUIRE_THAT(values_im_out[iter].to_double() * 5. / 8. / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor, WithinAbsMatcher(results_im[iter], abs_margin));
// }
// // out_stream.close();
// // fclose(romf);
// // Compare the results file with the golden results
// // int retval = 0;
// // Return 0 if the test passed
// }
// SECTION("W:16 - I:4 - Stages:6 - q:64 - internal scaling") {
// typedef CCordicAbs<16, 4, 6> cordic_abs;
// static constexpr cordic_abs cordic {};
// string input_fn = "../data/input.dat";
// constexpr double rotation = cordic_abs::rotation;
// constexpr double q = cordic_abs::rom_cordic.q;
// constexpr uint64_t cnt_mask = 0xFF; // Value dependant of the way the ROM is initialized
// constexpr unsigned Out_W = cordic_abs::Out_W;
// constexpr unsigned In_W = cordic_abs::In_W;
// ap_int<In_W> values_re_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<In_W> values_im_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_re_out[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_im_out[n_lines];
// double results_re[n_lines];
// double results_im[n_lines];
// // ofstream out_stream;
// ifstream INPUT(input_fn);
// // Init test vector
// for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
// double a, b, r;
// INPUT >> a >> b >> r;
// const complex<double> c {a, b};
// values_re_in[i] = int64_t(a * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// values_im_in[i] = int64_t(b * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// const complex<double> e = c * exp(complex<double>(0., rotation / q * (i & cnt_mask)));
// results_re[i] = e.real();
// results_im[i] = e.imag();
// }
// INPUT.close();
// // Save the results to a file
// //"results_ap.dat");
// // FILE * romf = fopen("rom.dat", "w");
// constexpr double abs_margin = double(1 << (cordic.Out_I - 1)) * 3. / 100.; // Internal scaling create noise
// // Executing the encoder
// for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < n_lines; iter++) {
// // Execute
// const uint8_t counter = uint8_t(iter & cnt_mask);
// // if (iter < cnt_mask + 1)
// // fprintf(romf, "%03d\n", (uint16_t) cordic.rom_cordic.rom[counter]);
// cordic_abs::process(
// values_re_in[iter], values_im_in[iter],
// counter,
// values_re_out[iter], values_im_out[iter]);
// // Display the results
// // cout << "Series " << iter;
// // cout << " Outcome: ";
// // out_stream << values_re_out[iter].to_int64() << " " << values_im_out[iter].to_int64() << " " << results_re[iter] << " " << results_im[iter] << endl;
// REQUIRE_THAT(cordic_abs::scale_cordic(values_re_out[iter]).to_double() / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor,
// WithinAbsMatcher(results_re[iter],
// abs_margin));
// REQUIRE_THAT(cordic_abs::scale_cordic(values_im_out[iter]).to_double() / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor,
// WithinAbsMatcher(results_im[iter],
// abs_margin));
// }
// // out_stream.close();
// // fclose(romf);
// // Compare the results file with the golden results
// // int retval = 0;
// // Return 0 if the test passed
// }
// SECTION("W:16 - I:4 - Stages:6 - q:64 - divider:4") {
// typedef CCordicAbs<16, 4, 6> cordic_abs;
// static constexpr cordic_abs cordic {};
// string input_fn = "../data/input.dat";
// constexpr double rotation = cordic_abs::rotation;
// constexpr double q = cordic_abs::rom_cordic.q;
// constexpr uint64_t cnt_mask = 0xFF; // Value dependant of the way the ROM is initialized
// constexpr unsigned Out_W = cordic_abs::Out_W;
// constexpr unsigned In_W = cordic_abs::In_W;
// ap_int<In_W> values_re_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<In_W> values_im_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_re_out[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_im_out[n_lines];
// double results_re[n_lines];
// double results_im[n_lines];
// // ofstream out_stream;
// ifstream INPUT(input_fn);
// // Init test vector
// for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
// double a, b, r;
// INPUT >> a >> b >> r;
// const complex<double> c {a, b};
// values_re_in[i] = int64_t(a * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// values_im_in[i] = int64_t(b * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// const complex<double> e = c * exp(complex<double>(0., rotation / q * (i & cnt_mask)));
// results_re[i] = e.real();
// results_im[i] = e.imag();
// }
// INPUT.close();
// // Save the results to a file
// //"results_ap.dat");
// // FILE * romf = fopen("rom.dat", "w");
// constexpr double abs_margin = double(1 << (cordic.Out_I - 1)) * 2. / 100.;
// // Executing the encoder
// for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < n_lines; iter++) {
// // Execute
// const uint8_t counter = uint8_t(iter & cnt_mask);
// // if (iter < cnt_mask + 1)
// // fprintf(romf, "%03d\n", (uint16_t) cordic.rom_cordic.rom[counter]);
// cordic_abs::process(
// values_re_in[iter], values_im_in[iter],
// counter,
// values_re_out[iter], values_im_out[iter]);
// // Display the results
// // cout << "Series " << iter;
// // cout << " Outcome: ";
// // out_stream << values_re_out[iter].to_int64() << " " << values_im_out[iter].to_int64() << " " << results_re[iter] << " " << results_im[iter] << endl;
// REQUIRE_THAT(values_re_out[iter].to_double() * 5. / 8. / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor, WithinAbsMatcher(results_re[iter], abs_margin));
// REQUIRE_THAT(values_im_out[iter].to_double() * 5. / 8. / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor, WithinAbsMatcher(results_im[iter], abs_margin));
// }
// // out_stream.close();
// // fclose(romf);
// // Compare the results file with the golden results
// // int retval = 0;
// // Return 0 if the test passed
// }
// SECTION("W:16 - I:4 - Stages:6 - q:64 - divider:4 - internal scaling") {
// typedef CCordicAbs<16, 4, 6> cordic_abs;
// static constexpr cordic_abs cordic {};
// string input_fn = "../data/input.dat";
// constexpr double rotation = cordic_abs::rotation;
// constexpr double q = cordic_abs::rom_cordic.q;
// constexpr uint64_t cnt_mask = 0xFF; // Value dependant of the way the ROM is initialized
// constexpr unsigned Out_W = cordic_abs::Out_W;
// constexpr unsigned In_W = cordic_abs::In_W;
// ap_int<In_W> values_re_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<In_W> values_im_in[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_re_out[n_lines];
// ap_int<Out_W> values_im_out[n_lines];
// double results_re[n_lines];
// double results_im[n_lines];
// ofstream out_stream;
// ifstream INPUT(input_fn);
// // Init test vector
// for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_lines; i++) {
// double a, b, r;
// INPUT >> a >> b >> r;
// const complex<double> c {a, b};
// values_re_in[i] = int64_t(a * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// values_im_in[i] = int64_t(b * double(cordic_abs::in_scale_factor));
// const complex<double> e = c * exp(complex<double>(0., rotation / q * (i & cnt_mask)));
// results_re[i] = e.real();
// results_im[i] = e.imag();
// }
// INPUT.close();
// // Save the results to a file
// //"results_ap.dat");
// // FILE * romf = fopen("rom.dat", "w");
// constexpr double abs_margin = double(1 << (cordic.Out_I - 1)) * 3. / 100.; // Internal scaling creates noise
// // Executing the encoder
// for (unsigned iter = 0; iter < n_lines; iter++) {
// // Execute
// const uint8_t counter = uint8_t(iter & cnt_mask);
// // if (iter < cnt_mask + 1)
// // fprintf(romf, "%03d\n", (uint16_t) cordic.rom_cordic.rom[counter]);
// cordic_abs::process(
// values_re_in[iter], values_im_in[iter],
// counter,
// values_re_out[iter], values_im_out[iter]);
// // Display the results
// // cout << "Series " << iter;
// // cout << " Outcome: ";
// // out_stream << cordic_abs::scale_cordic(values_re_out[iter]).to_double() / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor << " "
// // << cordic_abs::scale_cordic(values_im_out[iter]).to_double() / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor << " "
// // << results_re[iter] << " "
// // << results_im[iter] << endl;
// REQUIRE_THAT(cordic_abs::scale_cordic(values_re_out[iter]).to_double() / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor,
// WithinAbsMatcher(results_re[iter], abs_margin));
// REQUIRE_THAT(cordic_abs::scale_cordic(values_im_out[iter]).to_double() / cordic_abs::out_scale_factor,
// WithinAbsMatcher(results_im[iter], abs_margin));
// }
// // out_stream.close();
// // fclose(romf);
// // Compare the results file with the golden results
// // int retval = 0;
// // Return 0 if the test passed
// }
// }
#if defined(SOFTWARE)
TEST_CASE("Constexpr CordicAbs are evaluated during compilation.", "[CORDIC]") {
SECTION("W:16 - I:4 - Stages:6 - q:64 - C-Types") {
typedef CCordicAbs<16, 4, 6> cordic_abs;
constexpr const complex<int64_t> value_in[3] = {(1U << 12) * 97, -(1U << 12) * 33, (1U << 3) * 12};
constexpr int64_t res10 = cordic_abs::process(value_in[0]);
constexpr int64_t res20 = cordic_abs::process(value_in[0]);
static_assert(res10 == res20, "Test");
REQUIRE_FALSE(res10 == cordic_abs::process(complex<int64_t>(1, 0)));
REQUIRE(res10 == cordic_abs::process(value_in[0]));
constexpr int64_t res11 = cordic_abs::process(value_in[1]);
constexpr int64_t res21 = cordic_abs::process(value_in[1]);
static_assert(res11 == res21, "Test");
REQUIRE_FALSE(res11 == cordic_abs::process(complex<int64_t>(1, 0)));
REQUIRE(res11 == cordic_abs::process(value_in[1]));
constexpr int64_t res12 = cordic_abs::process(value_in[2]);
constexpr int64_t res22 = cordic_abs::process(value_in[2]);
static_assert(res12 == res22, "Test");
REQUIRE_FALSE(res12 == cordic_abs::process(complex<int64_t>(1, 0)));
REQUIRE(res12 == cordic_abs::process(value_in[2]));