258 lines
7.7 KiB
258 lines
7.7 KiB
import cv2
import urllib.request
import requests
import numpy as np
import math
import pandas as pd
import asyncio
import time
import os
import glob
from core_functions import read_table
from ultralytics import YOLO
def read_image_from_url(url):
req = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
img_arr = np.asarray(bytearray(req.read()), dtype=np.uint8)
return cv2.imdecode(img_arr, -1)
except Exception as _:
print("URL Error")
def read_image_from_fs(path):
return cv2.imread(path)
async def analyze(model, img, name):
# Run YOLOv8 tracking on the frame, persisting tracks between frames
# results = model(img, conf=conf, classes=classes)
# results = model.track(img, conf=conf, classes=classes, persist=True)
results = model.track(img, conf=conf, classes=classes, persist=True, max_det=1, imgsz=1600)
if draw:
# Visualize the results on the frame
annotated_frame = results[0].plot()
# Display the annotated frame
cv2.imshow(name, annotated_frame)
# Gather the coordinates of the box
boxes = results[0].boxes
if len(boxes) == 0:
print("No objects detected in " + name)
return -1, -1
x1, _, x2, _ = boxes.xyxyn[0].numpy()
x = (x1 + x2) / 2
width = x2 - x1
return x, width
def interpolate(ratio):
# N = 9
# cal_ratio = [0.06, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39, 0.49, 0.60, 0.70, 0.82, 0.92]
# cal_angledeg = [-25.27, -19.20, -13.46, -6.68, -0.58, 6.40, 12.37, 18.86, 24.24]
N, cal_ratio, cal_angledeg = read_table("configs/config4.csv")
if trace:
print(f"Interpolate {ratio}")
for i in range(1, N):
ratiomin = cal_ratio[i - 1]
ratiomax = cal_ratio[i]
anglemin = cal_angledeg[i - 1]
anglemax = cal_angledeg[i]
if ratiomin <= ratio < ratiomax:
if trace:
print(f" i={i}, Ratio[{i - 1}]={ratiomin}, Ratio[{i}]={ratiomax}")
print(f" i={i}, Angledeg[{i - 1}]={anglemin}, Angledeg[{i}]={anglemax}")
deltay = anglemax - anglemin
deltax = ratiomax - ratiomin
slope = deltay / deltax
if trace:
print(f" deltax={deltax}, deltay={deltay}, slope={slope}°/m")
delta = ratio - ratiomin
angle = anglemin + slope * delta
if trace:
print(f" delta={delta}, angle={angle}°")
return angle
print(f"Error: unable to interpolate {ratio}")
def estimate(leftd, rightd, alphar, betar, widthr, width):
alphadeg, betadeg, thetadeg = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
alpharad, betarad, thetarad = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
alphatan, betatan, thetatan = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
gammadeg, gammarad, gammatan = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
distance = 0.0
if trace:
# interpolate to get angles
alphadeg = -interpolate(alphar)
if trace:
print(f" interpolate: alphar={alphar} (ratio) -> alphadeg={alphadeg}°")
betadeg = interpolate(betar)
if trace:
print(f"interpolate: betar={betar} (ratio) -> betadeg={betadeg}°")
gammadeg = interpolate(0.5 + widthr)
if trace:
print(f"interpolate: widthr={widthr} (ratio) -> gammadeg={gammadeg}°")
# convert to radians
alpharad = math.radians(alphadeg)
if trace:
print(f"to radians: alphadeg={alphadeg} -> alpharad={alpharad}")
betarad = math.radians(betadeg)
if trace:
print(f"to radians: betadeg={betadeg} -> betarad={betarad}")
# get tan
alphatan = math.tan(alpharad)
betatan = math.tan(betarad)
if trace:
print(f"tan(): alphatan={alphatan}, betatan={betatan}")
# (x, y)
y = (leftd + rightd) / (alphatan + betatan)
x = y * alphatan - leftd
if trace:
print(f"position: x={x}, y={y}")
# (distance, angle)
distance_1 = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
thetatan = x / y
thetarad = math.atan(thetatan)
thetadeg = math.degrees(thetarad)
print(f"distance={distance_1}, thetatan={thetatan}, theta={thetadeg}, thetarad={thetarad}")
# print(f"distance = {distance}")
gammarad = math.radians(gammadeg)
gammatan = math.tan(gammarad)
distance_2 = width / gammatan
print(f"distance={distance_2}, gammatan={gammatan}, gamma={gammadeg}, gammarad={gammarad}")
return distance_1, distance_2, thetadeg
async def get_image_stream(cap):
ret, img = cap.read()
if not ret:
print("Error: Unable to read frame.")
return img
async def get_images_stream(l_cap, r_cap, l_imgs_buffer, r_imgs_buffer, n_image):
current_img = n_image % 2
l_img = await l_imgs_buffer[current_img]
r_img = await r_imgs_buffer[current_img]
l_imgs_buffer[current_img] = asyncio.create_task(get_image_stream(l_cap))
r_imgs_buffer[current_img] = asyncio.create_task(get_image_stream(r_cap))
return l_img, r_img
def init_stream(url):
# Set quality
requests.get(url + "/control?var=framesize&val=13")
# requests.get(url + "/control?var=framesize&val=8")
# Open stream
stream_url = url + ":81/stream"
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(stream_url)
if not cap.isOpened():
print("Error: Unable to open the stream.")
return cap
async def main():
print("Loading models")
l_model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
r_model = YOLO('yolov8n.pt')
print("Init streams")
l_cap = init_stream(l_url)
r_cap = init_stream(r_url)
ti1 = asyncio.create_task(get_image_stream(l_cap))
ti2 = asyncio.create_task(get_image_stream(r_cap))
n_images = -1
results = (0, 0, 0)
l_img_save = None
r_img_save = None
print("Loop start")
init_time = time.time()
with open("frametime.txt", 'w') as file:
while True:
n_images += 1
st_request = time.time()
l_img = await ti1
r_img = await ti2
ti1 = asyncio.create_task(get_image_stream(l_cap))
ti2 = asyncio.create_task(get_image_stream(r_cap))
dt_request = time.time() - st_request
print(f"imgs read in {dt_request}")
st_analyze = time.time()
t1 = asyncio.create_task(analyze(l_model, l_img, "left"))
t2 = asyncio.create_task(analyze(r_model, r_img, "right"))
lx, l_width = await t1
rx, r_width = await t2
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):
if n_images == 100:
width = (l_width + r_width) / 2
if lx != -1 and rx != -1:
results = estimate(0, 0.72, lx, rx, width, obj_size)
l_img_save = l_img
r_img_save = r_img
dt_analyze = time.time() - st_analyze
print(f"analyse done in {dt_analyze}")
dt_total = time.time() - st_request
print(f"total time {dt_total}")
file.write(f"{dt_request} {dt_analyze} {dt_total}\n")
total_time = time.time() - init_time
print(f"total time {total_time}")
print(f"avrg time {total_time / n_images}")
print(f"resutlts {results}")
folder_path = 'imgs/'
num_files = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_path, '*'))) / 2
cv2.imwrite(folder_path + str(num_files) + "_left.png", l_img_save)
cv2.imwrite(folder_path + str(num_files) + "_right.png", r_img_save)
print("done saving")
draw = True;
trace = False;
# classes = None
# classes = [32] # Sport ball
classes = [39] # Sport ball
# classes = [64] # Mouse
conf = 0.05
obj_size = 0.08
l_url = ""
r_url = ""